Chapter 473 G Organization

   Gu Zhaoming sat in the first place, clasped his hands, with a serious expression, and listened carefully to the opinions from the senior management of Zhaofeng Entertainment Company.

  After hearing enough praise from everyone about his daughter goose, Gu Zhaoming said solemnly: "You are very reasonable, my daughter goose is so good.

  Not only is she excellent, but she can also lead other artists, and bring back good seedlings for the company...but I respect her choice! "

  His daughter goose is going to be the boss in the future, not here to work for these old foxes!

  By taking advantage of the popularity of Gu Yang and Gu Jin, "Talking about Sang Ma with Wine" also gained a wave of attention.

  While many fans of variety shows urged more variety shows, they frantically hinted that the program team invited Gu Yang and sisters to join the variety show.

  So, after all, Director Chen couldn't resist the temptation, and asked Gu Yang privately.

   After all, they have worked together before, and Director Chen has the contact information of each guest.

  He poked Gu Yang privately on WeChat: [Yang Yang, are you still coming to the third issue of Sangma? 】

  Gu Yang: 【Coming】

  Although the original intention of going on the variety show was to heal Ruan Chu, and the goal has been achieved, but she promised Ruan Chu to accompany her on the whole season of the variety show, of course she would not break her promise.

   And earn some extra money.

  Although the Gu family will give her living expenses every month, Gu Yang doesn't want to be just a rice bug.

  Director Chen tried to lure: [Is your sister interested in coming to a variety show? 】

  Gu Yang originally wanted to help the big brother and sister refuse, but thinking of the big brother's sister's abnormality in her affairs, he decided to ask.

  Jin Yangxuan.

  Only Gu Jin and Su Ye, Ji Linbai has been dispatched by his family's loving father to F Continent for medical projects.

  Su Ye put the laptop in front of Gu Jin, "The two snipers last time were the work of Utopia. Our business in M ​​State is in the way of their eyes..."

  Gu Jin turned to the computer, her fingers flicked on the keyboard, and a satellite image of M state appeared on the screen.

  She marked a location, her brows were cold and cold, "If this is the case, then take their M state base."

   "People who use the G organization?" Su Ye raised his eyebrows, "The Xiao family has been keeping a close eye on the G organization recently."

  Xiao Yize has suffered from the boss, and he has never given up on chasing the boss in the past few years.

  Although they are not afraid of him, after all, the boss is right under the eyes of the people, and the relationship is a little delicate, so they still need to pay attention.

  Gu Jin's expression was loose, "Yeah."

  Su Ye said "OK", and then went to contact the person in charge of M State.

   "By the way boss, guess who I found when I checked Utopia?"

  Su Ye raised his eyebrows and marked a virtual IP address on the computer, "Smile is actually in Huaguo. Heh, the people in Utopia are really getting better and better, and Smile has started to cheat children out of money."

   At any rate, he is a well-known hacker on the dark web list, and he actually plays low-end tricks like telecom fraud. "

  Su Ye's words were full of disgust.

  Speaking of which, in the list of hackers, Quest is the one he dislikes the most, but Smile is the one he confronts the most.

   "By the way, boss, you may still know the kid he's cheating on now. It's from the Lu family in Jincheng, the half-brother of the little fat man next to the little fairy.

  That is also a lot of money for individuals. Do you want to help that unlucky boy? "

  Gu Jin's expression was indifferent: "Let him continue."

  Su Ye was taken aback for a moment, then realized, "Boss, did you already know?"

  Looks like that Lu Rong is really unlucky enough to get in the way of the boss.

   "When he finishes deceiving, disclose the person to the special department."

  Gu Jin didn't plan to let Utopia's people go.

  (end of this chapter)

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