Chapter 474 Sad reminder of Lu Rong

  Lu Family,

  Lu Rong is very popular in online dating during this period. At first, he just wanted to take revenge on Lu Mao and steal his girlfriend away, but after chatting, he even showed affection for Xiaoxiao.

  Finally, after the other party confirmed the relationship with him, Lu Rong posted a celebration on Moments, and specifically reminded Lu Mao to look at his Moments.

  At the same time, Xiaoxiao sent him a link to claim a couple's profile picture.

   Smile: [Brother Lu Rong, the couple portraits I picked for you! Hurry up and get it! 】

   Lu Rong received it immediately when he saw it, but immediately received a bank transfer message.

   When Lu Rong saw that the final account balance was zero, the phone fell to the ground with a "slap".

   He tremblingly picked up the phone, checked it several times, and then realized the reality with grief - all the money in his account was transferred away!

  Lu Rong was stunned. After he realized it, he was enveloped in great anger.

  He dialed Xiaoxiao's video call angrily, and asked, "What's going on? Xiaoxiao? Why didn't I have any money left in my card after I clicked on the link you sent me...

   Fuck, who are you? Smile! "

   Lu Rong looked at the unshaven man in the video in shock, and was so shocked that his phone almost flew out again.

  The foot-snapping man on the opposite side of the video grinned viciously, "I'm just smiling, idiot!"

   After finishing speaking, regardless of the size of Lu Rong's inner shadow, he hung up the video call.

  Lu Rong was stunned in place as if struck by lightning. It took a long while before he realized the fact——

  He was defrauded by telecommunications! The other party is still a big man who picks his feet!

  After deceiving him, he laughed at him mercilessly.

   Lu Rong tremblingly started to call the police, only to find that Xiaoxiao's account and his transfer records disappeared out of thin air.

  If it wasn’t for the official announcement just released by Moments, a bunch of people commented on “999”, he would have suspected that this was a dream.

   But at this time, he also saw Lu Mao replying to his message.

  He just confirmed his relationship with Xiaoxiao, the first thing he did was of course to show off to Lu Mao.

  He originally expected that Lu Mao would be hurt and angry as before when he saw Xiaoxiao abandoning him to be with him, but when he clicked on it, Lu Mao sent two words——

【Congratulations! 】

   Lu Rong was so angry that he was about to vomit blood!

   Immediately ran to kick open the door of Lu Mao's room, and asked tremblingly: "Fuck, Lu Mao, did you know that Xiaoxiao is a liar? Are you deliberately cheating me?"

  Lu Mao was lying on the bed right now, covering his face and smiling secretly.

Hearing Lu Rong's words, he immediately stopped his smile and looked serious, "Don't talk nonsense, Xiaoxiao is my ex-girlfriend, it's not enough for you to **** her away, it's not enough for me to bless you, you still want to slander me like this? "

   "Damn it, that's a big guy! One link took all my money! Don't you f-ck tell me you don't know!"

  Lu Rong was so angry that he was about to cry, that card was all his savings!

  Lu Mao stared round his eyes, he didn't expect Xiaoxiao to be so cruel, but of course it is impossible to admit it.

  So he stepped forward and patted Lu Rong on the shoulder, sighed lightly, held back his gloating, and said, "You didn't know to use the APP of the National Anti-Fraud Center to check before you clicked the link? Who is to blame?

  You can’t blame me, it’s not that I asked you to seduce Xiaoxiao. You insist on greening me, what can I do? "

  Lu Rong: "Grass!"

  Although there is no evidence, I feel that Lu Mao is cheating him!


  Good night, good night~

  (end of this chapter)

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