Chapter 591 Feng Jue shows affection?

  The other party was silent for three seconds, and then sent a post on the dark web for a decisive battle.

  Dark net duel post is a common method used by alien warriors to resolve personal grievances and engage in duels.

   There is a certain degree of coercion. If the person who receives the post refuses, he will be banned for a period of time and will be notified on the dark web.

  It is equivalent to telling everyone that you are afraid of each other.

   Not very harmful, but extremely insulting.

  Because they are superior to ordinary people, most of the alien warriors are arrogant, and they rarely refuse to fight.

  When Feng Jue saw the decisive battle post, he thought of the scar left on his face by Shang Huijin, which made him have to wear a scarf to cover his face for several days.

  He deliberately asked someone to buy the most effective scar removal medicine and send it to him. Only after the scars disappeared did he dare to show his face in front of his sister.

  Gu Jin: [Let's fight, doggy]

  Feng Jue: [Removed the decisive battle post, I have something to show you]

   It is impossible for him to answer the decisive battle post! Boys should protect their faces.

  Gu Jin: [Oh, dreaming]

  Feng Jue: 【It's related to my sister】

  Gu Jin instantly retracted the decisive battle post and the previous few words.

  Gu Jin: [Send it to see]

  Feng Jue: [I want a box of the scar removal cream and skin care products newly developed by Good]

  The last time he sent someone to buy scar removal cream, but Gu Jin still cheated him out of it.

  Now prepare first, be prepared.

   As for skin care products, although he is naturally beautiful, in order to make his sister never get tired of it, he still has to take care of it quietly.

   Gu Jin: 【OK】

  Feng Jue: [A truckload of special effects medicine for trauma, free shipping to the designated place]

  Feng Jue sent a list of medicines and an address.

  It would be a pity not to take the opportunity to cheat Gu Jin for a fortune.

   Gu Jin: 【Yes】

  On the other side, Gu Jin saw "typing in progress", her eyebrows twitched, and she coldly reminded: [Don't push yourself too hard, or I'll ask my sister myself]

  Feng Jue sent a document directly.

  The name of the document looks like an online novel, Gu Jin almost thought that Feng Jue sent it by mistake.

  However, when she clicked on it, her originally casual expression gradually became serious.

   On the other side, Feng Jue glanced at the screen and saw that the high-level executives in front of the conference table had stopped talking, so he turned on the voice again.

  Feng Jue: "Have we finished discussing?"

  Feng Jue was about to explain his decision-making in detail, but at this moment, a notification sound of special concern suddenly sounded on the phone.

  Feng Jue picked it up and looked, it was Gu Yang who sent "Good night, go to bed early".

  The corners of his lips raised slightly.

  【Good night, sister~】

  The high-level executives at the conference table changed their expressions when they saw Feng Jue smiling.

   "Director Feng, we have finished discussing and have no objections."

   "I'm going to write a proposal right away."

   "I will contact Zhaofeng Entertainment tomorrow morning."

  All the high-level executives: So stop laughing at night, it’s scary.

  Feng Jue raised his eyes, the smile still in his eyes, "My girlfriend urged me to go to bed early, today's meeting is over, since everyone has no objection, I will do as everyone said just now."

  All the high-level executives breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out that it was a real smile, not a sneer! Also weird.

  The last time Feng Jue laughed like this, it seemed like it was when he killed the former leading company in the industry.

   It wasn't until the large screen in the conference room went out that the high-level executives at the conference table reacted.

   "So, just now the chairman was showing affection?"

   "That's right. It's fine to work overtime and have meetings at night, and force the dog food."

   "But this is a good thing. Last time the chairman succeeded in catching up with his girlfriend, our year-end bonus has doubled."

   "I really don't know where the little fairy can tame that little devil."

   Those who can participate in the video conference and see Feng Jue's real face are all core executives of Xunmeng Group.

  They watched Feng Jue start from scratch and become a leader in the industry in a very short time, so they are very aware of how ruthless this seemingly gentle and harmless young man is.

  Everyone calls him the little devil behind his back.

  (end of this chapter)

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