Chapter 592 Really good sisters

  Gu Jin stayed up all night to read the document that Gu Yang silently wrote.

  The content of the document is basically about her, either she slapped her face and abused the scum and lost her vest, or she fell in love with Xiao Yize and killed her vest.

   After reading it, Gu Jin felt complicated, very complicated, and couldn't sleep all night.

  The next morning,

   Zhu Di and Mo Mo asked Gu Yang and Gu Jin to go shopping together.

  Gu Jin herself has no interest in shopping. In the past, she was willing to go shopping only because she was accompanied by Gu Yang.

   But now her mind is full of the document from last night, so she declined the invitation.

  Gu Jin found a time to ask Feng Jue: "Where did you get the document?"

  When she first read it, she thought it was outrageous, but when she looked back and found that many of her and Xiao Yize's vests were listed, she became less calm.

  Feng Jue: "Of course my sister sent it to me."

  Gu Jin narrowed her cold phoenix eyes slightly.

  Feng Jue found a quiet coffee shop, sat in the corner and ordered two cups of coffee.

  Ever since the light cone experiment, Gu Jin and Feng Jue haven't sat together to discuss things calmly for a long time.

  He told Gu Jin face to face what happened, including the speculation that he and Gu Yang were in the orphanage that day.

  Gu Jin was silent for a long time after listening.

  Her thought is rarely the same as Feng Jue: "The next light cone experiment must be stopped."

  She would rather her sister not have that memory than disappear again.

   Jincheng City Center.

  When Gu Yang, Zhu Di and Mo Mo came out of the mall, their hands were full of various commodity bags.

  The driver of Zhu Di’s family waited downstairs in the car. After the three of them piled up their luggage in the trunk, they went to Good Beauty Salon for a facial treatment.

   Entering the beauty salon, Zhu Di and Mo Mo walked towards the VIP area with Gu Yang on their arms.

   "We have something we want to talk to your boss face to face."

   "Sorry miss, our boss doesn't see any customers."

  Good Beauty Salon is a gathering place for wealthy ladies and ladies in Jincheng, and Gu Yang often sees acquaintances.

  Hearing a familiar voice, she looked over and saw Ruan Meng and Ruan Bin.

  Ruan Bin wore a suit and leather shoes, with a handsome and three-dimensional face of mixed Chinese and Western, which attracted the attention of many young girls in the beauty salon.

  Gu Yang was next to a few wealthy ladies, and they urged each other to get in touch.

  Zhu Di also noticed the two of them. Hearing Ruan Meng's conversation with Manager Good, he looked at Gu Yang: "Yangyang, are those the cousins ​​and cousins ​​of your grandparent's house?"

  Gu Yang nodded.

  The Ruan family returned to China this time to cooperate with Good Pharmaceutical, and the cosmetics and skin care products of Good Beauty Salon are directly supplied by Good Pharmaceutical.

   Presumably the Ruan Bin brothers and sisters are planning to hook up with the boss of Good Pharmaceuticals starting from the beauty salon.

   This is the property of the elder sister.

  Ruan Meng had offended the big brother and sister in the Ruan family before, so it's no wonder that the big brother and sister didn't even bother to see them.

  Zhu Di smiled and said: "I remember that Ruan Meng was quite embarrassing at your grandfather's birthday banquet. He called Gu Xi a sixtieth birthday, which made me laugh."

  Mo Mo also nodded, "There is such a thing."

  Gu Yang was silent, unexpectedly both of them remembered.

  Gu Yang: "Actually, she was also misled by a prank."

  Zhu Di was surprised, she had never heard of this, curious: "Who is so bad?"

  Gu Yang was silent, pointed to himself, expressionless: "Me."

  Zhu Di changed his words in an instant: "That's because she is stupid. Yangyang, just say it casually, doesn't she have the ability to judge herself?"

  Mo Mo also said: "It's stupid to believe what others say."

  Gu Yang: "..." She is really a good sister.

  (end of this chapter)

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