At this moment, the majestic True Dragon Spirit seemed to have turned into a frightened kitten, with all its dragon scales standing upright.

The huge dragon pupils were filled with unbelievable fear and despair!

Its crazy words, as if it had seen a ghost and was frightened, echoed throughout the Dragon Family Forbidden Land.

"Impossible... Absolutely impossible!!"

"How could you still be alive!?"

"I clearly witnessed your death at the hands of my Dragon Emperor! There is no way back!"

"How could you... How could you..."

The True Dragon Spirit's huge body curled up into a ball, and the majesty and sacredness that originally belonged to the True Spirit of Heaven and Earth disappeared.

Because as a member of the ancient dragon clan, it deeply understands the horror of the Emperor of Destiny, and clearly knows who the Emperor of Destiny is!

That is the supreme being who can challenge the ancient emperor of heaven and rebel against the emperor of heaven!

And it was such a person who had followed the dragon clan to go to war and attacked with the Ten Thousand Dragons Formation! Witnessed his fall with his own eyes!

But now, he has revived, and appeared in front of it who had just recovered his memory without any signs!


What a terrible nightmare!

Looking at the True Dragon Spirit who was like a fallen nightmare, Lin Ze was speechless.

"If I were the Emperor of Destiny, how could I talk to you nicely? How could you live until now?"

After these words came out, the True Dragon Spirit was stunned at first.

Yes, the domineering style of the Emperor of Destiny... This person is indeed not like it.

It took another careful look at Lin Ze. In its huge dragon pupils, the noble and supreme purple light was shining!


"The body can be ever-changing, but destiny will never lie!"

"The Emperor of Destiny is the Destiny! You are the Emperor of Destiny!"

Lin Ze sighed. This guy must have slept for too long and was confused.

"If your memory is confused and your mind is not clear, take a rest first... I am just another person who inherits the destiny after the Emperor of Destiny."

This made the True Dragon Spirit stunned, "Inherit the destiny? Isn't the destiny the exclusive power of the Emperor of Destiny? Can this thing be inherited?"

"And even if it can be inherited, it should be inherited by the Dragon Emperor of my clan."


Lin Ze frowned, "You don't even know the immortal body of destiny?"

"...What is the immortal body of destiny?"

"Are we talking about the same thing?"



The man and the dragon looked at each other and were silent.

There seems to be some deviation in their cognition.

It's like the same game, Lin Ze has updated to version 2.0, while the True Dragon Spirit is still in the oldest 1.0 era.

"Start from the beginning, tell me everything you know."

The True Dragon Spirit's shrunken dragon scales slightly stretched, "It should be so, what I want is also related to what happened back then."

After that, the True Dragon Spirit looked at the sky above his head and was silent for a moment.

Then, it slowly said.

"That year... the Heavenly Court collapsed, the ancient times collapsed, the Heavenly Emperor disappeared, and the Emperor of Heaven was seriously injured and fled."

"Overnight, the situation of the entire ancient times changed drastically and entered another situation."

"At that time, the various tribes of the ancient times heard the news and moved, all wanting to take advantage of the heaven and earth to seize the initiative, share the legacy of the Heavenly Court, and become the overlord of the new era."

"Some of them occupied the Taoist temples and star palaces of the major emperors, some occupied the major caves and blessed lands under the command of the Heavenly Court, and some stole the divine weapons and classics of the Heavenly Court... There was a chaos for a while, and each tribe occupied the mountains and became the king, with a great trend of division among the heroes."

"Naturally, my dragon clan is no exception."

"But compared to them, my dragon clan plays a little bigger."

Speaking of this, the tone of the True Dragon Spirit was full of sighs.

Every time it thinks of it, it has to sigh:

How dare they do that! ?

Just listen to it say

"We've targeted the seriously injured Emperor Tianming!"

"...That's really big."

A lean camel is bigger than a horse. Even Emperor Bahuang, whose weakness Qing Cang found to restrain, could withstand hundreds of millions of years of erosion from a strong man of Qing Cang's level without being destroyed.

Not to mention Emperor Tianming, the leader of the rebellion who faced the Emperor of Heaven directly.

The True Dragon Spirit sighed, "Who says it's not true?"

"But in fact, in that situation back then, how many people could have endured it?"

"The power of Tianming is the only one in the world, supreme and supreme, even a strong person like the Emperor of Heaven cannot covet it."

"One order, the law follows, the world follows, and everything is irreversible!"

"How can such a scene not make people fantasize and spy?"


The Dragon Spirit said, "In the past, the Emperor of Heaven's Fate was extremely powerful and unrivaled. No one could take over the Emperor's Fate."

"But now... the Emperor of Heaven's Fate has fought with the Emperor of Heaven and both sides have been injured and fled!"

"At that moment, he was like an old dragon who had lost all his teeth while guarding a huge treasure. How could people not be tempted?"

"What's more, my dragon clan was loyal to His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven and served him."

"The Emperor of Heaven's Fate murdered the Emperor of Heaven. As the followers of the Emperor of Heaven, my dragon clan is also a just cause for revenge for the Emperor of Heaven and has a legitimate reason!"

"So in my clan Under the leadership of the Dragon Emperor, almost all of our dragons came out, forming a large formation of ten thousand dragons to pursue the track of the Emperor of Destiny!"

"We fought each other along the way, and I don't know how many times we fought, and I don't know how many years have passed..."

"I only know that my people have been killed by the Emperor of Destiny, and the Emperor of Destiny has been worn down by our people, and victory is gradually in sight."

"Then one day, after paying a heavy price, the Dragon Emperor of our tribe finally killed the Emperor of Destiny!"

"That scene, I will never forget it!"

The True Dragon Spirit is full of memories.

"It's a pity that I was already at the end of my strength at that time. I was seriously injured by the breath of destiny and fell into this world, and it was difficult to recover."

"I don't know whether my emperor succeeded in stealing the sky..."

Speaking of this, the True Dragon Spirit suddenly glanced at Lin Ze.

The noble purple light in his eyes was so dazzling!


It was silent.


"What happened next?"


The True Dragon Spirit turned his head and tried not to look at Lin Ze.

"Later, my dragon spirit was lost and I fell asleep in this ancient fragment. I don't know how long I slept, so long that even my dragon body has merged with the land."

"Until one day, by chance, someone in this world inherited my bloodline and stimulated my dragon spirit, so I was able to wake up from my slumber for a moment."

Hearing this, Lin Ze immediately became interested and asked, "What kind of chance is it? The birth of your dragon race..."

The True Dragon Spirit changed the subject, "In short, because of the arrival of Long Mu, I was able to wake up, and with the dragon spirit vibrating the realm layer, I sensed the existence of another powerful ancient remnant world."

"I think there may be people from my clan in that world. If I can find them, I can solve the dilemma I encountered."

"So I told Long Mu about this and sought the upper realm."

"As for what happened next... you should know it too."

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