It's been about two weeks since Eren and Mikasa became a pair. Everyone knew about it since Mina saw them kissing and gossiped about it to her friends. Most weren't even surprised as the two are always seen together so it was kind of expected.

Armin was shocked when Eren greeted Mikasa with a kiss to the lips. He knew his two friends liked each other. Being the one that was the closest to them, it was easy to tell their feelings, but it was still shocking to him. Eren totally forgot to tell Armin about him and Mikasa, but it wasn't anything serious.

The day after Eren confessed to Mikasa, he really did enjoy the look on Jean's face. Eren doesn't really hate Jean, but knowing he had a crush on his Mikasa made him naturally dislike him. Why would you befriend someone that likes your girlfriend? He wouldn't openly shout insults at him like canon Eren, he just won't interact with him that much. Maybe if he grows out of that crush because he honestly thought that canon Jean still liked Mikasa even after the military training arc. Maybe it was because her and Eren never got together and he thought he had a chance.

He wouldn't think too much about it. In the end, it doesn't matter because Mikasa is his and she'd never give any other guy a chance at all.

During the first week, Eren has been working hard to improve his mind reading abilities. He wanted to use his ability without the need to look at the persons eyes. If someone ever discovered what he could do, which he doubted would ever happen, they could easily avoid it by closing their eyes or looking away from him. So far he's had no progress, but he hasn't given up.

Eren has also decided to interact with the other cadets that he knows he'll be with after the military training arc. During his time here, didn't really talk to them much, only small talks when he was around them since he knew that he'd be with them for the years to come. It wouldn't hurt to at least talk to them more. This doesn't mean he'd ever tell them about what he was. They'd most likely find that out themselves when they join the Survey Corps.

Eren has also been doing extremely well during the trainings and has even impressed most of the instructors. This was good for himself as he sometimes was able to do what he wanted when he finished something early and in the eyes of the others, he was already being considered the strongest amongst them, with Mikasa behind him.

He's also been training even more with Mikasa and Annie. Now being able to defeat Annie in spars without the need to use his energy. He'd soon start doing spars with the two girls against him and the same time.

Speaking of Annie, she didn't really care about Eren dating Mikasa since she herself knew they liked each other. It's not like she had feelings for Eren so it did not matter to her. She did notice something though, that slightly worried her. The more time she spends with the pair, she'd open up to them little by little. In public, she still has that cold and indifferent aura around her, but when talking to Eren and Mikasa, she'd sometimes give slight smiles which was kind of rare for her to show to other people.

She couldn't help it as she genuinely enjoyed spending time with the two as they weren't annoying to her, and the spars and training they did was an eye opener.

Annie wasn't that arrogant in her abilities, but she herself knew how strong she was and she didn't expect anyone of the same age as her in this camp to actually be stronger than her.

Mikasa was most likely at equal strength with her at the moment, but what really shocked her was Eren. She still remembered the first time he talked to her and declared he'd take on the titans. She just thought he was too fully of himself to think he alone could do such a thing, but the boy was actually strong. Stronger than her and the other cadets, and it irritated her a little. It encouraged her to get stronger, so she started to train even more.

If Annie were to be honest, she'd say that she's actually just a little bit worried. She didn't know the strength of the soldiers, but if she wasn't even stronger than a recruit, then she'd have to start working even harder.

She still thought she had the upper hand with her Titan abilities, but what she didn't know was that she was sorely mistaken.

She promised herself to surpass Eren with more training, but too bad that won't ever happen. Eren's growth with his strength compared to others was simply too fast.


It was night time and Eren had just gotten back from walking Mikasa to her cabin. These past two weeks have been good for him. On the second week, his time for using his energy increased again from 25 minutes to 30 minutes.

He was excited that his training and hard work was paying off and concluded that by the time his second year was over, he'd be able to take care of Levi in case something goes wrong with their meeting. He'd be 14 by that time with only a year left until graduation so it was still a long while to go.

As he was walking, he saw two people walking towards his direction. They were both female, most likely walking back to their cabins. One was petite, with long blonde hair, blue eyes and a heart shaped face. Eren instantly recognized her as Historia Reiss, or Krista Lenz for the name she goes by at the moment. He'd have to remember to not accidentally call her Historia. He didn't have to worry about that before because he barely ever talked to her at all during his time here.

The other person was pretty tall for a girl. She has short shaggy black hair with grey eyes and freckles on her cheeks. Eren recognized her as Ymir and the Jaw Titan. He wasn't sure on what to do with Ymir. In canon, even after learning about Eren having the founding Titan, she still left.

If he were to be honest with himself, Eren didn't really care about her. In canon, she left with Reiner and Bertholdt to repay them, but in the end, she got eaten and her Titan powers were passed down. Eren decided he'd just eat Ymir and take her powers if she does end up helping Reiner and Bertholdt escape. Just imagining his Titan with the power of the Jaws Titan got him a little excited. Titan crystal would not be a problem for him and defeating the Warhammer Titan is most likely certain now.

So Eren began to walk towards the two girls. It wouldn't hurt to introduce himself to them and make small talk before he goes to his cabin.

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