After Eren brought Mikasa back to her cabin, he started walking back to his. He was really happy that he was able to make Mikasa his girlfriend, even though he knew she liked him very much and would want to be with him.

He promised to himself that he will protect her with his life and make sure nothing bad happens to her. He knew in canon that she would be fine, but he had to remind himself that anything could change. Even in the anime, when Mikasa was trying to save canon Eren from Bertholdt and Reiner, she was almost crushed to death by a Titan. It made him think that anything could happen if one wasn't carful, and he wasn't going to take any chances.

Thinking of Mikasa being his girlfriend also reminded him of his biggest worry since he has arrived here.

The Curse of Ymir.

Once all of these chaotic problems with the world are solved, he planned to live a happy life with a family. How can he do that when he won't even live until 30?

Because the original Ymir died after 13 years of gaining her powers, no other Titan Shifter was able to live beyond that. How was he supposed to get rid of that? He had absolutely no idea on how to solve this big problem. Would eating all the other Titan shifters and gaining their powers solve this problem? Maybe making contact with the original Ymir in the realm and simply ask her to break his curse will work? Eren became a super overpowered Titan just by asking Ymir to lend him her power.

He wasn't able to finish the entire manga as he was transmigrated before it was even completed so he doesn't know the ending and he will never know what the connection with Ymir and Eren was.

He knew things now will most likely be different to canon, but he'll still never know what happened to canon Eren in the end. Did he live or die? Was he able to finish his goal? What even was his goal? Why did he do all those things? Most importantly, why did he make Mikasa cry?

Even if he knew all the important information to easily survive in his current time, he'll never know the ending of Attack on Titan, which will forever bug him.

Deciding to stop worrying about this for now, he walked back to his cabin. Arriving there, he noticed Bertholdt and Reiner was nowhere to be found, but he saw Armin was laying down and seemed to be thinking deeply. He looked kind of troubled so he walked up to him and asked

"Armin, what's wrong?" Armin looked over to see Eren questionably looking at him.

'Should I ask him?' Armin thought.

"Eren, can I ask you something important?" Armin said. He decided to just go ahead and ask anyways. What Eren said back in the mess hall on the first day always bugged him and it has been on his mind ever since. About how the Armored Titan and Colossal Titan were different from the others. Eren never elaborated on what he meant by different, and the other cadets who were listening to Eren at the time never caught on, except for him and Mikasa.

Remembering how Eren could turn into a Titan made him come to the conclusion that the Armored Titan and Colossal Titan are just like his friend. The thought really frightened him, but he wanted to ask Eren about it.

"Yeah sure." Eren responded as he began to sit next to Armin on the bed. Armin shook his head and said

"Not here, but outside. It's private" Eren nodded and thought of what Armin said.

'It must be very important'. He began to think of what could be so important that made Armin so troubled.

"Alright, but we have to make it quick so we don't get in trouble with the instructors." Eren said as he got up and walked into the forest with Armin. It was getting too late and he didn't want unnecessary problems with the instructors.

Armin looked around to check if anybody was nearby so they won't hear them. What he didn't know was that Eren already checked the nearby area with his sensing abilities.

"Eren, remember what you said during our first day in the mess hall?" Armin questioned him. Seeing Eren nod his head no, he began to talk again.

"About the titans. You mentioned something that has been on my mind ever since and I just had to ask you about it."

"What about it Armin? What did I say?" Eren questioned. Armin continued by saying

"That they seemed different from the other titans. Eren, are you? Are they actually humans? And if that's the case, do you know who they are?" Armin question to him. He seemed pretty anxious to know his answer.

Eren looked him in the eye and read his thoughts. He didn't feel bad about doing it at all. Why wouldn't he abuse mind reading powers? Confirming his guess about what Armin wanted to talk about, he sighed and then said "You're pretty smart Armin. That's what I came to the conclusion of as well when I discovered what I could do. It seemed pretty weird that the huge Titan that could be seen over the wall was never seen again after that day. So yes, I do think they are just like me, but I don't know who they are." Eren said. He didn't want to tell Armin who they were right now. It would just creat problems that he didn't need right now.

Armin looked at Eren with wide eyes. 'So it's true' he thought. He didn't want to believe it, but it was true. Why did they break the walls? Where did they come from? Armin had so many questions, but no answers for them.

Hearing his thoughts again, Eren began to worry a little about Armin. He didn't want his friend to worry about such a big problem yet. Placing his hand on Armin's shoulder, Eren tried to ease him by saying

"Armin don't worry about these things right now. Remember what I said about telling the higher ups of the Survey Corps about myself? Who ever those monsters who took our home are, we'll definitely get them. We won't be unprepared again like last time. Taking them down could be our first step towards our dream" Eren said confidently.

Armin couldn't just stop worrying about it, but bit by bit, Eren's words began to ease him. He definitely wouldn't be able to stay calm about it, hoped Eren's plan for the Survey Corps will succeed.

So the duo began to walk back to their cabin after their little discussion. Once they got back, they saw Bertholdt and Reiner has returned from whatever they were doing. Eren had a pretty good guess on what that was, but didn't care right now. He was pretty tired and just wanted a good rest.

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