'Did I hear her right?' Eren thought in his mind. He was utterly confused. What did Mikasa mean by reading her mind? Was it another power of his awakening?

"What do you mean I read your mind Mika?" Eren questioned her.

Mikasa just started at Eren with a shocked expression, still not believing what just occurred. 'Can you hear me Eren?' Mikasa said in her mind.

"Yes I can hear yo-" Eren stooped speaking once he realized Mikasa wasn't moving her mouth at all. They were looking straight at each other when Eren thought of a certain idea. He had to test it out.

"Mika, look away from me and try again" he said as he began to back up. Mikasa turned around at began to say random things in her mind.

It was just as Eren expected, maybe eye contact with another was the trigger. But how was he supposed to stop it. He didn't want to have a conversation with someone and read their mind by accident. It would be too annoying. Very useful, but also annoying if he couldn't control it.

"Mika, let me test something " Eren said as he turned Mikasa around and looked directly at her, this time with absolutely no intention of reading her thoughts. It was pretty hard to do so but he noticed he couldn't read a single thing.

"Just as I expected" Eren said , more to himself. Mikasa just looked at him and asked.

"What do you mean? Expected what?"

"I need eye contact with you, for it to work and the intention to read your mind for it to actually happen. *sigh* Another sudden power. I hope this doesn't happen again in the middle of something very important." Eren said the last part more to himself.

"What do you mean by another sudden power Eren?" Mikasa questioned him.

Eren sighed once again and sat down, while pulling her to his side and putting his arm around her shoulder. Mikasa blushed and snuggled closer to him.

"So you know about my Titan shifting powers, but as time went on, I noticed how it wasn't so simple." Eren said. He decided to tell Mikasa about his energy because he knew she trusted him more than anybody else. That doesn't mean he was going to tell another person. Most likely Armin but he wasn't willing to tell his secrets to people he had no trust in. Don't get him wrong, just because he'd tell Mikasa this, doesn't mean he'll ever tell a single soul that he's not from this world. Not even his lover. He'd take that secret to the grave.

Those fanfictions he's read in his past life of the main character instantly telling the characters his secrets like a dumbass always bothered him, so much.

"As time went on, I noticed I had some kind of energy. When I used it, it greatly enhances my body, making it stronger and more durable. There were also more abilities I kept on discovering, like using the energy around my eyes can make me see clearer and at long distances. With my ears I can hear further away, but the more I used it, it would start to hurt or i'de pass out for a certain amount of time. It's very taxing on my stamina. Every time I go train by myself, this is what I'm training for. The more I train my body, the easier it is to use it, so I won't have to worry about tiring myself out as easily. But there was an ability I got suddenly, which was being able to sense people and if they were nearby." Eren said to Mikasa.

Mikasa listened to every word he said. She was at awe and surprised with how strong her Eren really was and glad she didn't have to worry about him as much, but once she heard that the more he uses his energy, the more it hurts him, all of her worry came crashing back again. But then she heard that his training was making it better, so she calmed herself down.

When Eren told her about his plan to expose himself for the Survey Corps, she was very worried he'd get himself killed. Even if she knew what he was, she still worried. Worried that they'd be too afraid of his existence and try to take him out. That's why she trained everyday, to get stronger so she could stand by his side and help him achieve his goal. She was very relieved learning that he was stronger than what she thought.

So Eren stayed there with Mikasa for another 30 minutes, trying out his new mind reading ability until he got the hang of it. Afterwards, they left the forest hand in hand to Mikasa's cabin. Once they were nearby, Eren stopped and pulled Mikasa to his c.h.e.s.t.

"You know what this means right?" Eren said softly to her. Mikasa looked up at him and smiled. "What does what mean?" She said teasingly.

Eren just chuckled and kissed her. Mikasa gasped a little, totally not expecting the sudden kiss, and it was all Eren needed to invite his tongue in her mouth. Mikasa was surprised for a little bit, but decided to let him do whatever. She didn't know how to kiss, it made her wonder why Eren was so good at this. She'd definitely have to ask him that important question later...

After a couple minutes of making out, they separated from each other. Eren looked at Mikasa lovingly while stroking her hair.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning, goodnight Mika" he said while giving her one more peck to the lips. Mikasa blushed and hugged him for a little, then left for her cabin. She didn't notice Mina around the corner of the building peeking at them with a shocked expression. Of course Eren sensed her, but didn't care one bit. He wasn't going to hide his relationship with Mikasa.

He'd also enjoy the look on Jean's face tomorrow once he learns that his crush is dating the boy he dislikes the most.

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