It was another day with the trainees. Today they were in the classroom learning about the titans and how to kill them. Eren was sitting in the back with Mikasa and Armin next to him. Annie was sitting next to Reiner and Bertholdt in the front.

Eren was just zoning out. He already knew all this from just watching the show. In his past life, he never really liked school so of course this was incredibly boring to him. It's not like he's learning anything new. Instead of actually listening to what the instructor was saying, he was thinking of what to do about today. Since today was the day he was finally going to confess to Mikasa.

They were both 12 years old, a little weird but it was still fine. It's not like he planned to do anything s.e.x.u.a.l with her, at least not until the training was over. He always found Mikasa very attractive while watching the show so he was a little excited. Plus she didn't even look like a 12 year old! It's not like he sees her as just a character, he stopped doing that when he started talking to her more often.

Another thing he had to do after confessing to Mikasa was getting the attention of Erwin and Levi. He wouldn't do that now as he knew he had no chance against Levi right now in his current state. Then again, Levi is not a problem for Eren without his ODM gear no that he thought of it, so he'd have to make sure he didn't have one on.

He didn't plan on meeting them this soon, only before the Trost incident happened and he still had about 3 years left. He didn't want to be considered as a threat to the people, but he knew it was helpless. Even with all canon Eren has done for them, some of the higher ups consider him as their property. He didn't want that at all.

His original plan to get the attention of Erwin was just to do so well during training that the commander would have no choice but to personally come and try to recruit him. That plan was honestly not that good, but he didn't have any other choice. Could he just send a letter? He feared that his privacy wouldn't be respected, but he'd just have to keep his letter vague if he did it this way.

Another thing he planned to do was tell Mikasa about Reiner , Bertholdt and Annie. Obviously he wouldn't do that now but he'd definitely tell her before graduation. Armin as well.

Before he knew it, class was over and it was about time for lunch in the mess hall. Everybody began to leave the classroom, Armin and Mikasa included, until they noticed Eren just starring at the front. So Mikasa nudged him and began to say.

"Eren, you weren't paying attention were you?"

"Not really, in case you haven't noticed, the class was really boring" Eren replied as he got up and stretched with a long yawn.

"But you know this is for our own benefit. Teaching us how to kill the titans and their weaknesses" Armin said to Eren.

Eren glanced at Armin with a deadpan expression. "Armin you know what I am right?" He said while chuckling a little.

Armin himself almost forgot about thought if he was to be completely honest. Eren never brought it up so much in front of him and acts completely normal. I was actually kind of scary. It made him remember what Eren said during the first day while talking about the titans in the mess hall. It made him think that there could be others just like him , acting completely normal and he wouldn't notice. He had his suspicions on if the Colossal Titan and Armored Titan were just like Eren. He'd have to ask him later.


In a blink of an eye, the sun was setting and the cadets had just finished dinner in the mess hall. The trio of Mikasa , Armin and Eren were walking back to their cabins in silence when suddenly Eren began speaking.

"Armin can you go on ahead. I have something important to tell Mikasa." Eren said while glancing over at Armin. Armin himself didn't know why, but decided not to question it as he thought it was just them going to talk to each other during the night like they've done for the past year.

Seeing Armin walk away, Eren took Mikasa's hand and began to walk deep into the woods. Finding a good place to relax while also sensing nobody nearby, he sat down against the tree and pulled Mikasa next to him.

"How was your day Mika?" Eren questioned while she put her head on his left shoulder. They were both looking up at the beautiful night sky filled with countless stars.

"It was normal as usual. The training is getting more intense as the days go on but with the training you gave me, it'll be easier" what she said was true. As time goes on, the training would get more intense and some trainees would start to drop out. He wouldn't have to worry about Mikasa as she got the first spot in canon, but she definitely won't be getting it now with this new and improved Eren added to the mix.

"You don't have to give me credit. It was all your hard work" Eren said while he began to softly stroke her long black hair as they sat there in comfortable silence.

"Eren....why did you befriend Annie?" Mikasa questioned. She's been meaning to ask him this.

Eren glanced at her for a bit 'should I tell her about Annie? Shed definitely not forgive her for something like this, but...'

"Do you trust me?" Eren asked Mikasa while still looking down at her. Mikasa looked up to meet his eyes and said.

"More than anything" she said softly.

"Then I assure you that I'll tell you when the time is right , but just not right now ok? But I promise to tell you before graduation" he said to her.

Mikasa paused to think before answering. "Do you like her?...." she knew he didn't but hearing it from him was just better for her. She wasn't as jealous before even when training with the both of them, she saw no romantic connection. That's what she concluded with her brain, but with her heart, she couldn't help but still be jealous.

Hearing her, Eren knew this was a good time to finally tell her about his feelings.

"Mika, why do you want to know if she likes me?" He asked her with a slight smile. Hearing what he said, Mikasa began to panic inside her head.

"Wh-h-at do you mean?" Mikasa asked with a slight blush to her face. Eren decided to press on.

"What do you care so much if she likes me or not?" Eren asked.

"Huh... it's n-n-not that!" Mikasa said as she began to get up off the ground.

Eren decided it was enough so he immediately asked her "do you love me Mika?"

Mikasa couldn't speak. What was she supposed to say? 'Should I tell him?!' She screamed in her mind. 'Just do it!' she thought , but what ended up coming out was something completely different.

"I love you like my broth- Hmmph!" Mikasa clearly couldn't finish what she was saying as she felt lips against her own. Her eyes were wide as she looked at Eren's face that was close to hers , green eyes looking into her black ones.

Mikasa's heart was pounding into her c.h.e.s.t as her knees got weaker. She had no idea what was happening but she decided to do the only thing she could do, which was kiss back while closing her eyes.

Eren after he heard what Mikasa was about to say just got up and kissed her. He wasn't about to let her finish that bullshit. She did the same to canon Eren in the manga! He knew she already loved him but just couldn't speak out her feelings.

Eren closed his eyes and put his arms around Mikasa's waist while she put hers around his neck. The moonlight shining on the both of them, as they were still kissing.

Eren separated from her with a bridge of saliva connecting to their lips. He took a look at Mikasa and saw that she had a dreamy look to her face with a blush. He pulled her closer till her head was buried near his neck.

"You know, siblings don't kiss each other like that" Eren said teasingly. Mikasa just hung on to him tighter.

"Yes..." Mikasa said to him. Eren looked down and asked. "Yes what?"

"Yes ... I do love you." She said softly. Eren pulled back from her and put his hands on both of her cheeks.

"I love you too Mika" He said while smiling at her lovingly. Hearing him say that made her heart soar. She always wanted to hear him say that to her.

'Finally, I get to be with him. I'm so happy...' she said in her mind.

"Yes I'm happy to be with you too." Eren said , pulling her into a kiss, but before he could, Mikasa stopped him and looked at him with wide eyes.

"D-did you my m-m-mind?" Mikasa asked in a surprised tone.


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