2 months has past since the first time Eren talked to Annie that morning. Since then, Annie could be seen talking to Eren. Mikasa questioned him about it and would even get jealous. She would not deny it , she liked Eren. No, she loved him, but she just couldn't confess to him. Eren knew of her feelings. It was pretty obvious, even to the others around them. He himself loved Mikasa and wanted to make her his girlfriend. He actually planned to tell her of his feelings pretty soon.

To get Mikasa to be less jealous, he introduced her to Annie. In canon, they didn't really like each other but Eren found both of them to be kind of similar in terms of personality. He actually enjoyed the conversations he had with Annie and he saw that she seemed to as well. So Eren wanted them to at least associate with each other or to the point where Mikasa wouldn't get jealous if she was around him, and it worked. Sometimes they could be seen walking with just the three of them together. At first Annie and Mikasa would barely ever talk to each other during those times, but that changed later on.

During the first month he had asked Annie if she wanted to train with him and Mikasa. At the first 3 attempts , she denied him but later accepted on the agreement if he beats her in a spar then she would. Fortunately he won , but he did have to use a bit of his energy which greatly disappointed him.

It was to be expected as Eren in his past life knew absolutely nothing about martial arts. He actually planned to eventually ask Annie to teach him. Canon Eren was able to pick up Annie's techniques pretty easily so he knew it won't be that difficult for him to do so.

Since then, Annie , Mikasa and Eren would go to a secluded space and train together. Eren never used his energy during this time as he did not want to always rely on it. He had asked Annie to teach him and Mikasa her style and she surprisingly agreed. It would be good for the both of them since her style wasn't taught here at all. It was completely different and better. He also was not going to teach anyone else this once he shows off during the time when they train on how to fight, otherwise it wouldn't be much of an advantage to him.

During this month he also hasn't slacked off one bit on his energy and body training. He noticed he was starting to look different compared to canon Eren in terms of body but he'd had to wait a few more years to look for a big difference other than height. Canon Eren was on the small scale. He was actually pretty short for a 15 year old, standing at 170 cm or 5'6, and at 19 years old after the 4 year time skip, he stood at 183 cm or 6'0.

In his past life, it wasn't abnormal at all to find a healthy 15 year old that was about 183 cm. He himself in his past life was 17 years old and about 185 cm or 6'1.

Back to the training, he didn't discover anything new that he could do yet, but he was trying to make it where he didn't use much stamina and use his energy for long periods of time. He had absolutely no idea how to do that so he just kept using his energy up, hoping it would increase his time. Every time he'd do this, he ended up passing out for an hour, but the more he did this, the less time it took for him to wake up. He also went from able to use his Energy for 20 minutes, to 25. May be a small improvement, but it was still something.

During the second month, he noticed how much Annie has opened up just a little bit more in front of him and Mikasa. More so with him, as she and Mikasa weren't so close. Even if they weren't , they actually started talking to each other when he was around so it wasn't as awkward as before.

Annie herself was a bit conflicted. She noticed how close she was getting with Eren. To anyone else , it looked like they were just simple friends who converse with each other from time to time, but to Annie, it was too close for her. She actually enjoyed talking to him and saw him as a friend. Then he introduced her to Mikasa. During the time she hung out with them , it was obvious to her that they liked each other. At first she didn't really talk to Mikasa but when they all started training together, they could actually exchange words with each other. She has never really talked with girls as she was mostly around Reiner , Bertholdt and Marcel and was always training.

If she were to be honest, she was pretty scared. Afraid to get too close with them just to have to possibly kill them later. She never forgot her mission, but it hurt her a bit knowing it was partially her fault for Eren's mother getting eaten. Soon she'd have to spend less time with them. She didn't want to get attached and she also had to start spying soon.

With Mikasa, she has been having a good time so far. Her and Eren were spending more time together during the night and she couldn't be any more happier. She really did love him, but just didn't have the courage to outright tell him. At first she was a bit uneasy that he liked the girl he was talking to, but then he introduced her. She didn't like Annie at the beginning but now she talks to her from time to time.

Mikasa figured there must be something special with Annie. Why else would Eren try to befriend her? She was cold to the others who tried talking to her and looked quite bored with everything around her. She knew Eren wasn't the type to actually go out of his way to befriend someone unless he needed them. He didn't go actively introducing himself to the other trainees.

She wouldn't think too much about it though, as she had absolute trust in Eren.

Eren himself planned to talk to Mikasa soon about Annie, but that was for later. He had no doubt that she'd attack her after learning of Annie's origin so he had to be careful.

Now here he was, under the shade of a big tree with just his pants and shoes on and sweat all over his body. He just got finished with his daily self training and he was pretty tired. Tomorrow was a pretty big day for Eren. Tomorrow he was planning on confessing to Mikasa.

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