Right now, Eren was in the middle of the forest laying down on his back after working out and exercising. It's been a good 2 hours since he's been here and he hasn't done anything with his energy yet, only exercising and training his body.

Getting up, he decided to try and do an experiment he's been meaning to try with his energy. Lately, he's been wondering if he could use it to make weapons stronger. For example, if he coated his energy on a knife, would it cut sharper?

Unfortunately, Eren didn't have a knife on him and he didn't have any of the swords that they use with their gear. So he found a decently sized branch and sharpened it. He also went and found a rock the size of his hand.

Eren attempted to poke and scratch the rock with the sharpened branch, but it didn't really do anything. He closed his eyes and began focusing on his energy. Getting the feel of it, he attempted to focus the flow of it on the branch. When that happened, he instantly felt some sort of connection, like it was apart of him.

So he poked the branch on the rock again and this time the results were different. The branch actually made a tiny hole that wasn't so deep and it also didn't go through the other end.

It didn't seem so strong, but he could only guess it was because what he was using was only a simple branch. Eren began to imagine how strong the swords that went with the gear would be if he used his energy on it. Could he just cut the head of a Titan right off? This thought just made him even more eager to try it out. Unfortunately, he'd have to wait until later to either get a knife, the maneuver gear sword or some sort of sharp object.

Speaking of sharp objects, it reminded him to get a ring just like Annie's so he didn't have to bite his hand all the time to transform. The problem with that was he didn't know where to get one and Annie would for sure be suspicious.

Maybe he could grow his nails and use his energy to make them strong enough to cut his skin because his body was durable enough to not get scratched by a finger nail.

He needed to think of something until he figured out how to transform without the need of injuring himself. Just because he could easily regenerate, doesn't mean he likes the pain.

Eren spent the next half an hour testing on the branch some more until he was satisfied. There was still about 2 hours left until the other cadets went and had their lunch break so he continued to train and exercise his body.

A normal person would call it a day after doing 2 hours of rigorous body training, but Eren wasn't normal. At least not anymore. In his past life, he never really went to the gym so much, but that didn't mean he was a chubby person or obese. He was a pretty average person so at first, he wasn't used to all the intense training and he quite often just wanted to quit. But remembering what happens in the plot of "Attack on Titan", he knew he had to be stronger so he continued on.

Now he was used to it, and his regeneration ability certainly helped him. He'd sometimes train so hard that his body would start to hurt and he'd even injure himself so he was always thankful for having such a great ability.

Since Eren was just a normal, average human in his past life, the power he felt when he took over this body felt completely amazing.

Imagine having superhuman strength and senses as well as cool abilities such as reading a persons mind! Eren was by no means a power hungry individual. He just wanted to see how strong he could actually get. What was his limit? This was definitely a big part on why he trained so hard.

So for the next 2 hours, Eren continued training, taking some breaks in between. Just because he could regenerate, didn't mean he had infinite stamina so he had to sometimes rest a little.

Right now he was laying down on the grass after his workout. Focusing his energy on his ears, he was able to hear the bell that announced it was time for lunch so he got up and stretched as he prepared to leave.

Noticing how sweaty his shirt was at the moment, he decided to just take it off and walk to the mess hall, not knowing the commotion he would cause amongst the girls.


Right now, the cadets were rushing in the mess hall after their long hours of training.

"Where do you think Eren has been all this time Armim?" Mina asked. Everybody else who were around the table looked at Armin for an answer as well. They found it weird how Eren hasn't been here. The last time they saw him was this morning. So with Armin being the closest to him and Mikasa not being here at the moment, they decided to ask him.

Annie right now was sitting with Reiner and Bertholt today since Mikasa and Eren weren't here. The others could have asked Annie as well, but there was no way they were going to do that.

"Mmmm, are you sure you don't know." Connie said to him. Armim just ended up becoming even more nervous. He didn't know if Eren even wanted to share the information he told him this morning, but seeing who just came inside the mess hall, he was glad he was saved from their questioning.

Some others were about to press Armin for possible answers when they heard a cold voice sound near them.

"Chill out, are you trying to interrogate my friend?"

Looking over, they saw Eren who was currently shirtless which made most of the girls who saw him blush.

He had defined muscles for someone as young as him and already had a clearly visible six pack. Added to the fact that his hair was a little damp because of his sweat, made him very pleasant to look at.

"Well are you going to answer my question?" Eren said.

"U-uhh we were just curious on why you weren't here." Mina said as she put her head down to hide her blush.

"Mmm, don't do again. If he says he doesn't know then he doesn't know." Eren said. The others apologized to Armin so he went to go get his lunch as he avoided their questions and sat next to him. Looking around, he finally noticed Mikasa wasn't here.

"Armin, where's Mikasa." Eren questioned.

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