Once Eren heard Armin's words, he instantly rushed to the infirmary to go see what was wrong with Mikasa. He wasn't too worried though as he read Armin's mind about her injury not being too serious.

As he ran, he put his shirt back on because he felt that it wasn't so wet anymore. As Eren came up the infirmary, he saw a female nurse come up to him. "Is there anything you need?" She asked.

"I'm looking for Mikasa Ackerman, is she here." Eren asked, even if he already sensed her. He could've just walked right into her room, but he didn't want to get kicked out.

"Name?" She questioned him.

"Eren Yeager" Eren replied to her.

"Yes, right this way then." The nurse said. Usually she wouldn't have let anyone come to a patients room, but the girl who was being treated specifically asked to let a boy named Eren Yeager with the features she's seeings right now, meet her.

So she let him in and left right after. When Eren walked inside the small room, he saw Mikasa laying there with bandages wrapped around her left ankle, all the way up to her calf.

Mikasa had her eyes closed and seemed to be resting, but when she heard the door open, she looked over to see her boyfriend come in.

"Eren..." She said softly as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. Eren walked over to her, sat on the side of the bed and instantly kissed her. The feeling of her lips and the sound of her soft m.o.a.n from the unexpected kiss made him want more.

Feeling his tongue brush against her lips, Mikasa opened her mouth to give him access. And there it was, that feeling she always got when they kissed always made her feel warm. She ended up smiling and almost as if Eren could sense her emotions, his lips curled up into a smile as well.

As their make out became more heated, Mikasa pulled Eren on top of her as she laid back down on the bed. Breaking out of the kiss, Eren began to lay light ones all over her face until he came down to her neck.

Mikasa knew Eren would be leaving marks on her neck, but thankfully she had her scarf so nobody would see it.

"Eren... more~" Mikasa said as if she had trouble breathing. The feeling of his wet mouth s.u.c.k.i.n.g and kissing the skin on her neck sent her over the edge.

So he got up and sat on the edge of the bed again. When Mikasa saw this, she was confused, but she sat right back up to face Eren.

"Why did you stop?" She questioned him as she took his hand in hers. Eren just smiled at her and gave a light kiss on her forehead.

"I came here to check up on you and find out why you're here in the infirmary. Plus, if we continued, I wouldn't be able to stop myself." Eren said as he rubbed his thumb against her hand. Mikasa just nodded hearing his explanation.

"So do you want to tell me how you got this injury?" Eren said to her. Mikasa nodded again and began to explain to him. Apparently she's been training herself way too much without days rest. While doing l.a.p.s and running around the mountain, she ended up spraining her ankle. If she continued without a break, she felt like she'd certainly pull a muscle.

"I'm sorry, you should start resting more when we train ourselves from now on." Eren said, feeling slightly guilty. Eren is able to go and do intense workouts without needing to take a few days to rest because of his regeneration ability, but Mikasa didn't have that.

"What?, no it's not your fault Eren." Mikasa said as she put her other hand on his cheeks and began to brush on it with her finger.

Eren smiled at her as he leaned in for another kiss, but kept this one short. He moved his hand to her ankle and began to rub it. He leaned down and gave a soft kiss to her wrapped leg and jokingly said "Do you feel better now Mika." But what she said next sort of shocked him.

With Mikasa, when she felt Eren brush over her leg and kissed her ankle, she somehow knew she was healed. Before she felt a little sleepy and had slight pain coming from her ankle. Some parts of her body were also sore, but now she felt completely energized and could feel that her ankle was fine as well.

"Did you just heal me Eren?!" Mikasa asked shocked. She immediately got up from the bed and easily stood on her foot. She did a few light jumps as well. Eren just sat there shocked, but he honestly should have expected it.

Eren began squeezing her ankle and asked "Does it hurt?" Mikasa just shook her head no.

"I also feel more energized. What do you think this is Eren?" Mikasa asked.

"Maybe I'm able to heal another person if I transfer some of my energy into them, but it seems like it isn't so simple." Eren said.

Sensing someone coming towards their room, he immediately told Mikasa to act like her ankle was still hurt until a couple days later or at least tomorrow. It would be too suspicious if she just got up and continued training like nothing happened.

Hearing a knock on the door, Eren used his ability to see through the door to find out who was it that came here. Seeing it was Annie, he was a little confused on how she got in here, but could only guess that she snuck in.

"Come in!" Eren said. Once Annie stepped inside, he smiled at her, which resulted in her giving a small one back.

"Am I intruding on something?" She asked.

"Nope, nothing at all." Mikasa said to her. Annie just rolled her eyes as she knew it was a lie. There was no way they didn't do anything intimate when they are alone with a single bed.

Of course she couldn't see any of the love marks Eren left on Mikasa because he healed her earlier.

"Are you doing fine? You shouldn't have pushed yourself so hard." Annie said. Mikasa responded that she was while giving a slight smile.

So the three of them talked to each other for about 20 minutes, until Annie said that lunch was over and left, but not before telling Eren she'd be there at the forest to train with him, not even giving him time to refuse.

Eren actually planned to stay the rest of the day here with Mikasa, but she actually refused. She didn't want to hold him up on his training so she just made him promise her that he'll come back to bring here dinner. They could spend more time together later today and tomorrow.

"Just kick her a.s.s for me when you spar with her." Mikasa said jokingly. Eren laughed and gave her a peck on the lips before leaving.

While walking to the mess hall, he felt hungry and cursed himself for not at least taking his lunch with him to the infirmary. Even if the food here wasn't so great, he'd have to wait until late afternoon until he could eat.

But he was lucky today because one of the people who served the lunch told him a boy named Armin had asked her to save the plate of food for his friend. Eren smiled at that and sat down to finish his meal.

When he was done, he went back to the forest to continue training.

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