If the wool of zone C contains 10% of jade, then the wool of zone B contains almost 20% of jade. Don’t think it’s 10% to 20%. This also includes worthless shit. Less than half of the real high-end jadeites, and the low-end jade occupies the vast majority, followed by the mid-range, and the least high-end jadeite, but overall In general, it is much better than the C area.

Since it is a big purchase, Hua Shu is naturally not welcome. All the wool that contains medium and high-grade jade and can rise sharply is picked out by Hua Shu.

Because he bought a lot, Dong Dayong specially called two shop assistants to come over to carry the wool. Therefore, Hua Shu didn't need to do anything. As long as he pointed out the wool to be moved, he had two shop assistants to help carry it outside and weigh it.

Soon, Hua Shu swept the B area again, and this big purchase came to a successful conclusion.

Outside, the wool was still being weighed. Seeing Hua Shu and Dong Chang coming out together, Dong Dayong's face immediately showed a smile.

"Little Shu girl, are you trying to vacate Uncle Dong here?" Dong Dayong said half-jokingly, with a cordial attitude.

Dong Dayong’s attitude towards Hua Shu has always been pretty good, but today he is especially kind. It’s no wonder that Hua Shu has just made tens of millions for his daughter, and now he has friendship with the wealthy and generous Gong Tao. He is naturally impossible. Treat her as an ordinary child.

Hua Shu also understands the truth, so he was not surprised at the change in Dong Dayong's attitude.

She chuckled and said, "Uncle Dong is in the wool business. I'll pick a little bit more, isn't it also taking care of your business?"

"It's not fake to take care of the business, it's just that you picked it up again, I am afraid there is no good idea, right? My future business...difficult to do!" Dong Dayong shook his head, although it was a half-joking. Contains a hint of temptation.

After this time, Dong Dayong feels that Hua Shu is a master of stone betting, and a master of masters. If all the good materials are picked out by her, then it is not difficult to imagine the wool materials in the B and C areas. What kind of stuff are they?

"Well, it's time to buy new products." Hua Shu didn't deny it, raised his eyebrows and smiled, and said: "Where does Uncle Dong need to worry about business? Last time, Chang Chang and I gambled on the best jade in the scrap area. Isn’t the district very popular? We solved the top quality jadeite wool this time, but they were all selected from the C district. Maybe it was another popular scene!"

Now that the top-quality jade has just been cut out here, so many customers have heard the wind, and they want to have some luck, so I went to buy one and try it. If the news that her and Dong Chang's wool are selected from Zone C, it is spread out. , I believe that even if it can’t be as hot as the waste area, it’s not much different. The wool that she picks up will naturally not worry about selling.

After all, the wool in Districts B and C is much better than scrap. Huashu picks up mid-to-high-end jadeites with a larger increase. Those mid-range jadeites with a smaller increase, or low-end jadeites with a large increase, actually have some. If you are lucky, you can make a fortune.

When Dong Dayong heard this, he also smiled, and found out the answer he wanted to know, so he did not continue the topic.

"Little Shu girl, I'm going to Province Y in a while, I wonder if you are interested in going together?"

"Province Y? Are you going to buy it?" Hua Shu remembered that the place of origin of jadeite wool is Burma, which is adjacent to Province Y.

Myanmar is rich in jadeite. It seems that a jadeite wool public market is held every year. Only wool purchased on the public market is legal. The export of wool from other channels is smuggled. Dong’s wool does not look like it is bought on the public market. Yes, then there is only smuggling.

Dong Dayong didn’t know that she had thought so much, only when she didn’t understand the jade industry, she explained: “Jadeite wool is produced in Myanmar. Every March, a jade wool market is held for about ten days. Jade merchants are usually there. Buying on the public market, Uncle Dong, my shop is small and has limited funds. Although I will buy a little on the public market, it is not enough for a whole year. Therefore, I usually buy from a large wool dealer in Province Y."

Hua Shu pursed her lips, hesitated, and asked: "It is said that the jadeite market is the only legal way of exporting wool?"

"Heh! Little Shu girl knows a lot!" Hearing what she wanted to ask, Dong Dayong didn't care, and smiled: "It's true. All other channels are smuggling. I also get it from other big wool dealers. Goods, as for the source of their goods, that’s not my fault."

Hua Shu nodded to express her understanding. She was also curious for a while, wondering if it was the same as she knew. As for the others... she was not a messenger of justice, and it didn't matter how the source was, she didn't care at all.

"Then tell me before Uncle Dong goes to Province Y. If I have time, I will go there." Hua Shu has lived for two lives and has never been to Province Y. Even for sightseeing, she thinks Go once.

Dong Dayong was a little surprised. Don't children of Hua Shu's age have a natural rejection of illegal things? Why did she know it was smuggling, but didn't seem to care at all?

Although he was puzzled in his mind, Dong Dayong didn't say much, only said: "Okay, I will let you know when the time comes."

He is in a good mood now. This girl has such good eyesight. When the time comes, let her help to take a look, choose more good-quality wool, and take it back and cut it into half. The price can be at least several times higher.

We weighed all the wool and checked out. Dong Dayong helped them find two small trucks. One was for Gong Tao and the other was for Hua Shu. Originally, he wanted to talk about other aspects. The cooperation had to be put on hold for the time being. The two got into the co-pilots of two small trucks and went home with the cars.

Dong Chang did not go with Hua Shu. She stayed in the store, waiting to discuss with her dad about finding investment in the project.

The orphanage was inconvenient due to the large number of people. Hua Shu did not move the wool back to the orphanage, but went directly to a small villa in Yuheyuan, asked the truck driver to help unload it in the yard, and then paid him to leave.

The small villas here are all single-family villas surrounded by walls. Privacy was also considered during construction. It is not easy to see the situation in the yard from the outside. Therefore, after confirming that there are no people nearby, Hua Shu put the piles All the wool was collected into the space, and then left the small villa.

Two days later, Hua Shu received the primary school graduation certificate, the transcript of the entrance examination, and the admission notice from the City No. 1 Middle School.

Dong Chang also received the admission notice. When he saw the two notices from City No. 1 High School, Dong Chang was very happy, so he proposed to celebrate the two people's smooth entry into City No. 1 High School and invited Hua Shu to have lunch at home the next day.

Hua Shu thought for a while. She knew Dong Chang so well and was no stranger to her parents, so she readily agreed.

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