Having known each other for three years, it was the first time that Hua Shu agreed to come to her house. Dong Chang was very happy. The whole person was like a happy bird, jumping around Hua Shu, chattering non-stop, with a smile on his face. The smile never broke.

Seeing her like this, Hua Shu felt a lot of emotion in her heart, and she couldn't help but reflect on her previous self again. Maybe her defensiveness needn't be so heavy, at least when dealing with friends, can she be kind and casual, don't always make people feel the distance ?

The next day, Hua Shu bought some fruits and went to Dong Chang's house.

Dong Chang's house is not far from the school. It is a two-story small building. At this time, the houses in the town have not been planned and developed. The houses are self-built. Because of the wealthy family, the building is beautifully built and the decoration is the best nowadays. , Whether it is the appearance or the interior decoration, even if it is put in later generations, it is considered good.

"Little Shu is here? Come and sit down." Seeing Hua Shu, Dong Chang's mother Huang Li greeted her warmly. Seeing her carrying fruits, she couldn't help but sighed: "You child, come here, what else to bring Something?"

Being treated so enthusiastically, Hua Shu was a little uncomfortable, but he still looked calm and composed. He smiled and said, "How can I be empty-handed when I come here for the first time? It's just a little fruit, it's not worth anything."

"You child, there are so many gifts at a young age. Okay, come and sit down soon." Huang Li greeted Hua Shu to sit down on the sofa and shouted upstairs: "Chang Chang, come down, Xiao Shu coming!"

"Okay, come right away." There was an immediate response from upstairs, followed by a rush of footsteps.

After a while, Dong Chang went downstairs to the living room.

"Xiaoshu, you are here, I have been waiting for you for a long time." Dong Chang complained as soon as he saw Hua Shu.

"Really? Why didn't I know that you were waiting for me, didn't you play upstairs?" Hua Shu raised his eyebrows and smiled, deliberately teasing her.

"No, I really have been waiting for you, but then the bear boy next door became naughty again. I was upstairs watching his dad teach him!" Dong Chang quickly defended.

Dong Chang's words caught Huang Li's attention. He poked his head out of the kitchen and asked, "Chang Chang, did your Uncle Lin hit Xiaofeng again?"

"Yeah!" Hearing the question from his mother, Dong Chang immediately became interested, and said, "Today Xiaofeng has been able to adjust the skin. Aunt Lin just lit the fire to prepare the stew, and when she turned around, Xiaofeng was splashed out by a scoop of water. Not only that, he He also poured a jar of salt into the water tank, so angry that Aunt Lin yelled at him, and then Uncle Lin caught him and beat him up, hehe...Oh, I was so ridiculous!"

"That kid, why is he getting more and more naughty, he used to be a very well-behaved and sensible kid, how did he suddenly become what he is today?" Huang Li shook her head and sighed.

Hua Shu remembered it. Dong Chang once told her that it seemed that the child was naughty at home, but he was afraid of the teacher at school, and was subdued by the teacher.

"Chang Chang, the Xiaofeng you mentioned was the one you told me before and was afraid of the teacher?" A child, at home and at school, behaved at two extremes, which made Hua Shu suddenly interested. .

Dong Chang nodded, "Well, it's him."

Ever since Dong Chang started cultivating immortals, she would think more about it when something happened. Seeing that Hua Shu was interested, she also thought about Xiaofeng’s performance. It did feel a little weird, and then think of the yin shame that she had seen before. Qian Peng, who was so beautiful, shuddered in the hot weather.

"Xiao Shu, do you think it will be..."

Hua Shu shook his head, "You don't know until you have seen it."

"Then let's go upstairs." Without a word, Dong Chang pulled Hua Shu up to the second floor.

The window at the end of the corridor on the second floor is facing the Lin family’s yard. At this time, the Lin family has calmed down. The Lin family and his wife are doing the aftermath in the kitchen, while the Xiaofeng is standing under a tree in the yard, facing the trunk and back. Looking in the direction of Hua Shu and the others.

"That was thinking about facing the wall!" Seeing this situation, Dong Chang explained: "Every time Uncle Lin beats Xiaofeng, he will be punished to stand under the tree and think about the wall facing the trunk."

Speaking of this novel face-to-face thinking, Dong Chang couldn't help laughing.

Hua Shu also thought it was a little funny, but looking at the child standing in the shade of the tree, her brows wrinkled slightly.

Nowadays, even if she doesn't use the eyes of the sky, she can still see some things, such as the child, in her opinion, there is a weirdness in that child.

Opened the eyes of the sky, her right eye was slightly hot, and the world reflected in her eyes was different from usual, and she did find that the child under the tree was actually covered with a shadow.

Hua Shu was not surprised by this discovery, but she was taken aback by her own heavenly eyes. She thought that her heavenly eyes were the past eyes of the left eye, and the spiritual and perspective eyes of the right eye. Unexpectedly, now the right eye has opened a new ability, Yin Yang Eye.

She didn’t have a clue about how her own heavenly eyes came from. At first, she thought she was reborn. She got this power by coincidence, but now, she doesn’t think it’s that simple. Maybe there’s something in it. I don't know the reason.

"Xiao Shu, do you see anything?" Dong Chang's voice interrupted Hua Shu's thoughts.

Hua Shu pursed his lips, hesitated, and said truthfully: "There is a shadow over his body. If my judgment is good, it should be an inhuman thing."

"Inhuman things?" Dong Chang swallowed nervously, "Yes, is it a demon? Or... a ghost?"

Hua Shu didn't answer, but looked back at her, and said, "You are in the early stage of Qi refining anyway. You can know this kind of inferior thing with your heart, why bother to ask me?"

"Uh...I, I forgot." Dong Chang's expression was a little embarrassed, and she was used to relying on Xiaoshu. She never thought of checking it out by herself.

Hua Shu sighed lightly, and smiled helplessly, "Chang Chang, the path of cultivation can't depend on others forever, I'm really worried if you go on like this..."

"Xiao Shu, I was wrong, I just changed it." Dong Chang hugged Hua Shu's arm and said coquettishly: "Don't be angry, I have really reflected on it, and I will never be like this again in the future."

"I'm not angry, but worried." Hua Shu frowned, her thoughts flashed, and finally, she made a certain decision and looked at Dong Chang seriously, "Chang Chang, find a time, let's talk."

Deterred by her serious look, Dong Chang nodded blankly. After reacting, she couldn't help feeling tense. She felt that what Xiaoshu was going to talk about must have something to do with her. She wanted to ask Xiaoshu if she wanted to Talking to her about something, but seeing Xiaoshu's serious expression with a serious look, she didn't dare to ask anything.

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