Gu Mingxuan looked at him coldly: "if you still want your hand, shut up immediately, otherwise your hand will not be protected."

The black strong man's voice trembled and begged for mercy: "great Xia! I'm wrong! Let me go! I... my silver was really robbed. That person said he was sent by the shopkeeper 'Chanel'

Mu Zhihuan sneered contemptuously: "joke, when you took 50 liang of silver from me, there were so many eyes watching. In case someone had a bad intention and wanted to plant the silver in his hand for me? You can be sure that we took the silver by relying on someone else's words? You're too hasty."

As soon as she said this, all the people present nodded and said, "yes, you didn't protect your silver. Would it be too much to rake it down now?"

Everyone said a word to me, and the man couldn't speak back.

Seeing that the farce was almost over, mu Zhihuan turned to the soldiers sent by Han Wu standing around and said, "I have a large number of adults mu Zhihuan. I'll let you go this time. If you dare to come to our 'Chanel' again and again, don't blame me for being impolite."

Then mu Zhihuan waved his big hand: "see off!"

Gu Mingxuan also released the foot stepping on the man's hand, took a step back and returned to Mu Zhihuan.

The strong black man couldn't get any better. He had to stand up disheartened and was dragged out by the two soldiers.

When the onlookers saw that the black and strong man had finally been sent away, they came forward and sniffed, "this kind of man has broken his hands and feet. It's hateful."

Mu Zhihuan just smiled at the man and didn't say much.

After a while... It really came in time.

Seeing that people had left, Qinghe organized everyone to restore the previous order, buy things that should be bought and receive equipment that should be received.

Originally, mu Zhihuan wanted to go back to the palace with Gu Mingxuan and wait for the evening, but as soon as he saw the sky, he was afraid it would rain, so he hurried to call Dendrobium and asked him what powder it was and whether the rain would have an impact.

After getting a positive answer, mu Zhihuan's psychology was heavy.

Is this easy to get clue going?

So mu Zhihuan, who was anxious, simply helped Gu Mingxuan in the shop.

Until it was just dark, mu Zhihuan didn't even care about the powder shop. He directly pulled Dendrobium out of the door.

Cloudy days give mu Zhihuan anxiety and also give mu Zhihuan a little benefit, that is, the day is a little darker than before.

So when the three came to the market, Dendrobium saw the traces left by itself almost at a glance.

He took mu Zhihuan and Gu Mingxuan and walked ahead with their heads buried.

Mu Zhihuan followed him and watched him carefully observe the ground and the street. Mu Zhihuan frowned:

"What the hell is this man looking at?"

Gu Mingxuan stretched out his hand and pointed to the building beside him: "he's looking at the sign. Look at the light on the column."

Mu Zhihuan looked at him along his fingers, but he didn't see anything, so that mu Zhihuan suspected that there was something wrong with his eyes.

She rubbed her eyes hard and couldn't find the bright spot Gu Mingxuan said.

Seeing that she narrowed her eyes and didn't see it, Gu Mingxuan hooked her lips, pulled her to the front of the column, and then showed him with his fingers.

Under the direction of Gu Mingxuan, mu Zhihuan finally saw the point with a faint light.

In fact, it's more reflective than saying that it's glowing.

It looks like the gold powder of the 21st century. Under the weak light of the street, it looms and appears from time to time, giving people an elusive feeling.

"That's it?"

Mu Zhihuan suddenly thought it was high technology. However, we have to say that it is very powerful to make this kind of thing in terms of the scientific and technological level of this era.

I just don't know whether the measurement is too small or what. Those flash points are particularly ugly. Mu Zhihuan widened her eyes and couldn't see a few.

The eyes of Dendrobium and Gu Mingxuan were like a searchlight. They could find those shining points almost at a glance.

Several people followed Dendrobium from the busiest market in the capital to the sparsely populated street in the capital, and then from the sparsely populated street to the gate of the capital.

Mu Zhihuan looked at the more and more remote street and couldn't help frowning: "where are you going?"

If there were a lot of ambushes there, wouldn't it be a turtle in a jar if they just walked by so three people?

As if he knew what she was thinking, Gu Mingxuan whispered in her ear, "I have discussed with Han Wu and asked him to call his army to ambush around the capital. As long as we don't go too far, if we meet the enemy and send a signal, they will come immediately."

Hearing what he said, mu Zhihuan sighed with relief: "let's go quickly."

Three or two steps followed the Dendrobium walking in front. Seeing that Dendrobium had been looking down at the glittering powder, mu Zhihuan asked curiously, "what do you make this thing?"

Dendrobium replied with a frown, "it's just some plants and some powder synthesized by insects. My master taught me these, so we have to hurry. I was seen by my master. Maybe he will erase the trace."

Mu Zhihuan nodded. Of course, she also wanted to hurry up, but she couldn't see where the gold powder was.

So she can only turn around and look at Gu Mingxuan. After receiving her sight, Gu Mingxuan went up and came to Mu Zhihuan: "don't look at me like this. This gold powder is special in all aspects, so it's probably just a drop in the bucket just by myself. It's not as fast as Dendrobium, which is familiar with the characteristics of this gold powder."

Mu Zhihuan wilted after listening to it.

When she was thinking about what to do if the old man found out, she suddenly heard Dendrobium growl: "I found it."

And Gu Mingxuan looked at each other, and they hurried to the front.

Until they saw the scenery in front of them, mu Zhihuan couldn't help taking a breath.

At their feet was a man-made cliff, and below the cliff was a place similar to a military camp, but it looked much smaller than the general barracks.

But everyone's mental outlook inside is very energetic, giving people a feeling that the people inside are elites.

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