Mu Zhihuan looked at the barracks with less than thirty or forty people, and couldn't help frowning; "Are you sure your master is down here?"

Dendrobium nodded fiercely and said that he would never be wrong: "it must be right below. There is a huge tent around the middle of the tent, and the smell of some herbs wafts from time to time in the tent. I'm sure my master is in the tent."

However, the tent is in the center of the whole military camp. It seems that it is an important place for strict prevention. How can they get in?

Just thinking, Gu Mingxuan has brought two people from the mountain to the foot of the mountain quietly.

Mu Zhihuan really wanted to ask him what he was going to do. Gu Mingxuan was quick in eyes and hands. He praised the two soldiers who came to patrol on their necks, and then the two soldiers fainted.

Gu Mingxuan pointed to the soldiers on the ground: "Dendrobium and I pretended to catch you and took you to dive in. In the process, you try not to talk."

Mu Zhihuan nodded to show that she knew.

Seeing that there was no problem with mu Zhihuan, Gu Mingxuan turned his eyes to Dendrobium.

Dendrobium had begun to pick up the clothes of the two soldiers: "I know what to do. Let's go."

So after a while, Dendrobium and Gu Mingxuan, who had changed their clothes, tied mu Zhihuan and walked in from outside the tent.

Walking from the periphery to the center was very smooth. When I came to the outside of the big tent in the middle, I was stopped by one or two soldiers: "why did you two bring people here?"

Mu Zhihuan's mind sank, thinking that she had been exposed.

Dendrobium said in a slightly trembling voice, "yes... The gentleman inside asked us to take a man over and say that his heart is about to succeed and needs a man to experiment."

Hearing Dendrobium's words, the two soldiers who just called them out couldn't help shivering. They seemed very afraid of the man in the tent.

After hearing that it was the person in need, he didn't ask any more, so he directly asked them to rush and pull the person in.

After Dendrobium said thanks, she took mu Zhihuan straight to the largest original tent.

Several people finally passed through the layers of blockade and came to the door of the tent.

When he was about to enter, Gu Mingxuan suddenly flashed aside with mu Zhihuan and Dendrobium, and came to the side of the tent.

Just after mu Zhihuan, why did he do this, he saw a man come out from the inside, just because the man came out too fast, only saw a flash of figure, and several people didn't see what the man looked like.

Mu Zhihuan was about to say. When he rushed in, he heard a hoarse voice and shouted at the door: "I'm basically ready for what you want. Don't forget the conditions you promised me!"

The figure of the man in the distance disappeared from the tent without a pause.

Mu Zhihuan saw the shadow projected on the ground from the man who shone from the house to the door and touched his beard. Then mu Zhihuan heard the man say reluctantly, "Tut, drag what drag, wait until I finish our research and see how I deal with you!"

Dendrobium could no longer help but blush at the sound. Completely ignoring Gu Mingxuan's warning, Dendrobium rushed up and pushed the man at the door inside.

Seeing this, mu Zhihuan and Gu Mingxuan hurried to catch up and went into the tent. Mu Zhihuan saw the furnishings inside.

The huge tent was basically filled with all kinds of stoves and countless shelves, which were filled with all kinds of medicinal materials that mu Zhihuan had seen or had not seen.

The whole tent was full of herbs, and mu Zhihuan couldn't help frowning.

"You! You! How did you catch up here?"

Mu Zhihuan was surprised and heard a hoarse voice roaring angrily.

At this time, mu Zhihuan finally saw the appearance of master Dendrobium.

His disheveled hair almost covered his whole face, leaving only a pair of gray eyes and looking straight at Dendrobium.

But on his body, he was wearing a pile of clothes made of rags, not to mention whether they were good-looking or not, and even vaguely smelled.

Mu Zhihuan frowned and took a step back. Although she always knew that some capable people had some quirks, what she didn't expect was that master Dendrobium didn't take a bath.

But Dendrobium seemed to be used to it. He grabbed his master's collar and asked in a low voice, "you came to my shop to see me today. Why do you hide from me? If I don't come to you, won't you see me all your life?"

Dendrobium's master was questioned by Dendrobium and couldn't raise his head: "that... That... It's not that I don't want to see you, but some things haven't been handled. I want to find you after handling them, so as not to cause you trouble."

Dendrobium didn't care about it at all. His eyes turned red and said, "do you know how long I've been looking for you? You don't know what kind of life I'm living after you left. Do you know how worried I am about you!"

"Well... Well... Don't do this first. I really have something to do."

With that, the master of Dendrobium took great pains to pull open Dendrobium's hand, then went to the table, picked up a medicine bag on the table, like a child offering treasure, and got it in front of Dendrobium: "show you this. It was my hard work to develop it."

Dendrobium took the package of medicine, opened it and sniffed it gently with the tip of his nose. His face suddenly became ugly: "did you really develop this thing? Master, do you know what the consequences would be if it fell into the hands of people with ulterior motives?"

That strange old man, for the time being, I not only didn't praise myself, but also questioned myself. So he grabbed the powder angrily and hid it in his arms: "I'm only responsible for pharmacy. It has nothing to do with me to do good or bad things. The wrong thing is to use it to achieve my own goals."

Mu Zhihuan listened to the strange old man's words and couldn't help agreeing in her heart. It's true. It's like a nuclear bomb. It itself is only a weapon, so its existence is not wrong. What's wrong is to use it to threaten those evil people in countries without nuclear bombs.

Dendrobium frowned, "but do you know who you're helping now?"

Speaking of this problem, his master's face changed: "I don't know who I'm helping. I only know that he can give me all the resources I want."

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