Mu Zhihuan knew what she was feeling, so he reached out and patted her on the shoulder: "it has nothing to do with you. Don't take it to heart."

Although that's what I said, the news was sent by my own hand. Qinghe can't care at all.

"I see. Is that why you came here?"

Mu Zhihuan nodded: "yes, is there anything in the shop today?"

Qinghe shook his head: "yesterday, those contestants had all their things taken. Today, there are some ordinary buyers in the shop, but there's nothing wrong. If you're busy, go back first."

Mu Zhi Huanen called Gu Mingxuan and told him that everything had been told to Qinghe. There was nothing wrong with her in the store, so she suggested that they go back first. Anyway, Jiang zisu is not at home now.

Gu Mingxuan was nothing: "then go back."

The two returned to the palace from Chanel all the way. Mu Zhihuan's face was not very good: "you said that if we actually said this game and specially arranged it to catch turtles in the air and leave you and me here, wouldn't we just be trapped by others?"

For this problem, Gu Mingxuan certainly didn't think about it: "since people have invited us like this, if they don't go, they will feel strange. They don't know that they have already detained us before they turn over."

Gu Mingxuan's words are not unreasonable. Mu Zhihuan sighed: "can we only wait passively now?"

We didn't speak before, but his eyes told mu Zhihuan that there was only such a way now.

Originally in the evening, mu Zhihuan wanted to find Zhennan with Gu Mingxuan, but I don't know why Jiang zisu took them to drink after coming back from the palace.

One is an ex husband and the other is an incumbent. It's really difficult for mu Zhihuan to be caught in the middle.

However, Jiang zisu seemed to have drunk a lot in the palace. He was drunk after he came back to the palace.

Mu Zhihuan asked someone to carry him back to his room. Then he leaned against Gu Mingxuan and sighed silently: "what do you call it?"

Although Gu Yunxuan had a good capacity for drinking, he was a little dizzy after being filled with so much wine by Jiang zisu. He hugged mu Zhihuan's waist and said, "maybe he knew your conversation in Jiang Zimu. I think he always had you in his heart. It may be a little sad to hear you say you don't want him to know your concern for his recent situation."

Listening to Gu Mingxuan's explanation, mu Zhihuan curled her lips. Of course, it's not that she doesn't believe Gu Mingxuan, but that she doesn't believe that Jiang zisu will become like this because of her old love for herself.

At the beginning, mu Zhihuan didn't forget how he treated his previous life. Although he later had a better attitude towards him and xiaotuanzi, it couldn't completely erase the evil he had done before.

Gu Mingxuan saw what mu Zhihuan was thinking at a glance. He hugged mu Zhihuan in his arms more tightly: "it is because he treated you like that that that he gave me the opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity. Zhihuan, don't worry, I will never treat you like him."

Mu Zhi cheered. Gu Mingxuan never said anything like this before. It seems that drunkenness can really make a person's words a little more.

"All right. I know you won't do this to me, but you see, it's late now. I'm a little cold. Let's go back to our room."

Gu Mingxuan nodded: "well, go back to the room!"

Then he bent down and picked up mu Zhihuan. Mu Zhihuan was startled and subconsciously hugged his shoulder: "what are you doing?"

Gu Mingxuan narrowed his good-looking eyes: "didn't I take you back to your room?"

Mu Zhihuan looked at the vanity under his feet, and his heart was tight: "don't say goodbye, you put me down."

"Are you afraid I'll fall you?" I have to say that Gu Mingxuan knows mu Zhihuan so well that she can guess what she's thinking from her words.

"No... No." although she said that, mu Zhihuan held Gu Mingxuan's shoulder more tightly.

Seeing her like this, Gu Mingxuan hooked his lips: "I just drink a little more than usual, but I won't fall you like this."

Although listening to what he said, mu Zhihuan really didn't believe it at all. After all, men's mouths are deceptive ghosts, plus a drunk man.

"Well... I know you're brilliant, but I still hope you can let me down."

The more she said so, Gu Mingxuan hugged her more tightly: "no, it's only a few steps from here to our residence. If you hold me tight, you won't fall."

Unexpectedly, he would refuse him so directly. Mu Zhihuan had no choice but to follow Gu Mingxuan's meaning: "then... Be careful and walk slowly. It's snowing outside. It's very slippery."

Seeing that mu Zhihuan finally stopped questioning himself, Gu Mingxuan hooked his lips and smiled like a child: "well."

Two people, one worried and the other careless, walked slowly towards their residence. It happened that at this time, the night wind blew away the haze in the sky, revealing the moon pulling the bright moonlight.

Mu Zhihuan looked up slightly and saw the moonlight. Suddenly, the little worry in her heart was lost by the moonlight.

Side face, looked at Gu Mingxuan's angular handsome face, mu Zhihuan picked an eyebrow: "forget it, I'll forgive you tonight."


When he got up the next day, Gu Mingxuan seemed to have completely forgotten what he did yesterday. As usual, he got up earlier than mu Zhihuan, and then prepared a breakfast for her. Then he came to the bed to wake her up. It was very difficult to get up every day. Mu Zhihuan: "Zhihuan, get up quickly. Didn't you say you wanted to find Zhennan yesterday?"

Hearing the word Zhennan, mu Zhihuan turned over and got out of bed. He saw it at a glance, as if Gu Mingxuan had never happened.

She frowned and asked, "are you sober?"

Gu Mingxuan looked at her suspiciously: "I didn't get drunk yesterday. Why did you wake up and have breakfast? I'm going out to find a carriage. We'll start to find Zhennan later."

Mu Zhihuan was stunned by what he said. When she reacted, Gu Mingxuan had opened the door and went out.

Looking at the closed door and the porridge in her hand, Mu Zhi Huan blinked.

She didn't touch a drop of wine last night. Is it her own when she was drunk? Was Gu Mingxuan, who had to hold himself last night, his own fantasy?

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