While wondering, mu Zhihuan ate the porridge in the bowl.

Gu Mingxuan was like pinching a point. When she just finished eating, she came back: "let's go. I've asked someone to tell Zhennan that we're going to find him."


Mu Zhihuan widened her eyes and asked, "let's tell others so much that I didn't go to Zhennan. Will this cause Jiang zisu's doubt?"

Gu Mingxuan looked in a sneaky way: "act rashly and alert the enemy. If we are to go to the south, if we are seen by the eyes of Jiang Zi Su, we will be surprised."

It seems to be such a truth. Since Gu Mingxuan said so, mu Zhihuan certainly had nothing to say. They set out from the palace and soon arrived at Zhennan's house.

It was precisely because someone informed in advance that yuanzhennan had been waiting at the door early. Seeing the carriage of Mu Zhihuan and Gu Mingxuan coming, he hurried out to meet: "Your Highness the prince and the crown princess are coming. Please forgive me if you are far away."

Mu Zhihuan looked at his literary and bureaucratic appearance and said, "well, you can show it to others. It's too strange for you to come in front of us."

Zhennan hehe smiled: "this is the standard etiquette. I use this set to show my great expectation and respect for the arrival of you two."

Mu Zhihuan turned her eyes: "if you really welcome us and really respect us, why hide the books on your shelf?"

Unexpectedly, when mu Zhihuan came, he exposed the stupid thing he did last time. Zhennan felt his nose a little embarrassed: "that... Just how much I offended. This time I didn't receive any books. You can read whatever you want, princess."

Mu Zhihuan picked her eyebrows in disbelief: "just show me, can't you let me take it away, right?"

Zhennan smiled dryly: "princess, what are you joking about? You have all the books you want. The prince has agreed. Can you take them? Compared with the prince's, I'm nothing."

It seems that this picture doesn't want to be taken away at all. Mu Zhihuan reluctantly glanced: "forget it, I know you cherish your book. I'm here today. I promise I'll only take a look and don't take away the head office?"

Hearing mu Zhihuan say so, Zhennan's face immediately improved a lot. He generously made a gesture of invitation: "of course, say the books in the room, but you can read whatever the Crown Princess wants to read."

Mu Zhihuan knew that he was just polite, so he didn't bother to pay attention to him. He took Gu Mingxuan's hand and walked into his house.

The last time they came to his house. So you are familiar with the location of the study.

They went straight to his study without stopping on the road.

Zhennan also followed Gu Mingxuan and mu Zhihuan very carefully. Until they entered the study, Zhennan sent a trusted confidant to stand at the door of the study and told him that no one was allowed to come in without his own orders.

After everything was arranged properly, Zhennan looked at mu Zhihuan and asked anxiously, "I heard it was mainly you two who entered the palace and met the emperor. Do you have any new discoveries?"

Speaking of this, mu Zhihuan had to talk about the dialogue between her and Jiang Zimu.

Zhennan Zi listened carefully to Mu Zhihuan. After she finished everything after she entered the palace, Zhennan was silent for a long time.

"Actually, to tell you the truth, I've been screening the right people since you left, but all that can be used in Dawei capital is the royal guards and the guards of the Forbidden City."

Listening to Zhennan's words, mu Zhihuan widened her eyes in surprise: "how is it possible? Can't you find several people you can trust in such a big capital?"

Zhennan also has some helplessness: "I don't know if Jiang zisu had planned and arranged it in advance. When it came to employment, I found that the generals in the capital were basically dispatched. Some came back for a day, and some took longer. If he really launched an attack on the day of the Lantern Festival, I'm afraid only the people I just said can be used."

Hearing Zhennan's words, mu Zhihuan sighed: "now it seems that our only main force is Han Wu. I don't know how Han Wu contacted the people in Tongcheng?"

"People in Tongcheng?"

Zhennan looked at mu Zhihuan suspiciously. Mu Zhihuan told him what he had discussed with Han Wu between himself and Gu Mingxuan.

After hearing this, Zhennan's eyes suddenly flashed: "Miss mu. I remember you said that there was a group of people suddenly on the royal hunting ground. I can use this to recruit a military general who can lead the troops. It is said that there are some changes on the Royal victory field. I need people's hands. I think such a request is very reasonable. Jiang zisu has no reason to refuse."

"This... Is also a way."

Mu Zhihuan thought calmly, "if we say so, we can have another force, and the odds of victory can be greater, but."

After a pause, mu Zhihuan looked at Zhennan: "Jiang zisu's poison for looking for someone's face is not trivial. Your people must take preventive measures. Don't change from teammates to enemies as soon as you go to the battlefield."

Originally, Zhennan didn't pay much attention to the poison she said to Mu Zhihuan, but today, when she said that he was getting along with Jiang Zimu, he didn't notice whether he was poisoned or not. Zhennan understood the power of the poison, so he nodded and said he knew:

"Well, I will, and so will you. You can't take preventive measures at that time. You must pay attention to the poison."

This is also a hidden danger. Mu Zhihuan doesn't think she will be as brave as the protagonist of the novel and can resist the poison by her own willpower.

So now mu Zhihuan is really eager to know how Dendrobium has been studied.

In fact, looking for Zhennan didn't say anything, but after the two sides exchanged information, mu Zhihuan left with Gu Mingxuan.

After coming out of Zhennan as usual, mu Zhihuan and Gu Mingxuan went to the powder shop.

Then he went in through the front door and out through the back door to the barracks where he found the strange old man last time,

Mu Zhihuan felt that if he knew how they were going from Dendrobium in person, he couldn't rest assured.

They sneaked to the top of the mountain, then sent out the signal agreed with Dendrobium, and soon another signal came from the military camp.

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