Shangguan Yan'er looked at her unnatural look and asked curiously, "Zhihuan? What's the matter? The princess... What's the matter with her?"

Mu Zhihuan quickly adjusted his breathing: "no... I'm injured, but the doctor has dealt with it. You have a rest. I'll go back first."

Shangguan Yan'er gave a weak sound, and then there was no sound. Mu Zhihuan dared to turn back, and then left the cell in three or two steps.

Mu Zhihuan came to the back door of the house in a flustered way.

As soon as he reached the door, he was stopped by two bodyguards: "Miss mu, I'm sorry, you can't go here."

Mu Zhihuan looked at the eyes of the two guards and was surprised to see where she was. She frowned and didn't answer. She turned and left here.

Went to the pavilion in the house, sat down and felt the cold wind in winter. Mu Zhihuan's mood was not so flustered.

She knew that what she had to do at the moment was to stand still. After all, Gu Mingxuan had already found it. She believed that according to Gu Mingxuan's delicate mind, she must have been under the dark guard around her.

As long as you don't die, there should be no uncontrollable things.

But the princess's face really made me too worried.

Thinking about it, mu Zhihuan has only one person to ask at the moment.

She grabbed a man casually: "where is jiangzisu?"

The bodyguard seemed to be afraid of Mu Zhihuan and lowered his eyes: "that... That... The Lord is in the study."

Mu Zhihuan let go of the bodyguard. Without saying a word, she walked in the direction of the study in her memory.

Just arrived, I saw Dendrobium and the strange old man.

Mu Zhi Huan glanced at Dendrobium and sneered: "unexpectedly, you are willing to help him when you see so many ugly jiangzisu. It's really smelly."

Then he looked at Jiang zisu with fierce eyes: "Jiang zisu, I have something to ask you."

Jiang zisu said, "these two are my allies. There's nothing you can't say in front of them."

Listening to Jiang zisu's hypocritical words, mu Zhihuan turned a white eye in her heart. This man really didn't miss any chance to win people's hearts.

"That's what you said. Since I don't care about face, I have nothing to hide for you. What's the matter with the princess?"

Speaking of the princess, Jiang zisu's face changed slightly, but he soon recovered his previous indifference.

He smiled faintly at Dendrobium and his master: "guys, when I have a little home with this girl, can you avoid it for the time being?"

Dendrobium was originally stared by mu Zhihuan last time. Since mu Zhihuan came in, he was very afraid. Now he knew he could go. He nodded almost without thinking: "well, let's come again next time."

Then he took his master and left the fire without looking back.

Seeing that there was no one in the room, mu Zhihuan casually found a stool and sat down: "Jiang zisu, I ask you, what's the matter with that princess? Are you crazy?"

Jiang zisu took a sip of tea and said, "that's what you want to ask? I thought you wanted to ask her face."

Mu Zhihuan listened to Jiang Zi Su Qingleng's words and clicked in his heart. This man already knew what he was going to ask?

"Her face, you knew it from the beginning?"

Jiang zisu said, "to be honest, when I first met, I was surprised that there were such similar people in the world."

"Surprised? That's it?" Mu Zhihuan looked at Jiang zisu, and his doubts turned into the sea: "did you agree to marry her because of her face?"

"Of course... There are reasons for this."

Jiang zisu was also generous. He admitted it so readily, which surprised Mu Zhi.

"No matter what your reason, since you married her, can't you treat others well? Look what you tortured her?"

Mu Zhihuan was mostly sympathetic before, but when she saw the woman's face, her sympathy turned into an atmosphere.

That person looks too much like herself. Looking at her suffering, mu Zhihuan always thinks that she hasn't gone through the previous days, and she is also suffering like this.

If I hadn't met Gu Mingxuan, I might still be living in the deep water of Jiang zisu.

Therefore, when she saw that the princess was treated like this, mu Zhihuan always thought of her pain on herself.

Jiang Zi Su Yi smiled, as if he heard some funny joke: "she said she did it by me?"

Seeing him like this, mu Zhihuan frowned: "if only she could speak, I'd like to hear how you can't accommodate a woman."

Jiang zisu hooked her mouth and pulled out a smile with unknown meaning: "you really look up to me. I don't have the ability to force a person like this. On the night of her wedding, she was like this. She didn't talk or cry, just like a puppet."

Mu Zhihuan doesn't believe what Jiang zisu said at all. If the princess is really as clever as he said, why should she be locked up?

As if she knew what she was thinking, Jiang zisu glanced at the corners of her mouth: "although she is very honest and doesn't make trouble or run, she will want to commit suicide from time to time. In my plan, her soldiers shouldn't die now, so she was locked up."

Listening to Jiang zisu's words, mu Zhihuan felt that the man in front of him was simply terrible and heinous.

"She's already like this. You still have to make good use of her, don't you?"

Jiang zisu just frowned and didn't speak.

Mu Zhihuan was most unhappy with his attitude of playing with people, so she immediately became angry: "Jiang zisu, you don't want to use her. We look like this. It really has nothing to do with you?"

Being questioned by mu Zhihuan, Jiang zisu was stunned at first. Then, a touch of bitterness flashed across his eyes: "what do you think of me? If you can't get you, can you find someone to look like you?"

Mu Zhihuan didn't speak, but looked at him quietly.

Jiang zisu's bitter eyes mean more: "it seems that I'm like a villain in your eyes, but no matter how frustrated I am, Jiang zisu won't do such a thing. Princess, she was really like this when she married."

Listening to the bitterness in Jiang zisu's words, mu Zhihuan stared at him. After looking at him for a long time, she finally took back her eyes: "I don't believe you at all."

With that, mu Zhihuan got up and turned around and left.

Looking at mu Zhihuan's back, Jiang zisu slowly tightened his palm. He didn't even notice when his fingernails were embedded in his palm.


Back to the room, mu Zhihuan was in a difficult mood.

She really doesn't believe in coincidence. There must be something wrong with that woman.

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