But seeing her appearance, mu Zhihuan couldn't think of how to let her speak for a moment.

But she saw her forehead and face? Let her be as stimulated as herself?

The idea was rejected by mu Zhihuan as soon as it came out.

That woman has a mental problem. If she is stimulated by herself again, how can she be completely stupid?


Mu Zhihuan sighed. If Gu Mingxuan were there, he could discuss it with him.

no Mu Zhihuan suddenly reacted. She couldn't talk to Gu Mingxuan about it.

Mu Zhihuan doesn't think there is a second person in the world who will believe such a magical thing.

At the thought of this, mu Zhihuan couldn't help feeling irritable. Why did things become like this?

She thought it was almost over.

One night, mu Zhihuan couldn't sleep.

She was lying in bed, uncomfortable and didn't know what to do.

So the next day she came to the door of Jiang zisu's study: "Jiang zisu, I want to find you for someone."

Jiang zisu thought that after yesterday, mu Zhihuan ignored herself for a few days, but unexpectedly, she would come to find herself.

"Who do you want?"

"I want a doctor, a doctor who can make the princess talk."

Jiang zisu looked at mu Zhihuan as if he were reading a joke: "do you know that she was like this from the beginning? What if someone pretended? Or she didn't want to talk at all? Heart disease needs heart medicine. Why do you think you can make her speak?"

Mu Zhihuan didn't care: "this is my business. You just need to find some doctors for me. You don't need to worry about the rest."

Seeing that her eyes were firm, Jiang zisu finally nodded helplessly: "if you insist, of course I can help you find a doctor, but I don't care if I can let her speak again."

"Yes." Mu Zhihuan nodded. As long as Jiang zisu promised to help her find a doctor, she had her own ideas at other times.

"Who are you going to find for me? The doctor was hurt by the princess before. I don't think he will come again, so I need a new doctor now. Don't be reliable."

"Reliable?" Jiang Zi Su smiled at mu Zhihuan, his eyes full of banter: "who can be reliable?"

Mu Zhihuan narrowed her eyes and said, "I came twice and saw a child and an old man, and I smelled the smell of herbs from them. I think these two people should be doing something related to herbs. If I guess correctly, these two people may be doctors? Right?"

Jiang zisu picked the tip of his eyebrows and looked at mu Zhihuan: "you're a bit smart, but so what? They make poisons and are not good at medicine."

Mu Zhi Huan gave Jiang zisu a white look: "since ancient times, medicine and poison are not separated. Since he is proficient in poison, his medical skills must be not much worse. Besides, the sword is at the wrong edge. What if he can make the princess speak again with poison?"

"That's right." Jiang zisu nodded and said easily, but his eyes were always on mu Zhihuan: "let me ask them for you."

I don't know what he was thinking, but mu Zhihuan's back was cold.

"Then you as soon as possible!"

With that, mu Zhihuan left a figure for Jiang zisu and turned away.

Jiang zisu looked at mu Zhihuan's distant figure, and a touch of doubt flashed in her eyes.


Mu Zhihuan went to see Shangguan Yan'er as usual and found that her face was much better than before. The injury on her foot was really like what the doctor said. It was already scabbing slowly. Mu Zhihuan's heavy face was better.

Shangguan Yan'er is not a fool either. She can see that mu Zhihuan has been absent-minded today, which seems that the whole person has no spirit.

"Mu... Zhihuan, what's the matter with you? I found something wrong with you yesterday. I wanted to ask you, but I forgot it later because yesterday's consumption was too serious."

Mu Zhihuan shook her head: "nothing, just thinking about how I can take you out..."

Before the word went out, Shangguan Yan'er interrupted her: "well, I know. I think I live very well now, at least much better than before, so don't care too much about these things."

Along the direction of Shangguan Yan'er's fingers, mu Zhihuan quietly looked at the past. Only then did she find that there were two bodyguards standing at the door of the cell. It seemed that they were monitoring themselves.

Mu Zhihuan sighed silently, although he seemed to be given absolute freedom by Jiang zisu.

But every step I take, someone looks at me and I'm really upset.

If you change a person with a bad attitude, you may drive yourself crazy before you wait to go out.

Seeing that mu Zhihuan was a little tired, Shangguan Yan'er whispered, "these things have to be done slowly. If you are tired, go back and have a rest earlier."

Mu Zhihuan shook his head: "I'm not tired, just feel... A lot of things come together, which makes me a little difficult to digest for a while."

With that, mu Zhihuan suddenly thought of: "Yan'er, I have a question to ask you. According to reason, you should come in later than your princess, so do you still have the impression when the princess married Jiang Zishu?"

I don't understand why mu Zhihuan asked this, but Shangguan Yan'er still hung his eyes and thought, "I don't remember very much. At the beginning, I only knew that the LORD was going to marry a princess. The whole capital was very lively."

"Why do you suddenly remember to ask me this? Did the princess speak?"

Mu Zhihuan shook his head: "it's just pure curiosity, nothing."

"It's strange to say that the princess of Ningguo married Dawei far away. Anyway, it's a grand thing. But since the princess made Dawei, she has been very low-key. She has almost never been out of the palace. How can a princess from other countries not be interested in the capital of our country?"

Shangguan Yan'er frowned, and his tone was very puzzled.

Mu Zhihuan also frowned: "you mean this princess, she is different from other princesses. She has always been very lonely, isn't she?"

"I can't say she's lonely. I feel she's very cold, as if she's not interested in everything around her."

This is a little strange. People are curious. How can a princess from another country not be curious about the humanities of this country when she comes to a strange place??

Isn't it strange that you don't want to go to the market outside to have a look?

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