Seeing her like this, mu Zhihuan knew that she could not ask anything today, so she turned to the mammy around her and said, "Mammy, the princess was stimulated after she was caught. Please take good care of her."

Mammy nodded, "the maidservant will."

Mu Zhihuan sighed. She didn't expect that there was no progress at all.

In fact, at first she suspected that the princess might be pretending to be crazy in order to avoid Jiang zisu, but now it seems that the princess should be stimulated to become what she is now.

If you want her to be normal, do you have to help her find it? What causes her to be crazy?

But the princess didn't meet before. Doing so is like looking for a needle in a haystack. When will he return to annihilation?

At the thought of these trifles, mu Zhihuan couldn't help sighing.

When Gu Mingxuan found her, he sent mu Zhihuan standing at the gate of Prince Li's house waiting for him.

"Why are you here? Does that mean something?"

Mu Zhihuan glanced: "there is no progress, so I can only come back first."

Gu Mingxuan looked at her listless appearance and came forward to pat her on the shoulder: "let's go first and say something in it."

Mu Zhi cheered, and the time skillfully followed Gu Mingxuan to the study in the palace.

"What have you done with Jiang zisu?"

Gu Mingxuan frowned: "can you give me a drink of water? Are you sure you want to ask him first?"

"I'm just a little curious. There's no other meaning." as she said, mu Zhihuan poured Gu Mingxuan a glass of water: "are you finished now?"

Gu Mingxuan took the water and took a sip of it with satisfaction: "I've almost finished all my work, and the rest is between their two brothers."


Mu Zhihuan nodded: "can we go back to the great annihilation after preparation?"

Gu Mingxuan didn't answer her. Instead, he pulled mu Zhihuan down and sat on his lap: "Zhihuan, what was that thing you said before? Can you care so much?"

Mu Zhihuan felt Gu Mingxuan's hot body temperature behind him, pursed her lips and said with a little uncertainty: "in fact, there is one thing, but I don't know how to tell you, or whether you can believe me."

Gu Mingxuan pinched her nose intimately: "what can't you believe? I know who you are. You won't deliberately lie. Since you are so, this matter must be very serious, right?"

Mu Zhihuan nodded, and the words came to his mouth, but he didn't know how to speak: "Hey, this thing is really mysterious. I don't know if you can understand it."

Seeing her so tangled, Gu Mingxuan forced her to explain: "then tell me when you think about it."

Mu Zhihuan turned back and looked at Gu Mingxuan with grateful eyes: "thank you. I'll tell you, but I haven't even figured out the subtle connection. I'll tell you when I find out."

Nodding, Gu Mingxuan kissed her on the cheek: "did you protect yourself during this time in jiangzisu's house?"

Speaking of this, mu Zhihuan raised his head: "do you think I'm hurt?"

Gu Mingxuan took mu Zhihuan to the bedside, directly put her on the bed, and then looked down at mu Zhihuan: "how do I know? Let me check it carefully."

With that, Gu Mingxuan put down the bed curtain with one hand and stroked mu Zhihuan's face with the other.

The next day, mu Zhihuan woke up in the anxious voice of Qinghe.

She yawned and opened the door to Qinghe.

Qinghe saw the strawberries on her neck at a glance. He immediately understood why she got up so late. His face turned red. Qinghe covered his eyes.

"Can't you put on your clothes and open the door again?"

Mu Zhihuan narrowed her eyes and smiled at Qinghe: "don't be so strict. I just got up. What are you looking for me so early in the morning?"

Qinghe glared at her, pushed her into the room and said, "I heard you were brought back by Gu Mingxuan, so I came to see you."

"Thank you so much. I didn't expect you to be so kind."

Mu Zhihuan said and changed her clothes in front of Qinghe.

Qinghe looked at the colorful mottled on her and couldn't help blushing: "you are a big shopkeeper. Can't you pay attention to the image?"

Mu Zhihuan shrugged indifferently: "what can I pay attention to? We are all women. We can't see anything."

Although he said so, seeing her so rude, Qinghe still couldn't help but want to say something to her: "although you are married now and have a family, if you don't pay attention to your image, Gu Mingxuan may give you up soon."

Mu Zhihuan turned a white eye: "borrow his ten courage, he dare not."

It's not mu Zhihuan's self-confidence, but she believes that Gu Mingxuan is definitely not such a person who always gives up. Besides, she is not alone. Gu muhuan and the queen who are far away in annihilation are their own backing. If Gu Mingxuan really does such a stupid thing, someone will help him clean him up.

After changing his clothes, mu Zhihuan took Qinghe's hand and said, "let's go and see what happened to the rivers and mountains of Dawei."

The corners of Qinghe's mouth puffed. Really, she hasn't seen a few careless women like mu Zhihuan.

"This country has nothing to do with you. What do you care about?"

Mu Zhihuan looked at Qinghe and couldn't help shaking his head. "Think about Han Wu's great achievement this time. Jiang Zimu will certainly give him a reward on the hall. Maybe he will be granted a general. Then you are the general's wife. You are so indifferent."

Qinghe curled his lips: "I've seen enough of your intrigues in the imperial power. In fact, I think it's good to be a dealer. I'm not interested in that thing in the imperial palace."

Mu Zhihuan knew that Qinghe thought so. She patted Qinghe on the shoulder: "your Han Wu is a foreign minister at most. Where are so many twists and turns? You think too much."

Qinghe picked his eyebrow: "OK, don't talk about me. Although the game is not perfect, it is over. What you came to Dawei to do should have been done. Are you ready to go back to annihilation now?"

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