Speaking of this, Qinghe was a little reluctant: "I haven't stayed with you enough."

Mu Zhihuan grinned: "it's not so fast. I still have something to do, and our game is so messy that I have to explain to the customers?"

Qinghe nodded: "this is the same. After all, the final result came out, but the gift we agreed to give to the audience didn't go out."

"That's it!" Mu Zhihuan nodded, "so I should stay for a while, and then you organize people, and we'll get the welfare up again."

A flash of light flashed in Qinghe's eyes: "well, I'll go back and have someone prepare.

Seeing her leaving back, mu Zhihuan sighed silently.

After seeing that it was still early, mu Zhihuan simply went to find the princess.

As expected, the princess was still afraid of herself.

Although mu Zhihuan found the old doctor in the palace, he shook his head after seeing it. He couldn't tell whether the princess was really crazy or fake.

There was no way. Mu Zhihuan had nothing to do but stay with the princess.

After all, anyway, the princess had spoken before and was not completely unable to speak. She didn't want to speak now. Maybe she was really stimulated.

After Gu Mingxuan finished his work, he also accompanied mu Zhihuan to hang around the princess.

Of course, the first time I saw the princess's appearance, even Gu Mingxuan with excellent concentration was stunned for a long time.

He believed that there would be people who looked so similar in the world. After all, he was a royal man, and it was not unusual for some royal heirs to raise "shadows".

It was just something he didn't expect. It was such a coincidence that both mu Zhihuan married Jiang zisu.

Gu Mingxuan probably knew that this was the thing that made mu Zhihuan tangle all the time, so he didn't worry later. He quietly accompanied mu Zhihuan. When she told herself, she would naturally say.

Originally thought it was a very long and lasting war, but with more and more contact between mu Zhihuan and the princess, the princess seemed to be getting used to the existence of Mu Zhihuan.

Occasionally respond to Mu Zhihuan.

For example, after talking to herself, Xu's mu Zhihuan will find that the princess will look at herself with her head tilted.

Although it can't be regarded as a big event, mu Zhihuan felt that her hard work was not in vain because she could let the princess open her heart to herself step by step.

Another busy day from the powder shop, mu Zhihuan was trying to see the gap between the princess and her former self

So recently, she began to contact with the princess's diet. When she had nothing to do, she often went to see the princess with something of her own taste.

At first, the princess didn't eat much, but mu Zhihuan took it frequently, and the princess would gradually eat some.

Through this, mu Zhihuan found that the princess's taste was very different from her own, and although she looked very similar to herself before crossing, her various behavior habits were also very different.

For example, mu Zhihuan likes to sleep on a soft pillow, but the princess likes to hold a wooden pillow every day. For example, mu Zhihuan likes to make intimate clothes with cotton cloth, and the princess is refined and greasy silk.

Although it's not a big difference, mu Zhihuan always thinks these things should be explained.

"Look, princess, I brought you osmanthus cake."

The princess looked with frightened eyes and found that it was mu Zhihuan. Then she carefully came over and took the osmanthus cake in her hand.

Mu Zhihuan saw the way she opened the osmanthus cake and ate it with relish. She went to the princess and sat down: "in fact, I used to like to eat this, but later Gu Mingxuan bought too much for me, so I don't like it now."

The princess ate and suddenly took out a piece from the box of Osmanthus cake and handed it to Mu Zhihuan: "eat!"

Mu Zhihuan didn't expect that the princess would take the initiative to take the sweet scented osmanthus cake to herself when she heard that she liked it. Her heart moved. Mu Zhihuan gathered together and said, "do you remember me? I took you out of your cell."

But when mu Zhihuan asked this, the princess just lowered her head and ate the osmanthus cake on her hand, and didn't answer her.

Seeing this, mu Zhihuan sighed silently and bit the osmanthus cake in her hand.

But before she could swallow it, she heard the princess say in a low voice, "I remember you."

Mu Zhihuan's eyes lit up. She turned back and looked at the Princess: "do you remember anything except me?"

The princess slowly ate another piece of Osmanthus cake, and then looked sideways at mu Zhihuan: "if I say I remember everything, do you believe it?"

Looking at the princess in front of her, she didn't look silly at all, just like a normal person. Mu Zhihuan's heart suddenly sank. Was she calculated?

As if she knew what she was thinking, the princess patted the sweet scented osmanthus cake residue on her hand: "I was locked up by Jiang zisu for a period of time, but I didn't pretend to be crazy before he was locked up, but I began to pretend on the way to this country."

Mu Zhihuan looked at her suspiciously: "why did you do this?"

The princess shrugged. "Don't you know better than me why I do such a thing?"

Mu Zhihuan was surprised to hear her say this: "do you really know me? Who are you?"

The princess glanced at her obliquely: "who am I? Am I not you?"

As soon as this word was said, mu Zhihuan felt the surrounding air suddenly drop several degrees, and a cold current climbed up from her spine, making her scalp Numb: "are you mu Zhihuan?"

The princess did not answer her, but looked at her directly, but the meaning in her eyes was very clear.

Mu Zhihuan didn't dare to confidently cover her face. This person is really the predecessor of her current body. What's wrong with her Princess identity at the moment?

"So is it because I occupy your body that you become this princess?"

The princess shook her head: "I don't know very well, but I remember that I was being bullied by Yang Qiuyu. Then I didn't know how, I fainted. When I woke up, I had become this princess."

Mu Zhi Huan pursed her lips, so her experience was the same as herself?

If a person comes in and a person wants to go out, where has the princess gone?

Seeing that mu Zhihuan's eyebrows were all frowned together, the princess sighed: "in fact, to tell the truth, when I found myself changed into a person, my heart was relieved. I really loved Jiang zisu before. Yes, but later you know what kind of life I live."

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