Then the princess laughed at herself: "all that has long wiped out my self-esteem and love, and there is only painful torture left. So I found that after I finally left jiangzisu, I quickly accepted the fact that I became someone else, but I really didn't expect that I had become a princess of other countries, and I couldn't escape the palm of Jiangsu."

The princess's face was a little ugly: "do you know I almost went crazy when I heard that I was coming to Dawei to make peace with Jiang zisu?"

Although mu Zhihuan knew it, she could imagine this feeling: "so later you simply pretended to be crazy, but I didn't think that even if you were crazy, Jiang zisu still married you."

The princess nodded: "but what I didn't expect most was that I actually heard the beautiful love between Jiangzi Su and mu Zhihuan here?"

As she spoke, the princess seemed to think of something funny, pulled the corners of her mouth and raised an ugly smile: "Do you know how ridiculous this is? Jiang zisu and mu Zhihuan actually have love. Later, I secretly inquired about the person 'mu Zhihuan'. Then I knew that I came to the princess, someone went to me, and developed a love relationship with Jiang zisu."

Mu Zhihuan licked his dry lips: "those are just what others say. Jiang zisu and I have no love at all. You have no feelings with him, and there will still be no feelings between me and him."

The princess tugged at the corners of her mouth: "I later learned that you separated from Jiangzi Su and married the crown prince of Dayan. Unexpectedly, you are very powerful. You can marry the crown prince of Dayan with a broken shoe."

Listening to the princess's words, mu Zhihuan took a puff from the corner of her eye: "my body is' broken but not broken shoes'. Don't you know it in your heart?"

The princess smiled awkwardly: "that's right. To tell the truth, I thought it was good to be in this prison. I didn't need to see Jiang zisu and won't be tortured, but I didn't expect to see you later."

Then the princess looked at mu Zhihuan: "do you know what it's like to see your face and your body used by another person? It's creepy and sweaty. I really didn't expect you to be so calm in front of Shangguan Yan'er."

Of course, you should pretend to be a little more, otherwise Shangguan Yan'er will feel very troublesome if she sees what and asks more: "in fact... Not only do you feel thrilled, but I am also the same. To tell you the truth, your face is my previous face. I am the same as you. I came here somehow."

The princess looked at her and sneered: "then you have to ask me now. So, do you want to change it back? I can tell you, I can't help it."

Listening to the princess, mu Zhihuan finally understood why she had done so much before. She refused to talk to herself. She felt that she would let her change back.

"You think too much. I'm just curious about what happened. I didn't expect to meet you here. I just thought you were another me, not the predecessor of my body."

The princess looked at her: "so it is, but when I tested you before, you were very careful about my body now."

Mu Zhihuan turned her eyes in her heart. The woman pretended to be crazy and really tried herself, and she was so stupid that she fell in her plan.

"Not only your current body, but also your previous body. Do you see any scars on me now?"

The princess really looked at mu Zhihuan from top to bottom, and didn't see anything from her. She picked her eyebrow: "to be honest, I hate this body, or I hate my past. Since you feel good, you can continue to use it."

Looking at the understatement of the man in front of him, mu Zhihuan was helpless. He really didn't know whether to say free and easy or something.

Mu Zhihuan didn't expect that the matter was like this: "since we both talked, don't pretend to be crazy. It's probably not possible to go back to Ningguo, but I'll tell Jiang Zimu to let him put you well."

The princess did not object. She was a married yellow flower girl, which was not a beautiful thing to say.

"Thank you if you can."

Looking at her face and saying thank you to herself, mu Zhihuan felt uncomfortable.

"It's all right. Have a good rest first. I'll come and see you tomorrow and take you out for a walk, although you're already familiar with this area."

The princess didn't say much, just nodded.

But before mu Zhihuan left, the princess suddenly called her: "Mu Zhihuan!"

Mu Zhihuan turned back and looked at her suspiciously: "what's the matter?"

The princess looked at mu Zhihuan with those not bright eyes: "although you know, I still want to say that I hope you will be mu Zhihuan from the moment you step out of the door, and I will be princess Ru Chen."

Mu Zhi Huan blinked. How much did the man hate himself before, but she still nodded: "I know, I will."

From Princess Ru Chen's room, mu Zhihuan went to Gu Mingxuan.

It happened that Gu Mingxuan also finished his work. Seeing mu Zhihuan coming, he didn't get up, but sat back on the stool: "what's the matter? It's so hot."

Mu Zhihuan drank a mouthful of water: "you let these people go down first."

Gu Mingxuan gave a look to the bodyguards around him. They all withdrew very wisely. Finally, they closed the door.

Mu Zhi was relieved to see that the room was quiet and said, "you may not understand what I want to say now, but it doesn't matter. You just need to know that I won't lie to you."

Gu Mingxuan looked at mu Zhihuan so seriously, slightly frowned, and probably knew what she wanted to say.

So he nodded, "well, you say it."

Mu Zhihuan moved a stool, sat in front of Gu Mingxuan and said seriously: "In fact... I'm not mu Zhihuan. It should be said that I'm not mu Zhihuan, the daughter of general mu. I come from another world. It's a very different place from here. I don't know how I came here. I only know that I was thrown. When I woke up, I came here and became mu Zhihuan."

With that, mu Zhihuan carefully looked at Gu Mingxuan: "can you understand what I said?"

Gu Mingxuan frowned slightly: "that is to say, since you suddenly changed, you are not the original mu Zhihuan?"

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