Mu Zhihuan nodded like mashing garlic: "en!"

"Although I don't understand the truth, you do suddenly seem to have changed, whether it's your style of behavior or anything. This is really a powerful evidence."

Hearing Gu Mingxuan say so, mu Zhihuan's eyes were red.

You see, even if this man knows such a strange thing, he doesn't laugh at himself, but is thinking very seriously.

Mu Zhihuan sniffed: "I've been hiding this secret. I wasn't going to say it, but..."

Before she finished, Gu Mingxuan picked it up: "you met Princess Ru Chen, right?"

Mu Zhihuan nodded: "I really didn't expect that I would meet her."

Gu Mingxuan didn't say much this time. He just looked at mu Zhihuan quietly.

"What I want to tell you is that this princess Ruchen looks almost the same as before I came here. That's why I'm so nervous. I thought it was another me."

Saying that, mu Zhihuan felt funny. It was clearly a different world. How could it be another self.

"However, Princess Ruchen and I have just explained everything clearly. She is not me, so I want to tell you everything now."

Then mu Zhihuan took Gu Mingxuan's hand: "I don't want us to have such a secret before. I tell you, it's because I believe you, so I don't ask you to really believe what I said, but I want you to remember that I once trusted you so unconditionally."

Gu Mingxuan reached out and touched mu Zhihuan's cheek: "it's hard to say these?"

Mu Zhi Huan nodded. After all, this is her biggest secret.

Gu Mingxuan gently hooked up an arc at the corner of his mouth: "I believe you. You don't mean to say such things to deceive me."

This sentence makes mu Zhihuan feel warmer than a simple 'I believe you'.

Because Gu Mingxuan believes in himself, not only because he is his wife, but because he believes in himself, which means that he believes in the mu Zhihuan in front of him. This feeling of recognition makes mu Zhihuan's eyes red again.

She leaned up, hugged Gu Mingxuan and rubbed on his broad shoulder: "thank you for believing me and listening."

Gu Mingxuan patted her head: "thank you for telling me, too."

In this small room, the warm feelings scattered for a time, which made Mu Zhi Huan couldn't help recalling the corners of her lips.

This is the man he likes. He doesn't perfunctory himself at all. Even if he says such puzzling words, he takes them seriously.

"Gu Mingxuan, did I say I love you?"

Gu Mingxuan rubbed mu Zhihuan's head: "you have already told me through action."

Mu Zhihuan raised her head and kissed Gu Mingxuan on the face: "but I still want to tell you personally that I love you."

Gu Mingxuan's eyes flashed a touch of warmth. He took mu Zhihuan's cheek and kissed her on her forehead: "well, I love you, too, and our muhuan."

Mu Zhihuan blinked: "at this time, you should have me in your eyes and heart. Why is there a little Mu Huan?"

Looking at mu Zhihuan, who even ate his son's vinegar, Gu Mingxuan picked his eyebrow: "because he was born to you, I will cherish him together."

Mu Zhi Huan pursed her lips: "it's almost the same."

Then she leaned her head against Gu Mingxuan's shoulder. The reason why she didn't tell Gu Mingxuan that the princess was her predecessor was that she didn't feel much need. The other reason was that Princess Ru Chen asked herself to forget it when she went out, so she was too lazy to say.

Coincidentally, the new welfare activities arranged by Qinghe also began the next day. Mu Zhihuan deliberately got up early in the morning and went to the field with Gu Mingxuan and Dendrobium.

I don't know because the fight made my shop spread among the people, so more people came to this special welfare feast than the previous finals.

During this period, people from other countries interested in Mu Zhihuan's "Chanel" came to inquire about joining. Of course, mu Zhihuan received them very warmly, and then signed several agents from other countries.

Looking at the contract in hand, mu Zhihuan wants to say that she is not satisfied. After all, she is getting closer and closer to her goal. If she goes on like this, she may really realize her dream of globalization.

However, she just thought about it. After all, the 21st century is different in ancient times and the rapid development of various technologies.

But at last some people are looking for her.

Gu Mingxuan has been with mu Zhihuan during this period of time, watching her busy figure silently supporting her.

After almost all the busy things were finished, it was almost the beginning of spring. Mu Zhihuan asked Qinghe symbolically whether he was willing to go to annihilation with him. As a result, as expected, mu Zhihuan got a negative answer. Then mu Zhihuan discussed with Jiang Zimu to make good arrangements for Princess Ru Chen, and returned to annihilation with the person who won the game.

Maybe it's really because returning home is like an arrow, so mu Zhihuan basically didn't stop all the way. Several people were in a hurry to DAYEN, so the time spent on the road was much shorter than that on the way.

When mu Zhihuan and Gu Mingxuan returned to DAYEN, it was just when spring was coming.

Looking at the spring green in front of her, mu Zhihuan took a deep breath: "I don't know if the little guy still remembers me if he hasn't come back for so long."

Wait, wait, wait. As soon as the voice fell, mu Zhihuan saw Qi Niang walking towards him with a small milk ball.

Although the milk ball walked anxiously, it was still clear that his feet were very vain and unstable.

However, when mu Zhihuan saw this scene, the corners of his mouth really cracked a smile: "look, say people, people come."

The little milk dumpling was brought to her by Qi Niang. Looking at the two strange and familiar people in front of her, she gave birth to chubby little hands a little timidly.

Mu Zhihuan was about to stretch out his hand to hold it. Unexpectedly, the little milk dumpling took back his hand and let him watch mu Zhihuan's stretched hand fail. He couldn't help but be happy.

Mu Zhihuan's face was green with anger by his action: "if you are so big, you know to tease adults. I don't know who can control him."

The little milk ball seemed to think it was fun, so he stretched out his hand again. Although mu Zhihuan said complaining words, he still stretched out his hand to hold the soft little hand.

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