Looking at the little girl jumping away, mu Zhihuan gave ink clothes a thumbs up in her heart. It turned out that ink clothes were the Invisible King. Why didn't she see it before.

Mo Yi turned back and gave the flowers to Ruyan, who was also stunned in situ: "it's not easy to sell something, little girl. You've bought everything, so you have to accept it reluctantly."

There was no sense of coercion in his words, but it was acceptable to unexpected people.

So Ruyan also readily accepted the flowers given by ink clothes: "then I don't respect it."

Mo Yi picked his eyebrow and said, "it's lucky that this flower can be held by a beauty like you."

Mu Zhihuan heard goose bumps in the back. This ink dress is really too powerful for people to resist.

However, Moyi didn't have the consciousness in this regard. He naturally gave it to Ruhua fireworks and led him to walk in front: "I remember Zhihuan said you like a quiet place, don't you? There is a very quiet shop not far from here. We can go there and settle down later."

Ruyan was stunned and looked back at mu Zhihuan. If she didn't know what mu Zhihuan was going to do now, she would be really stupid.

She turned back and looked at mu Zhihuan. When she was about to ask, mu Zhihuan came forward and took her hand: "don't be nervous. This ink coat is a good friend of mine. He is honest and won't do anything that disgusts you. He just has a meal between friends. You don't need to think about it."

Ruyan looked at mu Zhihuan's soothing expression, stunned, and finally nodded.

Just like mu Zhihuan said, it's just a meal. If you show too much concern, you will appear very hypocritical.

So along the way, mu Zhihuan finally saw the ability of Mo Yi to tease younger sister. It was really great. If she had known that Mo Yi had this means, she wouldn't have to prepare the second plan. The atmosphere between the two people seems to be very comfortable. Now it only needs a little wind and grass. Mu Zhihuan believes that Gu Rongyi will take the initiative to come to the door soon.

After wandering outside with Mo Yi and Princess run for a whole day, mu Zhihuan felt good. Ruyan couldn't walk before Mo Yi.

So the three had to end early, but Mo Yi politely sent mu Zhihuan back to the prince's house before turning around and leaving.

Just as he was about to leave, Gu Mingxuan just came back from the outside and happened to collide with Mo Yi.

Mu Zhihuan looked at this scene and felt a tight heart. When he wanted to explain something, he heard Mo Yi nodding slightly to Gu Mingxuan: "Your Highness."

Gu Mingxuan collected his eyes and looked at mu Zhihuan's expression. He basically understood what was going on. He also nodded slightly: "well, Mr. mo."

Looking at the two people walking quietly, mu Zhihuan vomited a long breath: "princess, you go first. Mingxuan and I have something to say."

Ruyan didn't see this scene. He only saw the scene of Gu Mingxuan and Mo Yi greeting. He wondered whether they knew each other?

What exactly is the origin of this ink coat?

Just wanted to ask mu Zhihuan. Unexpectedly, he was kicked out by mu Zhihuan. However, looking at Gu Mingxuan's cold appearance, Ruyan also knew that this was the affair of the couple, and he didn't ask much, so he nodded: "well, I'll go first."

Looking at the back of Ruyan leaving, mu Zhihuan came to Gu Mingxuan and hung his head: "how did you come back?"

Gu Mingxuan gently knocked on mu Zhihuan's head: "how can I know if I don't come back? When I'm not at home, you actually brought me to the bright place. Do you know what this means?"

Mu Zhi Huan blinked her bright eyes: "I just thought that the ink clothes were very reliable, but they were just helping with the acting. What's the matter?"

Looking at mu Zhihuan's completely unknown appearance, Gu Mingxuan sighed slightly and took mu Zhihuan's hand to the prince's house: "ink clothes are dark guards. If he shows his face in front of people like this, it's easy to be remembered. It will be very unfavorable for him to be a dark guard in the future. A dark guard whose face is remembered can basically no longer be a dark guard."

Mu Zhihuan was surprised. She really didn't think it would be like this. She just thought that ink clothes were very reliable. If she acted with ink clothes, she would save a lot of worry.

"What can I do now?"

Mu Zhihuan's face hung with guilt. People's ink clothes were dark guards. If she couldn't be a dark guard because of her negligence, how guilty was she?

Seeing mu Zhihuan's guilty appearance, Gu Mingxuan rubbed her head and took mu Zhihuan to his arms: "in fact, it's not without any benefit. I've wanted Mo Yi to come to people for a long time, but he has always been unwilling to go out in front of people on the grounds of protecting me. Now he just takes this opportunity to separate him from the identity of dark Wei."

Mu Zhihuan leaned against Gu Mingxuan's warm arms and felt guilty: "what if he doesn't want to do?"

Gu Mingxuan pinched mu Zhihuan's cheek: "it's not up to him this time."

Hearing Gu Mingxuan say so, mu Zhihuan sighed softly. He was really kind-hearted and did bad things.

"I'll ask him tomorrow. You don't know. Ink clothes are powerful. If you are half as powerful as him, maybe we don't have to go around so far."

Mu Zhihuan said, and told Gu Mingxuan everything that happened in the market today.

Gu Mingxuan could not help but frown: "ink clothes have always been so gentle. Do you know for the first time?"

Mu Zhi Huan blinked her eyes: "I heard for the first time. He used to dislike me and paste you upside down."

Although Mo Yi didn't clearly say his dislike for himself at that time, his expression was very clear. Mu Zhihuan would see it clearly.

Unexpectedly, mu Zhihuan remembered so long ago. Gu Mingxuan was a little helpless and funny: "at that time, he just didn't trust you, so you can't blame him."


Gu Mingxuan collected his eyes: "Gu Rongyi has seen ink clothes. If you want to use the method of motivating, the final effect may not be very good."

Mu Zhihuan wondered, "where did he see Mo Yi? Isn't Mo Yi your dark guard?"

Looking at Gu Mingxuan's helpless look, Mu Zhi Huan reacted fiercely: "Oh... I know, because Gu Rongyi is always in trouble with you, so you once asked Mo Yi to solve it. In the process, he may have seen the face of Mo Yi."

Gu Mingxuan nodded: "so, do you still want Mo Yi to help you?"

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