Mu Zhi huan'en gave a sound and nodded: "things have been half way. If I say I want to change people now, it will be very troublesome. Moreover, I'm worried that Princess Ruyan's mood will not be so in place. After all, Gu Rongyi is a very smart person. If there is a flaw, he will find it."

Seeing mu Zhihuan's serious appearance, Gu Mingxuan knew that she was seriously planning this time: "how about I help you take the identity of ink clothes? Anyway, it's all acting, so it's more like acting."

"How can I sit down and make a real hair?"

Gu Mingxuan picked his eyebrow, pasted it in Mu Zhihuan's ear and whispered, "you haven't told Ruyan what ink clothes do? Then we'll make ink clothes a businessman with a price difference between DA Yan and Da Wei. Such people can earn money, but it's not easy to check. Next, we just need to give him a real estate."

Mu Zhihuan nodded while listening to Gu Mingxuan's words: "then please your Highness the prince."

Gu Mingxuan looked at her playful appearance and couldn't help itching in her heart. Then he leaned over and kissed mu Zhihuan on her face: "what's the use of oral thanks? I want something practical."

After a beautiful night, mu Zhihuan almost couldn't get up.

When she appeared in front of Ruyan again with a publicized kiss mark, Ruyan was very indifferent: "are you going to take me somewhere today?"

Mu Zhihuan nodded: "anyway, you have nothing to do at home. Why don't you go and see my shop with me."

Ruyan looked at mu Zhihuan: "your shop?"

Mu Zhi cheered her nose and said, "you don't know? I opened a powder shop in the capital. Now my friends are helping me take care of it. Take you to have a look."

No matter how pure hearted Ruyan is, she is a girl after all. Her resistance to fat and powder is still relatively weak, so mu Zhihuan nodded and agreed.

When she followed mu Zhihuan to Chanel, the whole person was shocked: "is this what you call a shop?"

Mu Zhihuan nodded and took it for granted: "it's all a name, isn't it a shop? Let's go in quietly. I'll give you something I like."

She didn't know anything else, but the powder, especially the powder of Chanel, was so famous that even her Ningguo heard of it.

Even the first thing I did when I came to annihilation was to visit this' Chanel '.

Unexpectedly, this shop is owned by mu Zhihuan. Isn't mu Zhihuan rich?

Ruyan walked into 'Chanel' and still couldn't believe it. This shop belongs to Mu Zhihuan. If Mu Zhihuan is such a powerful figure, how can she keep such a low profile, and there is no copper smell of those businessmen at all.

"You finally remember that this is your shop? Can you tell me how many times you have been here since you returned to the great annihilation?"

Mu Zhihuan listened to Wu Miao's complaints and felt her nose awkwardly: "Wu Miao, there's still a princess here."

Wu Miao was too lazy to answer her: "you know, I'm sorry? Who said to keep the shop and let me raise the tire at home?"

Mu Zhihuan said goodbye and hurried to Ruyan: "Wu Miao, let me introduce you. This is Princess Ruyan, who came from Ningguo to marry, Princess Ruyan. This is the very capable friend I said. His name is Wu Miao."

Wu Miao immediately drew a professional smile and saluted Ruyan: "Wu Miao has seen the princess."

Ruyan looked at Wu Miao's big belly and hurriedly helped her to stand up: "your body is heavy and inconvenient. Don't use this courtesy in the future."

Wu Miao nodded, "thank you, princess."

Seeing that Wu Miao was so kind to the princess, but when facing herself, she seemed so angry. Mu Zhihuan dry touched her nose.

It seems that Wu Miao is really angry this time.

"That... Wu Miao."

Mu Zhihuan pulled Wu Miao down on the other side, and then whispered in her ear what she was busy with these days.

In fact, Wu Miao just came to the shop to have a look. After all, everything in the shop is running now, and she doesn't need to look after it. She just deliberately finds fault with mu Zhihuan when she sees her leisure.

So as soon as she heard that mu Zhihuan was really in trouble, Wu Miao "generously forgave her.".

"What are you going to do now?"

Before mu Zhihuan could explain, he saw Mo Yi come in.

Mu Zhihuan raised an eyebrow at Wu Miao: "I came for him."

With that, mu Zhihuan went up to the front of Mo Yi: "Mo Yi, why are you free to come to my shop today?"

Ruyan also saw Moyi, but because the relationship between Ruyan and Moyi was not good enough to take the initiative to greet, Ruyan stood there without action.

Mo Yi looked at mu Zhihuan, and then looked like smoke: "I came to ask about the one you said last time. The powder sent here has some scattered solutions."

Wu Miao wondered, "isn't boss Wang in charge?"

Mo Yi looked at Wu Miao and nodded: "he was right before, but because you sent a lot of fat powder, this problem is not the first time, so I want to come and ask myself."

Wu Miao took a breath: "are you the boss behind shopkeeper Wang? I said, why haven't you seen him before."

"Because shopkeeper Wang has been watching here, I will be annihilated. I was on the other side of Dawei before."

Mu Zhihuan looked at the conversation between the two and felt cold on his back. Gu Mingxuan's speed was really fast. He directly let the ink clothes seamlessly connect with his life around him.

"Princess Ruyan is here, too?"

Hearing Mo Yi's question, Ruyan smiled at Mo Yi: "well, Mr. Mo, this is good fate."

Mo Yi nodded: "what Princess Ruyan chose today is all on my head. Shopkeeper Wu, let's go up and talk about it in detail."

Seeing that Wu Miao followed Mo Yi up, mu Zhihuan turned back to Ruyan and said, "I'll go up and have a look. Just let them wrap up what you want. I'll come down soon."

Mu Zhihuan thought Mo Yi was just talking about it, but he didn't think he was really talking about it.

The conversation with Wu Miao was completely watertight. Later, at the suggestion of Mu Zhihuan, the two ended the discussion after filling the packaged box with soft and anti-collision cotton wadding.

When several people came down, they only saw a box in smoke's hand.

Mu Zhihuan was stunned: "you chose so long, so much?"

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