Ruyan nodded: "in fact, I haven't used these for a long time. I don't know how to start for a while..."

Before she finished speaking, Mo Yi said to Wu Miao on one side, "shopkeeper Wu, please wrap up all the things in the shop and send them to the prince's house. If Princess Yan lives, all the accounts will be recorded on my head."

Wu Miao, of course, does not refuse business: "well."

Ruyan didn't expect that ink clothes would come to this set. He was stunned: "that... In fact, it's not necessary..."

Mo Yi interrupted her: "it's not enough for girls to buy more Rouge powder, but if the natural beauty like the princess is not needed, it's still better. Everyone has the heart of love."

Mo Yi's words, mu Zhihuan almost wanted to praise him. It's much more powerful than Gu Mingxuan.

Since Mo Yi has said so much, Ruyan, of course, it's hard to refuse again. I can only say thank you to Mo Yi.

Mo Yi seemed very calm: "it's nothing. It's my honor to send something to the princess."

Ink clothes are so obvious. Of course, Ruyan knows what he means, but ink clothes haven't done anything too much to himself from beginning to end, so Ruyan doesn't feel repellent to him. On the contrary, he has a good impression of his generous pursuit. If he doesn't insist, Ruyan feels that they can be friends.

Seeing the good atmosphere of Ruyan and Moyi, mu Zhihuan immediately proposed: "in fact, I went to a very delicious teahouse last time, but it's far away, but we're all fine. We might as well go and have a look together."

Of course, Moyi doesn't have any opinion. Wu Miao says he doesn't want to go so far. Shen Zhiqiu should pick him up later, so he asks mu Zhihuan to go by themselves.

Originally, Ruyan didn't want to go, but she couldn't stand mu Zhihuan begging her all the time, so she had no choice but to agree to Mu Zhihuan's request and go with her to the place that was said to be very delicious.

Although we have done a good job in psychological construction to go a long way, Ruyan didn't expect to be so far. It took less than half a moment to go by carriage alone. If you go by yourself, you really don't know when to go.

"How did you find such a far place?"

It's not like smoke curiosity. It's really too far away. According to Mu Zhihuan's general action track, she should be a talent who rarely goes out of the city. Yes, how can a person who rarely goes out of the city find a teahouse so far?

Mu Zhihuan scratched her head and admitted generously: "an acquaintance brought me here. I never forget it after I came to eat once, but it's too far. Generally, Mingxuan doesn't allow me to come here alone, but this time there are you two. I want to see if there is any new wine in Laoban."

Hearing that mu Zhihuan was actually for wine, Ruyan was helpless: "last time at the reception banquet, I remember you said you didn't drink?"

Mu Zhihuan pulled at the corners of his mouth: "at that time, you didn't see good people coming. I didn't dare to pick up your wine. It's different now. I know you won't do anything to me. This good wine is, of course, the best thing is for everyone to enjoy it together."

Looking at mu Zhihuan's careless appearance, Ruyan knows why Gu Mingxuan always doesn't trust her alone.

She has such a temperament. It's better to say it's this temperament, but it's more difficult to say it's simple. If she turns against the water temporarily, Moyi likes herself and is with herself, she may not have the slightest way to do it right here.

Soon he arrived at the place. Ruyan looked at such a simple door number in front of him and wanted to say something. His eyes immediately touched the peach blossoms inside. The beautiful and quiet appearance seemed to bring peace to people.

"Come on, let's go in and have a look."

Mu Zhihuan said and pulled Ruyan into the room. Qing Niang saw mu Zhihuan at a glance. She came forward and was a little surprised: "crown princess? Why did you come without saying in advance?"

Mu Zhihuan grinned: "a surprise to the landlady. This is a new product from our shop. It's for you."

Qing Niang looked at the special bag of 'Chanel' in Mu Zhihuan's hand and thanked: "thank you, princess. I just dug out a can of osmanthus wine from the soil. Will you try it?"

Mu Zhihuan's eyes flashed: "then bring it quickly!"

Seeing mu Zhihuan in such a hurry, Qing Niang reluctantly smiled and took mu Zhihuan and Ruyan into it.

As soon as mu Zhihuan sat down, she couldn't wait to let Qing Niang serve her the dried beef.

"This beef is made by Qing Niang herself. It tastes good in all aspects. Would you like to try it?"

Ruyan saw that mu Zhihuan ate so delicious, so he tore open a piece and ate it.

The strong meat smell is not at all. The taste of firewood is just right: "this taste has a different flavor. Do you even think about it?"

Mu Zhihuan grinned. It happened that at this time, Qing Niang came up with the wine. With the opening of the wine seal, the fragrance of Osmanthus in the garden was hard to hold.

Even Mo Yi, who has never been interested in wine, couldn't help boasting: "good wine."

"This wine, I have more. Will the Crown Princess take two cans back later?"

Originally, in the 21st century, mu Zhihuan didn't like wine very much, perhaps because the industrial elements of those wines were too heavy, but when she came to this world, she fell in love with the wine of this world after tasting the good wine several times.

Not much. After drinking, it won't make people feel particularly uncomfortable, and the taste is also very mellow. Mu Zhihuan is naturally happy to accept the wine given to her by Qing Niang. So he nodded without hesitation.

A group of three people chatted while drinking, such as smoke and ink clothes. Although the atmosphere was not ambiguous, there was still some harmony.

Mu Zhihuan looked at the scene and narrowed her eyes while drinking wine.

"But the wine here is so delicious that the crown princess came again only a few days later."

A clear and proud voice suddenly rang behind him. Mu Zhihuan slightly hooked his lips and finally came.

But when she looked back, the expression on her face was changed into surprise: "Gu Rongyi, why are you here?"

Ruyan actually heard Gu Rongyi's voice early in the morning, so she was stunned for a while before she turned back and looked.

In the sun, Gu Rongyi's light green clothes sounded as the spring breeze blew, and his black hair was flying in the wind. He was unspeakably heroic, but his cold eyebrows were filled with a trace of emotion that he couldn't understand. He seemed to be angry?

What's he mad at? Who are you angry with?

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