When the spirit of the system saw the golden ball, his face was shocked, and a look of palpitation appeared in his eyes.

"You How did you do it? "

The spirit of the system trembled and said, completely lost the momentum of commanding countless beasts in the system space.

This golden sphere is the core of the system. Everything is done by this sphere, including the ability of ronjitian to travel through countless worlds, which is the ability of the ball.

Now that ronjitian can take out the core, it means that he has control of the system.

"Since I am the host of the system, is it difficult to take this thing?"

Long Ritian squinted his eyes and said with a smile.

"This Master, everything I do is for you, really. "

As soon as the spirit of the system changed his face and began to beg for mercy, he was called master long RI Tian. Before that, he would have pulled as much as he could. Now if he had not been caught by this big hand, he would have knelt down.

"Oh, tell me, why for me?"

Long RI Tian looked at him with a smile and thought. A sofa appeared behind him and sat down.

"I With the ability of the system, I have set up a huge team for the host to organize outside. As long as the owner wants to, it can be recalled completely. "

'said the spirit of the system, trembling. It's not true at all.

"Go on."

Long Ritian looked at him with a smile.

"Master, you can let me go. I will help you well and let all the heaven and the world belong to you."

Said the spirit of the system in mourning.

"Do you mean to let them help me?"

Long RI added the corner of his mouth and waved his hand in front of him. A picture appeared in front of him.

The picture above is a myriad of animals galloping, dense road animals are constantly rushing, stirring up a burst of dust.

The spirit of the system suddenly turned black. Unexpectedly, long RI Tian's ability was so strong.

"Is there anything else I want to say now?" Long Ritian looked at the spirit of the system and said with a smile that the smile in the eyes of the spirit of the system was like the God of death.

"I said I would really help you in the future. Would you believe it?" The spirit of the system said bitterly.

Now he still wants to fight for it. After all, he will stay with long RI Tian and know his situation at any time.

"What do you think?"

Long Ritan squinted and laughed, but his heart was full of happiness. Fortunately, he came back to understand the cause and effect formula of time and space after listening to the ancient road thousands of years ago, otherwise he might be killed by the spirit of the system.

Not only will he die, but his family will be trampled down by these beasts.

The spirit of the system changed his face a few times, and then a light came out of his eyes and shot to the core of the system.

"Want to detonate the system? I think a lot. "

Long RI Tian smiles and shakes his head. The light on his hand flashed past, blocking the light of the spirit of the system.

Then the golden light holding the spirit of the system slowly tightened.


Finally, the spirit of the system exploded and turned into fireworks, and the dots of light were falling.

With a wave of his hand, long RI collected these light spots, and then pushed them into the core of the system.

And then there was a golden glow in his hand, and he injected it into the core of the system.

Now he can't fully understand the system of time and space.

So he doesn't need the system now. He can get the Tao tools he wants.

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