Now what he's going to do is he's going to transform the system and send it back to earth.

He first adjusted the hierarchy of the system to ten levels. The first three levels correspond to the earthly realm, and the later levels correspond to the celestial realm.

The highest level can make the owner of the system reach the level of a saint. As for the realm above the sage, it depends on whether he has the ability.

In addition, many things in the system have been deleted, the time-space causal formula has been deleted, and then the world at the same level as the flood and famine world has also been deleted, leaving one in Honghuang and remaining in other low-level worlds.

The task is, he added the task of reading novels on earth before, and the reward is also in a mess. Some of them are weird. Who makes him a man of the earth? His thinking must be more active.

It took him an hour to let go.

"It's done. I don't know which lucky one will get it. Haha."

Long Jitian's face raised a smirk, as if he had seen someone being teased by the task.

"Well, you can't call it cause and effect system any more. If it's not good, let's change it to God level system."

Long Ritian thought about it for a moment, and decided the name of the system playfully.

"Ding God level funny system starts, space-time transmission is opened, destination · earth, target: the loser youth. "

A voice rings from the core of the system, and then the light rises.

"Go ahead."

Long RI added a smile on his face and threw away the core of the system.


See the core of the system issued a light, humming into the front of the space, disappeared.

"It's fun, ha ha ha."

Long day Tian giggled and thought of the time when he got the system. How aggressive it was.

Then, with a wave of his hand, a curtain of light appeared.

In the picture, the core of the system has turned into a ring, and then rushed to the earth, like a meteor.

The picture follows the ring. The ring goes through the atmosphere and comes to the territory of a big rooster and falls to the ground under the feet of the chicken.

The ring had turned into a fireball and was smashed downward.

Fireball speed is very fast, instant will fall to the ground, see the location is a park, the park only a couple of lovers, there is a garbage can of youth, and a low head, a sad boy.

And the direction of the fireball, hit the boy who walked with his head down.


Fireball severely hit the boy's back, blow him to the ground, the ring quietly lying in the pit, waiting for him to pick up.

The boy cried out in pain, stood up, looked back, and saw the ring clearly.

But at this time, a dirty, thin hand suddenly stretched out, which startled long RI, who was waiting for the boy to pick it up.

The dirty hand instantly picked up the ring, leaving the boy with a confused face and long RI Tian with a confused face.

"I'll go. There are also times when the system fails to select people. Ha ha ha."

Long Ritian laughed and his voice rang through the hall.

He doesn't care who gets the system. He just wants to see what kind of person gets the system. If he has a bad heart, he will obliterate it so that the earth will not suffer.

Then, with a wave of his hand, the young man who picked up the system appeared, as well as the information.

"Why? Is it a woman? "

Long Ritian became interested and began to look at her life.

Yang Zifei, 18, is afraid to communicate with others because of her parents' death.

There's her life on it.

"It's pretty."

Ronjitian looked at her and laughed.

This is interesting, a girl who got the system, what kind of story will be cast in this world, he is very curious.

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