Such a great event is taking place in the celestial realms at this time.

In addition to the cause and effect city, the city of xingsaliva and Hongmeng, as well as the other two cities of light, forcibly recalled the monks, and everyone knew that there was a big one coming.

For a moment, people were in panic.

"I didn't expect that there would be a big war in the heavens. Is that amazing?"

"Yes, we have been to the heavens for so long. Where has there been a great war? Is it a road beast attacking a city?"


"But don't be afraid. The city Lord has such a great ability to recall us from all parts of the heaven. His absolute strength is very strong. With the city master there, the small Taoist beast should not be close to xingsaliva city."

"Yes, I was in Hongmeng city at that time, and I was called back at once. It was so far away, so powerful."

Star saliva City, a team of people in the discussion, there is no sense of tension.

It's no wonder that the dark earth in the past was terrible. As long as you go in, you are worried about whether you will die in it.

But since the city of cause and effect appeared, the dark earth is no longer terrifying. The insects are gone, and the road animals are gone. So they can find good things every time they go out. There is no harm at all. It's very nice.

So what's the big disaster? What's the matter with them? It's a big deal. You can go out after the robbery. Anyway, the stone house can adjust the time and slow down the time by 10000 times. If you stay in the stone house for a month, everything will be over.

But these dreamy practitioners did not know that at this time, at the gate of xingsaliva City, a small old man came in, his eyes were blue.

"It seems that the city master of this city is not here. I have all come in and he has not appeared."

Lust King seven emotions in the king of thought, eyes with a smile murmured.

"That's good. We'll take it in this city."

I saw the king's hands spread out one after another, a blue gas gushed out and spread around.

"Why, what is this?"

The practitioner who was close to King Si saw the green fog and said curiously that he did not feel the danger, so he was not afraid.

"I don't know."

Then they were enveloped in the green fog, which penetrated their minds.

For a moment, their eyes turned blue and motionless.

Curiosity killed the cat. That's right. More and more people stop in the green fog, and some people find something wrong.


Siwang said in a low voice with a smile.

Then the people in the green fog moved and rushed to those outside.

"What are you doing..."

"Damn it, if you dare to fight in the city, I'm not polite."

Some people began to resist, but this resistance was very weak, they were all beaten by a group of people.

The speed of the green fog is very fast. It has covered one percent of the city of starsaliva.

One percent is a lot. It's a hundred kilometers wide. This large area is covered with green fog. From the sky, it looks like a huge wall painted with a corner.

Star saliva City, in the other three cities also encountered.

Only Guangming city is free because there are more powerful people guarding the city.

But a large number of practitioners in other cities were quickly under control.


Cause and effect city.

In the villa on the stone wall.

"A guest is coming."

Ronjitian opened his eyes and got out of bed.

"Who is it?"

The two women got up from both sides of him and said, holding his shoulders.

"King of your house."

Longitian said with a smile to snow.

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