Hearing long RI Tian's words, Xue Xue was stunned, and then his face changed.


She whispered, looking at him with her eyes that could catch the dead.

"Let's meet."

Ronjitian said with a smile.


Snow nodded.

Three people get up and turn around, a suit of clothes appears on them.

Then long RI Tian hugged them and disappeared in the same place.

At a gate of causality City, a middle-aged man with red eyes was standing there, watching the huge flow of people and nodding with satisfaction.

"There are so many people, but they are all mine."

The angry king said softly with a smile.

Then he stretched out his hand, and a red mist came out of him and spread around him.

All of a sudden, some people close to the control of the moment, the eyes turned red.


Suddenly, a cold hum sounded in the air, the red fog was shaken, and the red light in the eyes of the controlled people slowly disappeared.

"What's wrong with me?"

The people who released the control were confused.

"Time Retrogression. "

Then a voice sounded in the anger King's mind.

Then those red fog quickly retracted back, and soon all returned to the angry king.


The angry king had already realized that there was a strong one, and he could not help but be on guard.

The space in front of him slowly opened, and the three figures came out slowly.

The angry king looked at long RI Tian, his eyes shrank, but he couldn't see through him.


Long RI Tian sent out a cold hum, and the angry king felt his lust and soul shocked, and he was shocked in an instant.

"Are you the Lord of this city?"

The anger King's heart has been half, the other side light a sound can shake his own lust soul, that end already very obvious.

"Even if you don't know the city Lord, you dare to come. I also admire your courage."

Long day adds light to say.

"The king of lust, it seems so." Long Ritian shook his head, a little disappointed. He thought it was a strong product.


The angry king was very angry. The clouds in the sky turned red, as if he were venting his anger.

"All right, don't take out this little skill."

With a wave of his hand, the clouds in the sky disappeared.


The angry king was almost breathed out by his words. He was really angry, but his anger affected the rules of heaven and earth. What's the matter with him.

Suddenly, the angry King accidentally saw the two women beside him. When he saw the snow, he could not help but stop.

"Are you a lust man?"

The angry king asked.

"Well, I've seen lust king."

Snow calls softly.

At the same time, she was shocked. She didn't expect that long RI Tian could be strong enough to break the lust control of the lust King easily.

"As a lust clan, you betray your people and stay with the demons in the heaven."

The angry king was so angry that the air around him turned red. Even the people in the distance felt that their bodies were hot and irritable, and they wanted to be angry.

"All right."

Long Ritan looked at him, and with a wave of his hand, the fire around him disappeared in an instant, and a sense of tranquility floated in the air.

Even the angry king felt his anger was disappearing.

This can't work. He is the king of anger. If he can't even get angry from himself, he still plays with wool.


The angry King roared and was forced to be angry. His eyes were full of fire.

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