"Thank you, six ma."

Long Zhi Mu a Xi, took over, like to look up.

After all, his father has seven wives, and he has none.

I heard from my mother that my father had been with her since he was 18 and married before he was 20.

But he Now I am more than 40 years old. In my father's world, I can be a grandfather.

Although he is still young here, it can be said that he is not an underage, but he is young and always yearns for this kind of love.

However, he didn't want to be as playful as his father. More and more mothers appeared.

"Try to see if Guangjia likes it or not."

Ling Ni sweet smile way.

"Mm-hmm, good."

Long Zhi Mu nodded his head and poured his magic power into the light armor.


With the rise of a strong light, longzhimu was immediately wrapped in a pair of armor made of pure light energy, and became the God of war of light armor, with a pair of three meter long light wings behind.

The light wings fluttered slightly, and his body flew slowly.

Long Zhi Mu looked, a word, handsome.

He thought and patted with his bare wings.


Although a strong wind blowing, his figure disappeared, leaving only a light.


Above the sky, there was a cry of passion, but the figure could not be seen, only occasionally a small light could be seen.

Ronjitian looked at the boy and shook his head slightly.

It's all that big. It's like a kid.

After flying for a long time, Long Zhi Mu flew back and landed on the bridge.

"It's exciting. It's too fast."

Long Zhi Mu's face was red and obviously excited.

Ling Ni looked at him like, and her face showed a happy look.

"All right, all right, lead the way."

Long RI Tian rolled his eyes and said.

"Don't be too happy too early. There are still some Huagu dragons like mu'er. The gifts are ready."


Xuexuelingni opened her eyes and thought there was only one.


Then, under the guidance of longzhimu, they did not fly and went up step by step.

Go all the way to Tongtian peak.

The universe, I do not know whether it is a huge world broken into, or it is a special endless world.

No civilization can go to the end of the universe, or the universe has no end.

In the cosmos, the cosmos of Gomorra is an eight level civilization. In the universe where level 10 civilization disappears and level 9 civilization does not exist, level 8 civilization is the top existence.

The science and technology level of level 8 civilization has been able to move the planet to the extent that it can carry the planet across the universe, let alone the black hole cannon.

In the Gomorrah civilization, which no one dares to invade, peace has continued for thousands of years, and people's life expectancy has reached 500 years on average.

But today, there's a special guest in the Gomorra region.

"Where is this?"

Next to a planet twice the size of the earth, a 100m giant wakes up, his whole body glittering with gold.

He is Pangu, who was beaten by the twelve lust kings to escape into the space crack.

Pangu stood up slowly, and his lantern eyes swept into the space.

"There is no space for spiritual power, and there is no spiritual power. When will such a place appear in the universe?"

Pangu Han voice murmured, the huge sound in the universe vacuum, still spread.

"Is it the abandoned land abandoned by the Tao when the heaven and the myriad realms are formed?"

Pangu had a lot of questions in mind, trying to figure out where it was.

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