On a planet hundreds of times larger than the earth, giant steel buildings stand up, and robots or humanoid creatures walk on the street.

Why are they humanoid? Because they have the same body shape as human beings, but their hands are tentacles and their fingers are tentacles.

This is the star of Gomorrah, the main star of the Gomorrah civilization.

In the sky above the main star, there is a huge warship base, one fifth the size of the planet. There are huge warships on it. The cold skin is shining with cold light, and there are many gun holes under the skin.

In this base.

"Di, Di, di..."

In a satellite domain monitoring center, an alarm sounds.

A Gomorrah came quickly and looked up.

"General, there is a strong abnormal energy on 371. The energy intensity cannot be calculated."

Exclaimed the man in the clothes made of special alloy.


A dignified man in a silver cloak came in, his eyes so angry that he could not look directly at him.

It's just that his two tentacles are a bit of a show.

When she heard what the monitors said, she couldn't believe it, because their brains were capable of calculating 10000 times more energy than the tide in space.

But this energy can't be calculated by the optical brain. That is to say, the tide of space, which is more than 10000 times, can easily destroy the civilization of Gomorrah.

"Is it the birth of level 10 civilization?"

Ella thought solemnly.

"Connecting to 371, what do I need to know?"

ERLA said coldly.

"General, planetary surveillance is out of action." Said the monitor in a hurry.

"Launch the space eye."


Pan Gu lowered his head and looked at his chest. His chest slowly opened and a figure appeared.

"Lady, it's good to have you with me."

Tea lying on Pangu's hand, Pangu's eyes are full of gentle looking.

Suddenly, in his universe ten kilometers away, a mechanical eye the size of a basketball shot out.

The space eye turns around and looks at Pangu's position.

"It's a creature!"

Er La in the satellite domain monitoring center saw Pangu, his eyes were big, full of disbelief.

What's the difference between a humanoid creature and a star behemoth when it comes to the point where it can stand in the universe with its flesh?


Suddenly, Pan Gu's eyes flashed with gold, and then he took a step forward. In an instant, he came to the space eye and caught the space eye.

"Is it you who spy on me?"

Pangu's voice, like a torrent, spread around.

"Ho ho Boom... "

The space eye couldn't stand his voice, sparked and exploded.

And the surrounding space is on the edge of fragmentation because of Pangu's voice.

Pangu shook his head.

"The space here is less than one tenth of the universe. At most, it can only be about the same as that of Zhongqian world. It's so weak that I can't stand my voice."

Pangu had to control his voice to speak, which was too small for him.

"It seems that the little guy just came from over there. Go to have a look and ask what the world is here. Even I can't feel the spread of the universe."

Then Pangu walked in a direction, each step can span a light-year distance, and this is the result of his fear of space can not stand his body.

And star domain monitoring center, ERLA and some of the monitoring personnel have been scared to collapse, and some of them have fallen to the ground.

ERLA stood, and Pangu's image in front of the screen in his mind was repeated, making him sweat hard.

It's too strong. It's only ten kilometers, but it's not used for a second. It's much faster than their warships.

For a moment, he immediately ordered all fleets to start and all soldiers to move out.

It's all, the whole Gomorrah realm.

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