Ella was frightened by the sound, but as a general in charge of the fleet, he could not.

He said to the barrier, "this is the main star of the Gomorrah Empire, Gomorra."

"The Gomorrah empire What kind of world am I asking? "

Pangu said in a deep voice.

"The world? Isn't this the world? " Ella is a little confused. This planet is the world.

"General, maybe he's talking about star territory." A soldier nearby warned.

ERLA nodded, then said to Pangu, "we are the eighth level civilization in the universe, here is the Gomorrah star region."

"The universe The name of the world is actually called the universe. I understand why I can't feel the universe. "

Pangu murmured.

The four sides are called universe, and from ancient times to the present, the universe represents space, and the universe represents time.

"It's interesting to call the world with the universe. It seems that if you want to go back, you have to make the space here turbulent."

Pangu murmured.

Do what you say, but you can't do it here, because there are creatures here.

Then he moved.

Pangu's body just moved, scared all the people in the warship to shake, and a soldier pressed down the key in his hand.

See his warship that has coagulated the energy of the muzzle, suddenly a shake.


A huge beam of light shoots out, cuts through the space, and blows on Pangu's thigh. A terrible light burst out, like a star explosion, and space collapses.

"Who fired the gun?"

Ella roared from the command room of the main warship.

He saw that the giant wanted to leave, but he didn't expect a warship to fire.

The powerful cannon is still spreading, Guangmang has covered most of Pangu's body.

All of a sudden, a huge hand like covering the sky suddenly waved and caught the warship that had just attacked him.

As the light faded away, Pangu's figure came out.


Everyone swallowed and their eyes were full of shock.

"Do you want to be against me?"

Pangu raised the warship in front of his eyes and looked at the people inside with eyes like the sun. The 100000 meter warship was lighter than a toy in Pangu's hands.

"This strong man, I apologize for my soldier. He attacked you only when he was nervous."

As soon as ERLA heard the meaning of Pangu dialect, she knew that she had no intention to embarrass them, so she quickly explained.

Pangu looked at ERLA for a moment and then let go of the warship. The people in the world were too weak for him to kill.

Originally, Pangu was not a murderer.

Then Pangu raised his feet and stepped out.


The space he had just been in was suddenly broken, and a stream of space flowed around.

"All warships, turn on the auxiliary guns!"

ERLA Ning voice.

Space turbulence can be broken up. It will be OK after it is broken up.

At this time, Pangu has appeared in a quiet starry sky, surrounded by meteorite belts or unmanned planets.

"This is the position. I hope it will work."

Pangu said in a simple voice.

Then he hit it with one punch.


The fist of terror smashed into the void, the void collapsed rapidly, and pieces of space debris floated down, and the space debris accompanied by the space turbulence instantly shrouded Pangu.

Then, a black spot appeared at the position hit by Pangu's fist, which was expanding rapidly. A huge suction force came, and the space debris around Pangu was slowly sucked in and then swallowed up.

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