There was a black hole in front of Pangu. He felt it, but he found that the void opposite the black hole was the same as now, and it was also a star region.

Then Pangu hit the black hole again.


It seemed as if the universe was going to explode. All the planets around Pangu within a light year had been blasted, and the starry sky had been smashed into pieces of space debris.

This blow directly smashed and collapsed the newly formed black hole, and the channel formed by the black hole actually produced cracks.

"The law here is interesting. It can transfer power to other places, but is my power so easy to transfer?"

Pangu said in a simple voice, and then he hit out with a fist.

"Boom, boom..."

In the universe, a flash of light, the galaxy was all destroyed, a large number of space debris gathered together, forming a space tide, and then wave by wave swept away the surrounding galaxies.

So the tide of space becomes nothing.

However, the cracks in the black hole passage in front of Pangu are getting bigger and bigger. The breath comes out from inside. Although it is very weak, it is still felt by Pangu.

"The breath of the universe has been found."

Pangu murmured.


With his final punch, Pangu directly smashed into the black hole, and then Pangu grabbed the void with his hand and tore it violently.


Space is like rags, torn open, a thin aura blowing out.

Pangu did not stop and stepped in.

And long day Tim, at this time is in a hall, sitting in front of a super large jade table.

There are many delicious dishes on the jade table. There are all kinds of precious food materials, and the fragrance is floating on the jade table.

Today is a day of reunion in longri. All of them are relatives. The table is full of people, with a population of no less than 50.

"We haven't sat together for a long time."

The one sitting in the middle, naturally, is long ridian's grandfather. With his practice, his life is no longer a problem, and he is even young again. However, his grandfather is still full of white hair and has never thought of becoming young.

And in the grandfather next to is long father long mother, long father looks like a middle-aged man, but full of dignity, looking very handsome.

But long Ma is a young woman in her twenties and eighties.

"Granddad, I should be able to accompany you often in a few days."

Ronjitian said with a smile.

"Really? Ha ha ha, good and good. "

Grandfather long laughed happily.


Long RI Tim nodded.

All of a sudden, a picture appeared in his mind.

Outside cause and effect city, there are bursts of dust, there are bursts of vibration.

"Mom and Dad, I'll go out for a visit. You can eat it. Don't worry about me."

Ronjitian stood up and said.

"What's the matter?"

They asked in doubt.

"It's OK. It's a little bit of a thing."

Long RI Tian finished, the figure disappeared.

Cause and effect outside the city.

Long Ritian's figure appeared, floating in the air, surrounded by white fog. His eyes flashed and his eyes were shining. Looking at the front,

I saw the roaring sound in front of him, and the sound of thousands of horses rushing forward in the yellow dust and fog, as if the earth was about to be broken.


A roar of beasts came from all directions, as if the city of causality had been surrounded.

"Taoist beasts, isn't the spirit of the system dead?"

Long RI Tim murmured.

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