
The two are connected. Under the space pause, they are instantly torn by the terror energy, and the road beasts that have just rushed up around are instantly torn apart.

Hongmeng's face changed greatly. He didn't expect that the animal could compete with him.


The giant tiger's eyes twinkled and jumped up again.

On the other side, those secondary road beasts have already rushed under the wall.

However, there are two warlords who are also in the beginning of the road, and they are torn with them.

Although the city guarding beasts are very strong, they can't prevent a large number of Taoist beasts. Some of them have begun to attack the walls.

And in Starbuck.

At this time, outside the star saliva City, has been wrapped by the road beast, guarding the city of foreign animals automatically appear, rushed into the road beast sea to kill.

"Everybody, now the road beast attacks the city. I hope you can show all your strength, or the city will be destroyed and people will die."

Overhead, Gaia looked down at the dense crowd, light said.

"Kill, kill!"

The monk below roared.

"Good, then kill!"

Gaia lifted her hair beside her ear and said, full of temptation.

Then two huge gates slowly opened.


With the city gate opened, a man rushed out to kill the Taoist beast?


In the sea of animals, a 10000 meter long black bright Python tail flicked, all the people who had just rushed out were beaten to death. Moreover, the tail also caught the foreign animals guarding the city, which directly made the body of the city guarding animals empty and then solidified again.


At the beginning of terror, the evil spirit of the Dao state soared into the sky, and the bodies of people who were lower than the heaven realm burst out involuntarily.


Garrison monster is a gray silver wolf, with a little unreal body to bite to the black python.

The eyes of the black boa snake twinkled in the sky, and its tail jerked fiercely.


This tail makes the space broken, and the city guarding beast flies out directly. The body is constantly shaking and almost broken.

But after stabilization, the body is a little bit empty again, but it still wants to rush up.

The black Python seemed to be annoyed by it. Once its tail patted the ground, it directly entangled the city guarding animals.


The speed of the garrison monster was a little slow. It was directly bitten on its head, and its huge body was entangled.

With the help of the black python, the body of the beast gradually became smaller and began to shake.


I saw the fortress monster was directly blown up, the huge energy scattered around.


Without a target, the huge body of the black Python fell in the sky and hit the city wall hard, making a small gap in the wall, and killing a number of monks.

On the wall next to the black python, the city guarding animals, which had just been strangled to death, gathered together again, but the breath had fallen to the realm of Huadao.


This time, the sea of beasts is not only tens of thousands, but hundreds of thousands of millions. That kind of sea is still on the black side.

Gaia's white face turned pale in the sky, and she didn't expect the tide to be so terrible.

At this time, a figure coagulates at her side.

"You're back at last."

Gaia frowned.

The old man didn't speak, but his evil spirit soared to the sky. Then he waved his hand, and the other two wild animals, which had no animal tide on both sides, were transferred to him.

Then a sword appeared in his hand and disappeared.


A ten thousand meter sword Qi cuts through the void and falls on the sea of beasts below. At one time, thousands of beasts are damaged.

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