The old man with a calm face and his sword in his hand kept waving, and a large number of Taoist beasts were killed by him.

Although he doesn't have much mana in his body, he doesn't need one tenth of his mana to kill the beast that is lower than him.

Maybe it's because the old tomb man was so terrible that the black boa of Tongtian got rid of the strange beast of guarding the city and then rushed to the old tomb man.

"Hum, the evil animal seeks death!"

The old man of the tomb snorted coldly and attacked the black python.

However, in the face of the black boa in the same realm as him, he was obviously not careless, and his hand was a withering and glorious sword spirit.

The black Python roared in the sky, and his huge tail slapped at the sword.


The space broke and the black Python retreated a little. But the next moment, the black Python rushed up again, not giving the tomb old man a chance to breathe.

"Boom, boom..."

The attack at the top of the two initial realms is terrifying. It is also due to the strong space strength of the celestial realms. Otherwise, it may be destroyed.

Although the whole celestial sphere could not be destroyed, the battle between the two made no living things within a hundred miles. Some of them were shocked to death, and all those who did not die fled.

And the whole star saliva city has been immersed in a dark, terrifying thunder snake constantly flashed in the air.

It's like the space in the south of the city.

And in the middle of this space, a huge incomparable body is constantly rolling, and a small figure is constantly flashing.


There were loud noises coming from inside.

At this time, around xingsaliva City, two walls have been smashed, and the ghost image of guarding the city above the sky has been very empty.

But under the road beast is still dense, eyes light looking at the top, slowly approaching.

And in front of this beast are monks. There are many of them, but many of them have already won the lottery.

"Can't you keep it?"

Gaia had a strange look in his eyes.

Because she was an old man, her accomplishments were like taking a rocket. She directly arrived at Huadao in a thousand years, which was something she had never thought of before.

But if the star saliva city is gone, where can she go and become the king of the small world? Don't joke, with her strength, the ordinary world can not bear his breath.


Gaia sighed and decided to look at it again.

Anyway, she can't help now. It's no use killing more animals. It's better to keep her strength and deal with the next thing.


In the space ruins in the south of the city, the old man of the tomb was accidentally hit by a tail of the black python, and suddenly a mouthful of old blood spurted out, flew out and hit the ground severely.

The old man of the tomb endured great pain on the ground, and his backhand was a sword.


The huge black bright tail that came directly in front of him hit the sword hard, and then patted him.


The tail retreated, and the figure of the ancient tomb man was exposed. His body had been smashed into the soil, and he vomited blood, and his breath was weak.


A roar of victory came, and the black boa slowly came to him. The huge figure looked down at him, as if he despised him.

The old man's heart sank, and he closed his eyes slowly.

At this time, a huge space was torn apart and a huge figure came out.

"Lady, we are back in the heavens."

Pangu's simple voice sounded in this space.

"Well? What a bloody smell

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