He didn't expect that Pangu, a strong man, was actually a man of cause and effect city. However, Pangu showed his super strength just now. He must help him with this help.

"No more."

Pangu shook his head, then put the black Python away, and then a white light covered his body, and then disappeared.

"It turns out that he is the Lord of cause and effect city. I didn't expect that I was still Fortunately, I didn't do it. "

Seeing that Pangu used the city master's exclusive skills to return to the city, the old man's eyes shrank and his heart was relieved.

When he came out of causality City, he still thought whether the city master of causality would stand on his side, and then what if he did not.

But now I know that even if I don't stand up, I can't do anything. Moreover, he is not the causal opponent of the giant. The opponent's strength is too strong.

In fact, the old man of the tomb didn't know that Pangu was only the Deputy City Lord, and the city master was longri Tian.

If he knew that longjitian had been nearly killed by him tens of thousands of years ago, he would not be happy. Moreover, longjitian wanted to kill xingsaliva city.

These tomb old people don't know. What he has to deal with is the present.

He walked through the ruins and returned to the sky of starsaliva city. He was very heavy when he saw that all the areas were destroyed.

"The tide of animals has subsided."

Gaia came to the old man's side and said softly.


The tomb old man ignored her delicate body and kept looking down.

The monks below died in a large area. There were bodies everywhere, including the bodies of the city and the beasts.

This time, he was not a lot of friars, and his strength was greatly reduced. It was very difficult for him to pile up the strength of guarding the city and other beasts.

With a wave of his hand, all the dead creatures flew up, and the damaged walls and stone houses were quickly repaired.

All these things were repaired, but they cost a lot of money. Although he was the city Lord, he did not add money to the city.

As for the corpses, he directly threw them outside, forming a huge mountain, that is, Baofeng, but all the bags of heaven were left.

Soon, star saliva city was restored to its original shape, but the collapse of the space outside had to be restored by itself. It may take thousands of years, it may take ten thousand years, it may take 100000 years.

The old man did not stop or look at Gaia. After recovering a little, he disappeared.

And in the city of causality, a figure appeared.

"Second brother!"

Pangu yelled, the sound echoed in the hall.

After no one came back to him, his spirit came in.

"No? And there's no animal tide... "

Pangu murmured.

"Where have they gone? Why are they not here Forget it. Settle your wife first

He let out tea and tea from his chest, and then the princess carried her back to her residence. Then she condensed a jade bed and put it on it.

On the other side, there was a wave of animals in the city of man and devil.

"Little ones, kill me!"

Outside the city, the voice of the king of golden skeletons sounded, and the gold Tomahawk fell in one fell swoop, and more than 100000 skeleton soldiers in tiandaojing were boiling.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

The skeleton soldiers are full of evil spirit, fighting spirit and killing spirit.

The king of the golden skeleton took the group of skeleton soldiers to meet the tide of beasts.

Not only they, but also a large number of all kinds of demons, but also roared, unwilling to lag behind to kill them. The number is larger than the skeleton demons, and the prestige is one point stronger than the skeleton demons.

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