"Ha ha ha, come on, little boy!"

The king of the golden skeleton held the gold Tomahawk in a big way. With each blow, he directly split a dozen beasts in front of him into two parts, and instantly dyed himself bright red.

The other skeleton soldiers were not willing to fall behind. They took away two Taoist beasts with each strike. This area seemed to be chartered by them, and all the Dao beasts were blocked.

In addition, the skeleton demons fight more and more, and there are black and gold skeleton emperor casting magic behind. Every time a beast dies, the skeleton will automatically appear soul fire, thus becoming a skeleton warrior, breaking open the body and climbing out.

"Ha ha ha, Xiao Hei, I really envy you skeleton demons. It's so strong."

The wind devil ancestor came to the black gold skeleton emperor again, laughing.

"Don't show off."

The black gold skeleton emperor is still as cold as ever, light said.

"Ha ha, don't say that."

Wind devil ancestor laughs, is really happy.

This is not true. After the last war, he reformed the wind demon clan. As long as the elite, his millions of people have been swallowed up and evolved into one million, including 950000 Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and 50000 Tiandao realm.

Although it's even worse than the skeleton demon's one hundred thousand thousand heaven realm, it's not much worse, and the yudemondi is still expanding, isn't it?

When the war is over, he will apply to the devil for a bigger land. When the time comes, his strength will not be rubbed up?

Thinking of this, the smile on the face of the wind devil ancestor is more and more prosperous.

If the black and gold skull emperor had eyes, he would roll his eyes.


There was a strong roar.

"It's the beginning of Tao and the way of beast."

Said the king of black gold skeleton.

"There should be no problem with the devil."

The wind devil Zu big care said.

"If you want to get the land, do it quickly."

The black gold skeleton emperor said this sentence, but the Dharma was not given. His huge body stood up and went to the demon beast of the beginning road.

"I'm going to Xiao Hei, who did you learn from? You will be courteous. Wait for me. "

The wind devil ancestor yelled, the wings behind him shook and flew away as a gust of wind.

And 20 miles away, a kilometer old grey giant scorpion came slowly. It was the main general of this animal tide, the dead ghost scorpion.

In front of the death ghost scorpion, a dark shadow floats in the air, and the evil spirit of terror constantly surrounds him.

He is a man and a devil. I haven't seen him for a long time. His cultivation has reached the peak of the Huadao realm, which is not much different from those who just started the Taoist realm. But I don't know why this membrane can't be broken.

"Whether we can make a breakthrough depends on this time."

The magic sound of man and devil rings.


Death ghost scorpion roar together, rush to him.

Where the death ghost scorpion passes, even the land has turned grey, and there is no trace of vitality.

There is a mirror in the hand of man.

See the mirror to death ghost scorpion, instantly will death ghost scorpion cover.

Then, a dead ghost scorpion, no smaller than the death ghost scorpion, came out, but his cultivation was not as good as that of the dead ghost scorpion. It was just the strength of the peak of the Taoist realm.


the appearance of this replica makes the real ghost of death stunned and confused. How can we have a self?

Death ghost scorpion stopped, a big forceps carefully extended to the replica.

Sure enough, although it is the beginning of the road, but the wisdom in the face of such things is still a little poor.

I saw the copy of the two pliers suddenly quickly extended, a sudden clip to the death ghost scorpion's forceps, a fierce force.


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