Of course, they knew that when they had just broken through the initial Daoist realm, they had to take a special challenge. However, they were all beaten up and hanged in zhutiancheng. Fortunately, they didn't kill them.

They didn't expect that "ten" would appear in Hongmeng city today, which made Hongmeng's heart sink.

"It's not nice of you."

"Well, it seems that the animal tide was started by that one."

Hongmeng and the tomb old man are full of taboo on their faces. They didn't expect that things would develop in this direction.

"Kill or not?"

"There's no way out!"

Hongmeng's heart was heavy and his eyes were full of determination.


Hongmeng's powerful momentum in the beginning of the road, Hongmeng city also like to respond to him, the light rose, four heads of a little illusory City guarding strange animals congealed.


"Ten" roared and raised his feet to step on Hongmeng city.

The huge feet are like the sky falling down on Hongmeng city.

Once Hongmeng bit his teeth, his body disappeared and his fist hit the foot.


There was a pause in the space, and a terrible shock wave swept around.

Fortunately, the kick was just a random hit of "ten", so Hongmeng was not injured.

"Boom, boom..."

At this time, around a burst of huge running sound, a huge dust rise.

This made Hong Meng's face change, and even the old man felt bad.

"Ladies and gentlemen, now a large number of beasts are attacking the city. It's up to you whether you can keep it or not."

Hongmeng yelled, and his body attacked the "ten.".



The monks in the city know that they can't run, they have to fight, or they will all die.

Although there is a teleportation array, there are tens of millions of them, and only a few can walk.

Then they rushed out of the gate one after another, and their momentum rose.


In an instant, they were connected with the sea of beasts, and for a time their flesh and blood were flying.

Most of the road animals in front of us are road animals, walking through the crowd, and large groups of people are trampled to death.

The old man of the tomb also went to help Hongmeng.


"Ten" roared at them with huge claws, which were very fast.

Hongmeng didn't dare to carry it, but he dodged the blow.

But the next second, I don't know where a paw came out in front of him and beat him hard.


Hongmeng's old blood spurted out and his body flew out.

The old man's heart sank, and the sword on his hand made a mysterious path and fell on the "ten".


I saw a scar on his body that was so small that he didn't even leave blood.

At this time, a black light from a sharp corner on Shi's head directly hit the old tomb man.


The old man of the tomb flew out directly, his chest was red and a stream of smoke rose. The old man who had not been completely well was injured even more.

"Surrender to me, or die!"

At this time, Xie Zhutian appeared on the head of "ten", his face was much better, and his fishy red eyes looked at them with a smile.

In his opinion, they are no longer able to return to heaven. As long as the "ten" attacks once, they will die.

But now he needs talents to help him manage the city. Otherwise, the city will be empty, or it will directly destroy the Hongmeng city.

"No way!"

With a roar, Hongmeng jumped up again, and with one blow, his fist condensed into a thousand kilometer sized fist in the air and smashed it to "ten.".


The "ten" was shot with one claw, and the fist was instantly smashed.

At this time, the old man came to Hongmeng.

"Let's go."

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