In the city of Hongmeng, a large area collapsed, and a number of beasts were abusing it. The king of beasts, the "ten", was also standing in the city, looking down at a figure below.

At this time, the old man quickly flew to Hongmeng and pulled him to shout: "go

"Hongmeng city..."

Hongmeng's eyes were bloodshot, looking at the city.

This city has been established for millions of years. He said it was false to say that he had no feelings. If he said to give up now, he would certainly not be able to do it.

"At this time of the day, it's important to protect your life!"

The old man of the tomb roared and dragged him directly to the transmission array.


"Ten" roared and patted them with one paw.

Although they were not strong in fighting, they were still very quick to escape. After a few flashes, they passed the "ten" attack.

When he came to the transmission array, the old man of the tomb rushed in directly. Hongmeng did not resist and disappeared in the transmission array.


"Ten" watched them disappear and shot them with one claw, covering the central area in an instant.


There was a tremor in the city, and the central area was directly blasted. The mountains and the earth cracked. Stone houses collapsed and the transmission array was also destroyed.

"Kill them!"

Evil kills heaven and cold voice.

The beginning of Tao can't be used by him, and it's useless to come under it.

If you don't kill them, sooner or later they will become his enemies, so he will wipe out the threat in the cradle.

In any case, the world will naturally be born race, he evil Zhutian only to do cleaning once every ten thousand years.

"Hum, long ridian, even if you remove me, but I, the king of beasts, is the master of the world."

Evil Zhutian's mouth slowly picked up, sneered, and the cold light in his eyes twinkled.


With the roar of the "ten", the Taoist beasts below were furious. One by one, the friars were killed, and they had no resistance. In front of the sea of beasts, their strength could not rise to a single wave.

One day passed.

Hongmeng City, ten thousand miles in size, has become ruins, gray ruins, corpses are all over the ground, and there are a head of beasts slowly moving, gnawing at the body.

The Lord's house of Hongmeng city appeared, and Xie Zhutian stood in front of a floating crystal.

This crystal is the city crystal, as long as you take this crystal, then Hongmeng is not the Lord of the city.

"There is only one city in the heavens, that is The cities of heaven. "

Evil Zhutian mouth hanging evil smile, and then the city crystal Meng a pick.


As the crystal of the city is picked, an energy wave sweeps around, and all the energy belonging to the city disappears where the energy wave passes.

And the city crystal in the hand of evil Zhu Tian has also become gray, and there is no trace of energy.

But he didn't care. He took Chengjing away.

"Next stop, star saliva city!"

Evil Zhutian mouth a hook, said with a smile.

Star saliva city in the transmission array, two embarrassed figure rushed out.

"Hongmeng city is gone."

Said hung Meng in a deep voice.

When Xie Zhutian removed the city crystal, he had already broken the contact with Hongmeng City, that is, he was no longer the Lord of Hongmeng city.

"Don't talk about this. Hongmeng city is gone, and the next stop is star saliva city. We must bring the Guangzu here, or we will all die."

The old man said in a deep voice, his face full of dignity.

"Let's go to holy light now."


Hongmeng naturally knows the consequences. This is a catastrophe in the heaven. Even if he is not the city Lord, he should make a contribution.

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