Time is the least valuable thing in the heavens.

Evil Zhutian has almost arrived at the star saliva City, behind him is the boundless road beast sea, dense.

"Long Ritian, I'll trouble you again and again. When I take the four cities, it will be your end."

Evil Zhu Tian eye is full of resentment, gnashing teeth said.

He sent longritian out of the heavenly cities with the blood crystal boundary, but the consequences were also very great, that is, the four heads of the original Taoist realm guarding the city animals can no longer appear.

The blood crystal boundary can keep the heavenly cities inviolable for a hundred years, but no one can enter, even himself.

But it doesn't matter. As long as he kills all the people in the heaven in a hundred years, it's the same whether he will return to the heavenly cities or not.

"Bang, Bang..."

"Ten" walked slowly step by step. I don't know how many days and nights it has gone, and finally stopped on a huge hillside.


The "ten" roared, and the voice rose for a long time.

In front of it, stands a huge and incomparable City, which is star saliva city.

At this time, under the wall of xingsaliva City, there was a sea of people. A man was waiting for him with a magic weapon.

Above the city wall, four towering figures stand, looking at the direction of evil killing heaven with dignity in their eyes.

They are Hongmeng, the old man of tomb, lingshuo and Mingshen.


Said hung Meng in a deep voice.

"Well, if we lose this battle, the celestial realms will be in a state of no return."

The old man of the tomb said coldly.

"Even we can't stop him. Who else in the world can stop him."

Lingshu shook his head.

"Well, that's right." Ming Shen nodded.

He thought that they were already the top people in the universe. After all, they knew each other several million years ago.

Among the present heavenly realms, as far as they know, there are only six of them in the beginning of the Tao realm, except for the Taoist beasts, there are only the City owners and Lingni of the other two cities.

And the Lord of cause and effect city, they thought it was Pangu.

However, they did not know that there were five original realms in the city of light, man, magic and causality, and all of them were extremely powerful. In addition, there was a king of ten thousand insects in the hands of long RI Tian, and there were not many insects in the beginning of Tao.

"Here it is, everyone kill it!"

With the appearance of the sea of beasts in the great plain, the old man of the tomb yelled and pointed his sword at the sky.


The massive monks below roared, then each displayed his magic power and rushed to the sea of beasts.

On the other hand, Xie Zhutian's face showed a trace of disdain, and then patted "ten.".

"Kill four of them."

"Ten" knew which four he was talking about. His red eyes flashed through a light, and then four of the ten black corners on his head flashed with light. Then four blood lights shot from the black corners to the ancient tomb elders.

The blood light was very fast, and it came to them in an instant.

Each of the four shows his magic power. His face is flat. His hand quickly draws a circle in the space, and a huge light shield appears in front of his eyes.

The blood light stops instantly and stabs the light shield. What meets him is the fist of lingshuo with golden light.


The blood light was smashed and exploded in an instant, but Lingshu also stepped back a few steps.

The other three also smashed the blood light one after another, plundering toward the "ten" at a very fast speed.

Xie Zhutian's mouth was slightly raised, and with a wave of his hand, his body actually disappeared in place, not into the "ten" body.


"Ten" roared, and both claws shot at the same time.

The figure of the old man in the tomb flashed, and the sword turned into a natural one, and he drew to the side of the "ten".

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