
It's like a 10 meter long sword that hasn't been scratched for ten days.

For the "ten", which is now several hundred meters in size, this injury is not a concern. He directly photographed the old tomb man with one paw.


The old man of the tomb hums, his thin body is like a broken kite, which smashes on the wall and knocks down the stone house.

"Ten" also wanted to step down, but was attacked by Ming Shen behind, and cut a knife, so it directly shifted the target. The tail emitting cold light pulled to Ming Shen, and the speed was so fast that it broke through the void.

Mingshen didn't think of this move. He was shocked and surprised with a knife.


I saw that the Ming God was also a dull hum, and flew out directly, "boom" hit the ground.


Lingshuo roared, and the golden stripes appeared on his fist, forming a huge golden fist, which hit the waist of "ten" severely.

Ten's huge body suddenly tilted and nearly collapsed.

However, with a violent twist of his head, Shi's body quickly stabilized, and his head quickly bumped into lingshuo.


Lingshu's eyes suddenly enlarged, and the blood couldn't help but spit out. His body flew out like a rag.

"Boom, boom..."

A stone house was knocked down by him, but he did not have time to slow down, his body quickly rolled to the side.

As soon as he rolled away, a huge claw that covered the sky fell on his position just now, directly shooting out a huge pit, and the dust was flying.

Lingshu didn't have time to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, but his toes suddenly flashed away his huge claws and hit them with one punch.


The sound of the Giant Claw hitting the ground was more than that of the fist hitting the "ten", but the "ten" was hit again on the forelimb on the ground, making it nearly fall.

"Attack its limbs

Lingshu cried out, his voice rang all over the hundred Li.

But a flash of blood came.


Lingshu flies out again, and a mouthful of old blood spurts out.

The other three were not idle. Their figures flickered and appeared on the other three legs of "ten" and roared.



Their attacks all went up, and the terrible attack caused the space to collapse. The legs of "ten" were concave, and the powerful waves swept around.


"Ten" let out a burst of pain, and then the huge body fell forward.

"Boom The ground vibrated and a strong air wave rolled around in the vacuum.

The four quickly retreated, and the air wave hit their faces, which made them face crooked.

But their faces grew more dignified, and their four pairs of eyes were fixed on the air.

They can feel that a terrible evil spirit is rising from the "ten", which is unprecedented.


"Ten" slowly stood up, raised his head and roared into the sky. The terrible and ferocious spirit swept away from all directions, and everything around him was shaken up and turned into blood mist.

"Please, everyone."

Hongmeng said in a deep voice.

"Kill it as fast as you can. It can't go on like this."

Lingshuo's eyes were full of solemnity and said in a deep voice.



The powerful momentum of the four initial Taoist realms soared into the sky like four pillars supporting the sky light.

In front of lingshuo, a golden light pattern appeared, which gradually connected to form a huge and incomparable light fist. Those patterns were like human veins and blood vessels, lifelike.

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