Then the light fist slowly shrinks and melts into the fist of lingshuo.

Hongmeng had a black knife in his hand, which could absorb all the light.

A large number of mana lines poured into the black sword. The black sword began to emit a faint light, and the space around the black sword was all broken.

The power of terror turned Hongmeng into darkness and covered everything.

The sword on the old man's hand was thrown into the sky, and then the runes were punched out from his hands, and they didn't enter the sword.


I saw the edge of the sword slowly dispersed, the blade became gray white, and very blunt, even the handle became dead wood.

Then a light of dusk was shining around the sword. Along with the tomb of the old man, he stood in the dusk.

The rest of the Ming God saw that he threw the sword, and a terrible heat rushed out of the sword body. The sword body became golden, and a dazzling light was emitted.

Then a huge sun rose from behind Mingshen and hung behind him. Then the golden sword fell into the sun and reflected a sword shadow on the surface.


The heat of terror instantly turned the surrounding area into a golden sea of fire. The God of inscription stood in the golden sea of fire, just like the sun god.

"Jinyang Break the day

The voice of the God is like the voice of heaven, which rings out from the sea of golden fire.

"Dry grave Dusk

"Black sky Broken


I saw them roar, different beams of light around them roared into the air.


The "ten" roared into the sky, and a terrible and evil spirit rose from his body. At the same time, the light of the ten sharp corners on his head suddenly rose, surrounded by blood dragons.

Then four huge columns of blood light shot out to meet the attack of the four.


When the two collide, the sky suddenly turns gray white, and the whole star saliva city is quiet. No matter who it is, it stops at this moment, as if time has stopped.

Two seconds later, four lights suddenly swept from the middle to all directions.

And "ten" is in the middle of these four waves, which pass through its body at the same time.


A burst of unprecedented pain roar from its mouth, only to see its black armor crack after crack, a silk of blood outflow.


Ten fell down, stirring up a cloud of dust and twitching slowly.

Where this light wave passes by, the ground is cut off, and Mingshen four people are directly swept by this light wave.

"Puff, puff..."

One by one, they flew backward, and a mouthful of blood mist erupted.

As for the people and beasts in the farther places, all of them, except those who had transformed the Taoist realm, all of them burst into blood mist and floated down in the air.

Because the battlefield is in the city of starsaliva, half of the buildings in the city have been washed away and turned into dust.

Most of the monks in starsaliva lost their bodies in this instant.

Because of this shock wave, all the animals in front of the sea died, and millions of beasts turned into corpses.


Ten kilometers away, the old man is inlaid on the ground. His breath is weak and he coughs up blood.

"Into Did you succeed? "

The old man of the tomb murmured weakly.

Then he got up slowly. He didn't have any mana on him. He was empty.

He looked at the position of "ten", which was shrouded in dust waves, but there was no movement in it.

"Did you succeed?"

The old man murmured, not sure, and then walked slowly past.

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