The other three people are also slowly approaching. They are already very weak. At this time, they can kill three of them if they come to any starting place.

But even if they are very weak, they can't be killed by huadaojing. The skinny camel is bigger than the horse.

As the dust slowly fell, the figure of "ten" appeared.

When they saw that Shi's body was still moving slowly, their eyes suddenly shrank.

"Let's go!"

The old man of the tomb cried out in a hurry.

He knew that Tao beast's recovery ability was amazing, not to mention the "ten" king of beasts. Now it can breathe in such a balanced way, which means it's OK!

As soon as the old man's voice dropped, the three of them also responded.

But it was late. A huge black armored tail broke out of the ground beside Hongmeng, and then quickly patted it to Hongmeng.

Hongmeng's eyes suddenly enlarge, but now it's too late to flash. He roars and blows out with all his strength.


The huge tail hit him hard, even his hand was broken.

How could he be so weak that he could resist the attack of "ten".

"Bang Bang..."

Hongmeng hit the ground and turned over several times.

Then, in the eyes of all the people in panic, "ten" turned up at a very fast speed and turned around violently. He bit Hongmeng with a huge bloody mouth.


Cried the old man from the tomb.

But they have come to him.

"Let's go..."

The voice of the spirit and the writing was urgent.


Without any resistance, Hongmeng was directly bitten by the "ten" and immediately vomited. The powerful body of Shidao became a joke in front of Shi's teeth.

"Let's go!"

Shouts Lingshu.

If they don't go, they will all die here. Taoist beasts can recover their energy by eating living creatures, and their body at the beginning of Taoism contains amazing energy.

I saw the hand of God Ming pressed in the front of the void, the ability of the Lord of the city of light was used, and a hole slowly appeared.

In addition, the other two pieces of heaven and earth have been broken, so there is no way for them to break through the law.


"Ten" ate Hongmeng and roared to the sky. A bright light flashed through his red eyes, which made him very energetic.

Then it slowly turned around.

The spirit of their hearts hanging up, from the atmosphere of repression has never been shrouded in their hearts.

"All right, let's go!"

When the ten raised his paws, Ming Shen said out loud, and then he pulled them to the space passage with only one person.

Three people quickly into the space channel, just into the space channel immediately closed.


As soon as the space passageway was closed, the Giant Claw patted it down, stirring up a piece of dust, and a huge claw print appeared on the ground.


"Ten" raised his claws, knew that they had escaped, and then roared into the sky.

"Boom, boom..."

At this time, the animals in the back slowly came up to clean up the mess.

Some huadaojing didn't die in the shock wave just now, but they were seriously injured. They lay on the ground motionless and could only look at the sky with dead eyes.

"Go to hell, bastard..."

When the sea of beasts rushed up again, those who did not die roared and their bodies swelled.

"Boom, boom..."

The terrifying energy exploded, and all the nearby beasts were killed.

That's right. They have to pull up a part of Taoist beasts when they die, and they take away hundreds of thousands of Taoist beasts by one self explosion.

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