Evil Zhutian came to the main hall, floating in the air a bit dim crystal.

"The second one, two more, and the heavenly cities will be upgraded again."

Evil Zhutian mouth with evil smile, hand to city crystal.


A white light swept around, and the light in the city crystal dissipated completely.

Evil Zhutian put the city crystal away and went outside.

"Next stop, holy light city!"

In the city of light.

Three figures appear from the city Lord's mansion.

After they came out, the three stopped, saying nothing but breathing.

After a long time, the old man said, "what should I do now?"

"What can we do? The four of us are not its opponents. Who else in the heavens is its opponent?"

Lingshu shook his head and sighed.

"That's right."

Ming Shen nodded.

Once again, the crowd fell silent.

Suddenly, the tomb old man remembered something.

"By the way, some time ago, the city Lord of cause and effect saved me. He is very strong, or we will bring him in?"

The old man of the tomb said in a voice.

"He is just the beginning of Tao. How strong can he be? Can he be stronger than Hongmeng?"

Lingshuo shook his head and didn't believe he could be strong.

Hongmeng was so strong that he died. If he had another one, he would have to die as cannon fodder.

"I believe that the" ten "has also been seriously injured. It will take several years to recover its full strength, so we still have several years to prepare."

"If we can't do it at that time, let's submit to him. Isn't he letting us submit to him in the days of the heavenly cities?"

Ming Shen said in a deep voice.

If not to the last moment, he does not want to surrender, after all, he is also a proud man, to this strength, of course, will not easily surrender.

Of course, he didn't want to die.


Lingshu murmured.

"I'll talk about it then." Lingshuo shook his head. He would not submit to others. What he did was to be a bully. How could he submit to others.

"Well, now we'd better recover quickly. I hope they won't come so soon."

The old man nodded and said.


Ten years later.

Shengguang city thousands of miles away from the earth.

In the boundless mountains and dense and dark forests, trees suddenly fell down.


A head of beast appeared.

From a distance, you can see a lot of Taoist beasts. The evil spirit of the beast gathered together, and the sky became red.

"Boom, boom..."

All the trees in front of the road were knocked down and then trampled into cinders.

In this boundless sea of beasts, the huge "ten" is walking, and on the top of the ten are evil killing heaven.

All the road animals around did not dare to get close to it. They all hid away.

And in the mountains ten kilometers away from the animal sea, there are many human figures.

"Here they are

The voice of the soul is deep.

"I hope we can kill them this time."

"We've done so much preparation, it should be OK."

The old man's heart is very heavy, but also holding a little hope, in case really win it.

"In five minutes, attack."

Ming Shen looked at the distance and said in a deep voice.

Below them, there are many figures. All of them are the people of light. In addition to the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, they have pulled out the holy light city. The number of people is no less than that of Taoist beasts.

Their eyes are fixed on the "ten". They don't care about other beasts. As long as the "ten" dies, they will win the battle.

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