


"Let's go."

Mingshen stares at the "ten" tightly, and shouts when it reaches the position they have set.

The old man put his hands on the ground one after another, and the golden lines rose from the air and rushed into the ground.


The people below roared and pressed their hands on the ground.

In the sea of beasts, at the foot of the road beast, suddenly a road light rises.

"Light God array!"

With a roar, the sky is covered with a golden mysterious map of terror, the sky is reflected in gold.


A head of the road beast began to get restless, one after another raised his head and howled.

Then, the array map covering thousands of miles in the sky is slowly pressed down, and the terrifying pressure will be reduced to all the Taoist beasts below the realm of heaven.

"Boom, boom..."

A head of road beast burst open, some of the road beast is pressed down.


The Ming God roared into the sky.

"Kill, kill!"

The people of Guang also responded.

Then they took his weapon and rushed to the sea of beasts.

The Ming God and the old man of lingshuo tomb, as well as a strong man from the beginning of Taoism, looked at each other, nodded, and swept away in the direction of "ten".

They take the initiative to attack, not to let the beast sea to the holy light city.

If you put the battlefield in the city of light, even if they win in the end, it's useless. The city is destroyed, so they have to preempt and put the battlefield here.

Seeing the big array in the sky, Xie Zhutian knew that they were ambushed, but he disdained to smile, and then his body slowly integrated into the body of "ten".


The "ten" was oppressed by the light God array. He could not help but roar. His two claws kept clapping, and the upper and underground arrays shook one after another.

But Ming Shen can't let the array be broken, so they can only fight against the "ten".


A huge lightsaber appeared from the void, and then rowed to the waist of the ten.


The black armor on Shi's body was blocked for a while, but after a while, it was cut open, and a trace of blood flowed out.


"Ten" roared. Although the injury was nothing, as a king, it was beaten and bled by these ants.

It was suddenly angry, the terrible evil spirit rolled out of the mat, at the same time, the huge claw patted to the next void.


The void was suddenly shot, and a white figure was shot out, spurting blood.

But lingshuo's attack also arrived, hitting the limbs of "ten" severely.


Ten suddenly was lying down, the ground a burst of vibration, raised a burst of dust.

"Roar..." Ten roared, the red pupil blood flashing, it knew that the above diagram suppressed its strength, so its ten black corners lit up one after another, and a strong blood evil spirit came from the black corner.

There was a light of blood on the black corner, and the terrible momentum spread, which shocked the four original realms. Later, they were attacked, so they retreated to defend one after another.

But the blood light of ten black horns condensed into a stream.


A terrible blood light burst into the sky.

"No, it wants to break the array!"

Ming Shen shouts in surprise. At the same time, the sword in his hand attacks the blood light one after another, trying to scatter the blood light.

Others, too, attacked him with great blood.


These attacks fall on the blood light, but the blood light still falls on the array chart.

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