
"Ten" roared into the sky and then slapped at the beginning of the road. He remembered that he gave himself a sword and bled at the beginning.

A huge lightsaber appeared from the strong man's hand and cleaved to the giant claw.


The huge lightsaber was broken in an instant, and the claw just stopped for a second, then continued to shoot.

Tianji's face was gloomy and his body quickly jumped away.

"Boom The huge claw fell to the ground, the ground broke, and a huge crack appeared.

But the next second, another giant claw, along with two blood light.

Tianji was startled and waved his hands to the giant claw. At the same time, a huge lightsaber in the sky was condensed.

When the two meet, a dazzling light shoots around like the sun, and the lightsaber is shot up again.

Ming God, their attack also fell on the body of "ten.".


The wounds appeared one after another, but the blood flashed, and the wounds quickly disappeared.

The "ten" did not take care of them, and kept on to Tianji.


Finally, the "ten" caught a chance, and a bloody light hit him. In an instant, he flew out, and the blood gushed.

Ten growled and bit at him.

"Tianji..." Lingshu shouts in a hurry, and then a huge fist is smashed out.


Ten body shakes for a while, but still falls on the Tianji.

Tianji eyes a big, and then quickly twist the body, a shot of the void, want to escape this bite.

But ten's speed was one point faster than him, and he bit one of his legs.

Tianji bit his teeth, his eyes full of perseverance and a wave of his hand.

"Hum..." He snorted, blood flowed out of the corner of his mouth, and the leg that was bitten was directly disconnected. At the same time, he patted the ground and flew away.

"Ten" who bit that leg was stunned for a moment, then swallowed his thigh and continued to chase up.

But at this time, they came to block Tianji.

"Go, go to cause and effect city, please come to cause and effect city Lord!"

The old man of the tomb roared.

Now this battle is no longer what the four of them can cope with, let alone the broken limb of Tianji. Although they can gather one leg with their magic power, their strength is still not as strong as before, so they are equal to three and a half dozen "ten.".

At this time, he had to ask him to ask Pangu. When chupangu rescued him, he would kill some Taoist beasts who had injured him. In his opinion, Pangu was very strong.

But when he saw that the Ming God had said so, he did not tell it.

Seeing that Tianji was still hesitating, tomb Gu roared again: "hurry up."


The huge claw blows, three people block down, but retreat again and again.

Tianji bit his teeth and flew to Shengguang city.

"Everybody, this time there is no way out. He can kill all the people in two cities, which means he doesn't need his men. These war beasts are his subordinates, so we can only resist."

The tomb old man waved his sword and roared.

Ming Shen naturally guessed this, but they had illusions in their hearts. But when they saw that "ten" died every time, they knew that today either they were dead or the "ten" was dead.


The battlefield was smashed, and a lot of space was broken. Every second, a large number of animals and people died, and this huge area was instantly shrouded in a terrifying evil spirit.

Every living creature dies, a evil spirit rises,

up to now, the evil spirit has condensed into a huge cloud, and the whole battlefield is full of blood.

At the transmission array of causality City, a figure with blood all over his body rushed out, emitting a terrible smell on his body.

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