After Tianji rushed out of the transmission array, he took a look around. The people around him were frightened by his terrible momentum and ferocious appearance, and retreated one after another, aiming at him carefully.

These people's accomplishments are not high, even Hunyuan big Luo Jinxian is not, in Tianji's eyes are mole ants, so he has no time to deal with them.

Now if you want to attract the city master from the huge cause and effect city, you can only release the breath and let him come out automatically. Otherwise, how to find it.


I saw a momentum of the beginning of the road in Tianji's body rushed into the sky, and the people around were rushed away by the momentum, smashed on the wall, and then pressed on the ground, unable to move. The feeling of death enveloped them.

At this time, Pangu's palace, Pangu fiercely opened his eyes, a sharp light flashed past, and then disappeared in place.

Then the sky above the teleportation array tore a huge hole in the void, and then a huge golden hand stretched out to grab Tianji.


The momentum of Tianji was instantly seized by the giant hand, and Pangu came out of the air.

"Who are you?"

After Pangu came out, he took a look at the ordinary people on the ground and found that they had nothing to do with them, only slight injuries, so he stopped.

He looked at Tianji indifferently, with endless majesty, like the emperor without God.

"Is Daoyou the Lord of Pangu city

When Tianji saw Pan Gu's strength, he felt a little relieved, but he was still very anxious.

"Yes, I am Pangu."

Pangu nodded. He was the Deputy City Lord, and it was right to call pan ancient city master.

"Master of Pangu City, Shengguang city is now facing a life and death crisis. Let Pangu city master come and help us and save millions of our people."

Tianji lowered his noble head and said in a deep voice.

Pan Gu frowned and looked at Tianji.

It was found that he was injured and his right leg was still new. The war situation was fierce.

Pangu is also a kind-hearted person, otherwise he would not incarnate in order to open up a new world.


Pangu just said one word and fell to the ground.

"Thank you."

Tianji bit his teeth, said the real city.

Then they went into the teleport.

People around began to talk, and then spread more and more. Soon everyone knew about Pan Gu and the crisis of the city of light. Some people were still thinking about whether to go to the city of light, but they were afraid of death.

Shengguang City, Tianji Pangu two people appear from the transmission array, and then Tianji takes Pangu to the battlefield quickly.

As soon as Pangu appeared, he already felt the horror of the distant sky. The sky in the distance was bloody.

Their speed is very fast. It takes less than a minute to get there.

On the battlefield, the Guangzu almost fell on one side. The Taoist beasts killed ten of them, and they killed three Taoist beasts at most.

It's obviously made of people.

But even so, it also makes the road beast lose heavily.

On the other side, a thousand kilometer giant beast is fighting with three people, but it can also be said to be pressing.

At this time, Mingshen three people have been injured, the face is full of blood.

Pangu frowned. He saw the power of the "ten." he had never seen the "ten" before, nor had he dealt with it.

"Come on

Pangu said in a deep voice.

"Well." Tianji nodded heavily.

"Heaven and earth are like images."

Pangu roared, and his body quickly grew bigger. Ten meters, hundred meters, kilometers, and two thousand meters, he stopped. The breath of the ancient world came from him.

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