Under the sky, thousands of miles of blood evil condensed into clouds.

Two thousand meters, he was covered with a big axe.

And he faced the huge beast "ten" ferociously facing them, a huge blood cell on his head, a blood column shooting out.

"Boom, boom..."

The blood light column constantly hit Pangu axe, and the defense cover on it broke off instantly, which could not block for two seconds.

The terror of the blood column did not stop, hit Pangu axe fiercely, one side of the defense shield was torn, and soon came to Pangu axe itself.

"Boom, boom..."

Blood light hit Pangu's axe, the power of terror made Pangu's face change, not from more force up.

His muscles grew bigger and bigger, and his face turned red.


Pangu roared and blocked.

They are not idle, and their magic power is constantly pouring out to share the pressure for Pangu.

On the surface of the bombarded Pangu axe, a tiny crack appeared. Although it was very small, it was indeed cracked.

As time went on, more and more people died of Guangzu. Even the ancient tomb people turned pale.

On the contrary, with the help of the energy in the blood cells, Pangu's wound has been slowly recovered and its momentum has been gradually improved.

If it goes on like this, they'll all die here.

"Brother Pangu, what to do? If we go on like this, we will all die here!"

The old man of the tomb cried out anxiously.

After such a long battle, their mana has not been much, and I don't know how long it can last. Now the situation of "ten" is getting better and better.

Pangu's face is also very bad, he can't hold on, the bombardment of blood light is getting stronger and stronger.

"Can you block a second?"

Pangu's golden pupils twinkled and made a decision.

Several people looked at each other and guessed something.

Then he nodded heavily.

"Brother Pangu, let's do our best!" Lingshuo and Mingshen Tianji nodded heavily.

"Well, I'll count three, and you'll resist with all your strength."

Pangu bit his teeth and said in a deep voice.




Three sound just fell, Pangu's body again doubled, a grasp of Pangu axe, suddenly pull up.


The huge Pangu axe was pulled up, bringing up a burst of soil.

But at the same time, the blood light came to them.

Ming God, they have already been ready, all their efforts to their bodies, one after another of the terrible energy condensation, to the beam of blood.


A dense column of blood light collided with them.

With a roar, Pangu's huge axe smashed at the "ten".


There was a flash of panic in the eyes of the "ten" and a roar was heard. The blood cells condensed a huge column of blood light and rushed to Pangu axe.



Pangu axe directly split the blood light column, but at the same time, it was broken into several large pieces.

And Ming God, they were also hit by those small blood pillars, one by one vomited blood and flew back out, the breath became weak.

They did their best, and Pangu was the one who left.

I saw that the broken Pangu axe did not stop, and a piece of the largest piece of the axe blade with the potential to open the sky, to the "ten" split.


The blade of the axe was directly inserted into the head of Shi. At this moment, the time seemed to stop.

As the blood flowed down, the blood cells on the head of "ten" slowly dissipated, and its breath gradually weakened.


"Ten" was not dead, but uttered a scream. Its body was shocked, and the pieces of axe blade flew out directly.

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